"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix


I am aware we will receive extremely strong incoming energy TODAY, within Approx 5 hours from the time of this post.
To help support individual understanding of energy I hope below helps a bit:


Before hugely strong SIGNIFICANT incoming energy, there can sometimes be personal physical body symptoms. I’m sure these vary person to person. Imagine a tsunami, where before the large wave arrives there is a receding of waters. Similarly the physical body can (if sensitive) pick up on incoming energy ahead of LANDING, and the physical body can have a SIGN prior to an extreme arrival of solar and/or cosmic energy. Key is to just observe your own body to learn your OWN physical body SIGNS.


There is BOTH simultaneously, the vibrations, varying frequencies and vibrational patterns occurring all the time, for the individual person.

1] Some will be your brain and body process of becoming more consciousness, more light body and a higher frequency physical body. This is 24hrs a day.

This is separate to:

2] Actual Incoming solar and/or cosmic Energy. Also 24hrs a day.
I don’t post ALL incoming energy as updates would mean posting every day, all day, as INCOMING ENERGY is always in movement, flow, so changes greatly within every hour of every day.


The landing of incoming energy to our planet just is, in the NOW moment. Where incoming energies felt yesterday, was incoming energy in that NOW moment. Incoming energy felt 8 hours ago was again different in frequency, vibrations, and vibrational patterns to this NOW moment as I type. And the incoming energy I can feel now (as well as the physical body symptoms of an anticipated incoming strong incoming energy), WILL CHANGE immediately when anticipated incoming energy ARRIVES.

All energy is NOW. And it changes in every single NOW moment.


So just to help understand the difference, I’ll use myself as an example:


Right now my physical body is showing MY symptoms I get in advance if a very very strong Incoming energy is going to land. My own symptoms are always a physical body anxiety (not mental/emotional body). Plus sometimes like now, Heart Palpitations. These are PRE-WAVE signs of physical body nature.

ENERGETIC: Also right now I can feel pulsing on crown, energy moving in spine and wing area, multiple vibrational patterns within my head and face (about 10 patterns). And the rest of my body, as well as arms and limbs vibrating. This is normal for me. Energy never overwhelms me. Where if I focus on any area I can detect the vibrational pattern and frequency, in an area and change it or move it. Some of this ENERGY is my own evolving consciousness and energy sensitivity. Some of this ENERGY is the CURRENT incoming energy that will change all day long, and significantly change at the LANDING TIME of the anticipated predicated incoming energy.

ACTUAL and particular PRE-WAVE physical symptoms disappear, as the incoming energy lands, and gives of it’s frequencies and patterns. Landing can be sudden Energetics, OR it can start deliciously smooth and sensual, and build to a MASSIVE strength of vibration. Increasingly we are feeling ALSO the Cosmic Pulse, as well as the ever heightening frequencies, on top of the vibrations and muliple vibrational patternings. So the incoming energy of the current NOW changes as solar and/or cosmic energy actually LANDS. In that NOW moment.


Would be to focus only on YOUR individual energetic sensitivity. Observe any of your own physical body anomalies pre-wave. As well as observe your own changing sensitivity to your OWN ENERGY FIELD and LIGHT BODY. As well as notice the frequencies, vibrations and patterns you experience during incoming energy surges. In effect, there’s 3 different things to get familiar with:

1] PRE-WAVE body effects.
2] EVOLVING Conscious sensitivity and ability to be, become energy.

But JUST for YOU. As we are all individual. The more your light body comes on line, the more we feel and work with energy. Be the LIGHT BODY itself. That is SPINNING LIGHT ENERGY.
Remember that all incoming energy takes between 2-3 days to integrate into your physical body cells. At point of integration, we usually receive new data, aha moments, new energetic experiences or awareness.
I hope that helps support in some way. But extremely strong incoming will land within Approx 5 hours of this post and effect each person uniquely.

Sending love to you all,
2 September 2023
source - facebook

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