"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Cosmic Gateway - Restoration of Right Relationship - 18.09.2023

We are currently going through a phase which has been shared with me as being in the 'birth canal' of Restoration of Right Relationship. This process starts firstly with coming into coherence with right relationship with self and then extends into our interpersonal relationships.

With a big emphasis put on our most intimate Soul Connection!
This is something which has been out of balance for so long, over the eons of time Divine Partnership have been split, separated, lots one another, delt with huge levels of interference, distortions, confusion

There is something incredibly powerful which has started to stirring within the collective consciousness over the past few weeks which is presenting as a reversal of the inversion of the distorted Relationship template. It's a correction which is occurring at the highest levels which is slowly trickling down into our consciousness & physical experience.

It's almost as though those who hold within their soul’s frequency the organic code or signature of Divine Partnership templates is being accessed & coming online.
As this energy activates within an individual it creates an instant shift in their energy field. They start to access more of their own energy and obstructions that have prevented them from seeing what was previously hidden gets highlighted, exposed & broken free.

This is a catalyst to completely change the individual's life from the inside out, from the ground up! So that a soul aligned pathway can be accessible & fulfilled. At times people deny the call or brush it aside because they are stuck in their own patterns, cycles, attachments, co-dependency & it feels all to head to make the changes. It's then from a soul level a catalyst occurs which is a form of Divine intervention that may seem extreme or negative. However it's actually a course correction, a soul adjustment to reposition us back on our path.
The huge amount of individual's I've witnessed going through their own experience of this right now is beyond incredibly.

We've been through these relationships change ups before as it goes in phases & stages but I can honestly say I've never witnessed it to this magnitude before.
This directly connected to the planets Ascension process as more souls who are a frequency match come into resonance not only does it completely enhance their abilities, destiny & purpose amplifies this frequency into the collective.
Want to know more about Divine Partnership Archetypes and the purpose of Counterpart connections ~ I highly recommend listening to a article I wrote a few years ago on my New Earth Children channel:

Here is the link:

Are you witnessing changes within your own personal energy & relationships occurring?
This is just the beginning of the information that is coming through about this through my client session, with permission & great excitement I'll be sharing more with you all soon

Much love
Alisha Braché
source - facebook

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