Dear family, sorry I've been missing like this anymore during these days, but I had an experience on August 29th in the morning that completely disconnected me from everything. If I share them it's not because it's important to you, but because of the responsibility I have to assist you in the process of adaptation of the physical body and its symptoms and that I will continue to fulfill as they guide me.

I want to tell you a little about what I'm experiencing now because it can serve as a confirmation that everyone's Destiny is fulfilled when the time comes. Since I was a little girl I knew that at some point I would go to a particular place in the world (I prefer to reserve the place) answering a higher calling. Throughout my life I was receiving signs and confirmations, some very subtle and others very obvious, that it would be so and finally that moment came. With the will of God first
, in a very few days I will be in that place willing to do what I need and trusting that I will be in the right place at the right time. Although I had already had some signs that I had to go through some preparation time to receive clear instructions regarding this trip and what I must do there, on August 29 in the morning I was awakened by "lightning" (it wasn't raining and there was no form) that actually had happened, but I heard it clearly and felt it) and immediately after the deepest "voice" I've ever heard resonating inside and outside of me, told me something my rational mind couldn't understand, but my conscience did. At that moment it was like I was suppressed and disconnected from everything (that's why I disappeared because even this page temporarily ceased to exist for me), I also began to see places, landscapes, and very specific points that I'm not sure actually exist (or that they are look exactly the same) there, but I have faith that I will know how to find them. I know there is still something I "don't know" because I will know until it is there, so I go with confidence that it will happen what must be according to the plan of the Divine Consciousness, with the mind and heart open, totally empty of myself (without expectations nor pretensions) and all the stories my human could have told me all these years. So, as you might already imagine, it's a leap of faith into the unknown, all alone (I mean people) and without any certainty of anything. 

I trust that if you have had some physical symptoms you have been able to identify them and find serenity within yourselves to cope better and assist your body in its process letting yourself be guided by your intuition. Always remember that everything is already in you and that what I share here in relation to the physical body is just a confirmation so that you don't feel like you're going crazy or that something is wrong with your body, but nothing else. Be sure you’re doing what is right, as long as you’re doing your heart tells you. 

"Every tree, every thing that grows as it is
Grow up, he tells this truth:
you will reap what you sow.
With a life as short as half a breath,
don't plant anything but Love" (I think it's from Rumi


source - facebook
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