"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Amanda Lorence - Learning dreams - 09.09.2023



I share a ‘Learning Dream’ received recently, 03 September 2023, to uplift you.


I was a conduit, showing the Celestial Realms via my consciousness, a scene playing out (a ‘future’ timeline to happen on planet Earth physical reality). In the scene I saw thousands of adults of all ages moving happily, calmly, towards a large theatre called ‘The Everyman’. Some had already gone in and were listening to the music being played, but outside, masses were gradually moving forward towards the large theatre entrance. Behind all the adults CHOOSING and HAPPY to be there, moving forwards to the entrance of the theatre, were masses of young children all grouped together (aged 3-10 approx). The children were very excited, happy, having fun, already dancing all together, jumping up and down together, some were doing cartwheels. I heard the sounds of instrumental music coming from the inside of the theatre. All had arrived because they WANTED to hear the music being played.


THEATRE: when shown to me is always a worldwide scene containing WITHIN the theatre, a COLLECTIVE STORYLINE pre-designed specifically by God. Not designed by human, Galactic or Celestial. But God’s Design. What I call the ‘Greater Design for humanity’.


Available to EVERY man, woman and child upon Earth.


God’s harmonics and Design. ‘Calling’ unawakened to receive within them, their awakening. One by one. Via harmonics. A symphony was being heard and played. They KNEW to show up. Wanted to by choice. Yet this dream showed MASSES awakening at very close times to each other.

Some of you may recall I have shared several times in videos and written, that I’ve been shown many times now, that many unawakened chose at SOUL LEVEL, to wait, not awakened early, but wished to receive a huge surprise at a specific point in the collective timeline. This latest dream affirms that too and fills me with such joy for All.


The unawakened adults were ‘called’ in, notably first, before the children. Had the unawakened children gone inside before their parents or loved ones, the yet to be awakened adults may think the child to have human ‘mental problems’. By their parents and other adults awakening first within the theatre, they will be understanding of any child’s awakening experiences and changes, and so can more easily and adequately support them.


I am rarely shown dates. I only know that for nearly 11 years now, my Learning Dreams always play out within our physical reality. Sometimes within 24hrs. Sometimes it takes weeks, months or years. And I have learning dreams where part of the dream has occurred but the next part(s) are still to come.

I share to uplift you. As I know many have been concerned over the children. Or their loved ones. My Learning Dreams sometimes explain, how energy, reality and God’s creation works, or can show my personal path details and timelines ahead, or sometimes as this one, COLLECTIVE scenes to come worldwide in a future timeline.
It was such a beautiful, happy dream to witness.

The painting below is NOT of this or any dreaming. It was a knowing prediction I received in 2014, of a future collective timeline that shall occur in our LONGER collective timeline. So AFTER, this Learning Dream I share occurs. I only share part of the detail of the painting prophesy for now. But seeing the adults of all ages, and the children in my recent learning dream reminded me of my painting painted in 2014.
My only wish, that this post uplifts any that are concerned. And bring many more, the joy and beauty of God’s Love and care, for All.

With Love
9 September 2023
Painting: By Amanda Lorence
Oil on Canvas
Entitled: Knowing
source - facebook

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