"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Amanda Lorence Update - Your way - 07.09.2023



There is never ONE WAY, one style, one path modality that fits all. There are the MANY individualised PATHS within the whole Collective of Humanity. No matter the couture, religion, churches, no religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, colour, or spiritual focuses. There has never been ONE way fits all. But verily, the many ways God calls us all. What matters is YOUR way, your divine path unfolding. To follow, within you. Given to the individualised aspect of you, through God.

For some, the intensity shall continue for more linear time of the longer timeline period I have already shared about…Tribulations.


In this ‘longer timeline’ I have already spoken of, there will be many AWAKENED and unawakened that shall spread fear, intense separation, or control, and will also strongly be needing to voice to you:

“You are wrong. For I am right.”
“You must do this, not that”
“You must look here, not there”
“Come over here”. “Listen to me”.

And if you do not, as intensity rises for some, they shall be the one’s to loudly condemn you. And seek others through their own need of control, to also condemn you. Yet…this just is. The prophecised TIMELINE unfolding.


Feel beyond all stories…

As I’ve pointed to for many years, energy just IS. It energetically ‘speaks’ to us beyond all words spoken. All of humanity is becoming more sensitive to energy. Meaning they can feel the energy BEHIND any words spoken. Energy frequency just is. It is not judged, for energy values of hertz are just that. Hertz frequencies. So to support you, you have the ability to FEEL everyone. You can FEEL if words spoken are different to the underlying energy being emitted. No matter the words spoken in times ahead and now, FEEL behind all words spoken OR written. Let the underlying energy in any encounter be your guidance. Not what is articulated, written or spoken. You can know by the underlying energy what is disguised, what is false, what is the ego speaking, what is an underlying fear or defense, what is of separation, of duality, what words are just paraphrasing others but not embodied of that which they speak, what words are spoken but underlying are not meant, what words have underlying energy of subtle or blatant control. Read energy, behind everything, as we go. The increasing way of feeling and reading ENERGY frequencies, becomes humanities navigation system. You ARE energy. You return to BEING energy. Light body. So you navigate all, BY ENERGY. In this STATE of LIGHT BODY, there is always peace within you. No matter any outside scenes.


There is your OWN divine unfolding to be present to. Take notice of. Be with. Have faith in. For God walks inside and beside all, through It’s invisible footsteps. How do you align to those steps and become KNOWING of them? Through your heart. Choosing God’s Love within you. Being of God’s Love in your footsteps. It is through aligning to God’s calling, your awareness expands into MORE of God. Serving God’s Will, through you. Where in your state of eternal peace, you let all else outside of you…be as it may. And keep walking. Keep embodying. Serving God as shown and spoken from within you. You know your way and have that utter faith within you. In God.

Only you, and God know your path, your reason for coming here. And your perfectly pre-designed timelines. Follow YOUR own path style. Be at peace IN your own individualised timeline, that is within a vaster collective timeline and collective storyline. Easily allowing all others their way. For you know God is within all beings.

Let all those that need to speak, speak. Let all those that wish to shout, shout. Let all those that wish to proclaim the way, proclaim. Let all those that wish to judge, or judge you, judge. You are the Peace. The eternal peace. You are here to embody fully. And that way, is by following YOUR very own, perfectly designed path.


By listening to the silence, you are given hearing.
By seeing in silence you are given sight.
By quietening the human voice, (and sometimes the human avatar’s ego voice), the PUREST voice can and shall come through you.
By your courage, into the many unknowns, of no man’s land, the way is opened. Through God’s invisible footsteps. That were always there, within and beside you.
The magnetism of love, God’s Love, becomes you. To be, walk as, emit as, give from. Live within, of and by.


And at this juncture, we are each very much so within our OWN passageway, that leads to individual revelations within YOU, in late September. I share with you every year around this time (of my own style and path), that SEPTEMBER is the time of the HARVEST for each. Where all that each gave, focused on, chose, did, spoke, thought, felt, and did, in the previous year’s solar cycle, comes to individual fruition for each one. Where we reap what we have sown. I personally experience this for myself on 22 September each year, the day of my own awakening. But for others, it may be before, on or around the actual EQUINOX (23rd Sept). The individual gift, of your HARVEST, given to you by God, you are aware of, if present. Not distracted. Yet although gifted, shown, heard, it will not be entirely understood at the September HARVEST time of RECEIVING unto you. There is the ‘settling in’ time of any divine harvest, until OCTOBER. Where in October, more is LITERALLY EMBODIED, given, understood within you, thus known, as a permanent point of activation of increased CONSCIOUSNESS, based on your own Path Stage.

Personal Note:

Because my awakening anniversary date is 22 September, where year on year I have witnessed each time what is gifted to me, I always know this is the most important time of year for ‘me personally’ and my path. And so, I am outwardly very quiet. Unless called to share here in some way.

It is my knowing, that the greatest thing anyone of us can do for all, is to listen to our own individual callings, in order to step by step, fully embody that which we have each come to give of to All, through God.

With love always,
07 September 2023
source - facebook

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