"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Judith Kusel - The Lightness of Being - 03.04.2024

When you adopt the Lightness of Being, you walk lightly through life, filled with Divine Light, Divine Love and Divine Power. As One.

Although you are on the earth you are not of her. You simply observe life and intricacies unfolding, without allowing yourself to be pulled in. This does not mean you are closing your heart, merely that your heart is wide open, and love pours from you, but you choose to not allow yourself to be affected by all the dramas, the actors, the plays, the movies which are being played out. Whether on a small local stage or on the greater stages. You know it is all a huge movie, a script, a play.

You would rather choose to write your own script and stay true to your own soul, your soul mission and purpose.

What the planets and stars do or do not, as well as the sun and moon, is interesting yes, as watching the tides come in and go. Yet beyond all of these lies the infinite Source of the All Knowing, All Seeing, All Hearing, and you trust you own inner Soul knowing, more than anything or anyone else.

Every day it is with the knowing, that whatever comes onto your path: “This too shall pass!”
The Lightness of Being, means that every morning you affirm the goodness of life, you affirm what you wish to experience, be, and fully embrace Divinity within you, trusting that you will be guided every single step of the way. Now you surrender your ego and allow the Greater Divine Will to become one with your own.

With it comes inner peace, inner joy and the ultimate knowing that all is unfolding perfectly. You know that there will be challenges, yes, as much as there is always support. Simultaneously. The one is never without the other.

Yes, you are often shown what is happening on a vast cosmic and global scale, and you trust what is given, but it does not run your life. For your whole attention is focused on each living moment and each living day, and to render the most loving service in the most loving way, for the greater good.

The Lightness of Being is filled with joy, awe, and wonder, as you become aware of the miracles which are happening right here and right now. So often those miracles are there in the beauty of flowers, the exquisite hues of dawn and sunset, the blue of the sky, and sparkling of the sunlight on the water. It is there in the laughter of children, and flight of birds and their songs, it is there in seeds which sprout of the ground, and yes, those unexpected blessings which silently come your way!

Gratitude rises for you realize that every living moment has its own miracles and every living moment its own blessings and how infinitely blessed you in truth are!
The Lightness of Being is in truth living in a state of Love.
For Love in truth is everywhere, and never absent and has trillion faces, yet in truth is the same Divine Love, which created yourself and All That Is!
Embrace the Lightness of Being today and for the rest of your sojourn on earth, with love and joy!

Judith Kusel
Photo: Josephine Wall
source - facebook

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