"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Nicky Hamid - On being Generous to Yourself

On being Generous to Yourself.

The New crystalline circuits are forming in your brain with entirely new neurons firing with an increased capacity and frequency. As these fire and bring about an entirely new range of reception and perceptions there is nothing special to do since you are living within the Law of your own Unfolding (Ascension).

It is because of such changes all of us are requiring much more rest and sleep.
These circuits do also require repetition in use to establish thought triggers that are linked to new deeper feelings, and while you are making this changeover from the old 3D (dropping all 'baggage" and old identity beliefs) it helps to input a few little devices to build in Heart linked patterns of thought commensurate with your permanent choice of Self Lovingness.
Such devices as, frequent internal Smile, "Thankyou, thankyou", “Yes, yes, yes", “Wow”, “How would love see it", hand on Heart, feelings and statements of gratitude, etc. are very powerful and transformative.

Done to events in your life, and others reactions, "good or bad", and done also for no other reason but that you have thought to do it and it feels good.

One simple yet profound and powerful message worth incorporating is self-praise. Letting yourself hear out loud, and internally the feeling of your loving self-acknowledgement. Saying to yourself frequently eg, "Good job ............(your name)". When you do things. Let yourself hear and feel this. The "watcher" in you praising the doer that you are. And this can be done whether it is a "big" job or a small every day one like doing the dishes. "Good job Nicky", "Well done......." , "Job well done........"

Even if it is a "fail" like forgetting something, it matters not for it is all you and now there is no judgement of "good" and "bad".

For example, I stubbed my toe hard yesterday day and after the initial "Ooo ouch" I smiled to myself and said out loud "Good job Nicky, well done". Give yourself a pat on the back frequently. It works wonders. Honour and praise, lighthearted and fun running through these new circuits.
Shine On
I So Love You
PS And the most important practice of all is to develop a 24/7 SIMULTANEOUS loving conversation with the "watcher" (your SOUL BEING) and the ego (the "doing" self".
PPS Your body in these times especially needs your Love and endorsement for it has been much maligned by what you have said about it. Didn't you Know that your Body Intelligence has been listening to you all your life? How can it bring on line your True capacity to heal itself and regenerate while the thoughts you carry and your attitude towards it is so disempowering? Pi has heard it all. As Master you have the power to speak to it as a Loving, encouraging Master, giving back to your Body Intelligence the permission to do what it can do Instinctively.

source - facebook

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