"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Amanda Lorence - Within this ongoing tribulation timeline - 07.04.2024

There is ONLY God. Everything is already WITHIN God. Even if many forget this OR choose to forsake this.


May each in their hearts, choose to seek their true alignment to God, via their own, raising, internal FREQUENCIES. To DO God’s WILL alone. Not human WILL, seemingly separated to God.

When your alignment and will is of the human avatar, it is aligned IN illusion or other illusional holographic realities. Notice that. Be aware of that. Where you are in alignment TO certain ranges of HERTZ FREQUENCIES within various frequency BANDWIDTHS, OF illusion. In that moment you are INSIDE of the illusion. Inside the Game or Matrix. As the human avatar, still within its OWN programming.

AS A CONSCIOUSNESS STATE, outside of all illusions, there is:
Love within you as a vast Love for All.
The presence of Eternal Peace within you.
The Eternal Bliss.
The awareness state of the Holy Spirit.
The Divine Presence of God felt, abiding within you.
The Divine Essence of God felt and known outside of you within all things.

Be aware of your focus and devotion daily. Is it aligned to the One Divine Source that IS? For this is why you came. To consciously birth IT through you, by matching your individualised frequency to the DIVINE SEED you hold. To not become entangled INTO the OUTER (inside of the illusions). And not be distracted too greatly by the actual awakening JOURNEY itself (still inside of your own programme as well as exploring additional holographic paradigms). Allow the journeying, revelations, and self realisations, but keep going. To set up ‘home’ in the spiritual journeying is to choose to stay there, in that frequency paradigm you have created. Keep going…if you wish to, for there is so much more.

Always, return to your heart and mind’s devotion…to the ONE God (by whatever name you desire to call IT). If not within the ongoing ‘Timeline of Tribulation’, then when? People FULLY SURRENDER in their own time. Or resist, fight, control, seek human power, argue, debate, judge, blame, desire, FEAR when they have not reached their OWN point of FULLY SURRENDERING INTO God. Which ends their separation. By Self Realising INSIDE of God. Wilfully, allowing the birthing of God’s Dreamings for this solid world paradigm, through YOU. Where God’s Will includes ALL, in IT’s constant never ending Love as ALL. For God’s Presence is within ALL. In these times particularly the time ahead, it is not enough NOW to intellectually know this in the mind, or debate this, or argue this within the human avatar mind or with one another. Where the micro war inside one’s own mind, is the war given out, created, outside, at a macro level. It is not enough NOW to just believe in God. For BELIEF is, a state and idea of the human being, seeming separated in their consciousness state, to God Consciousness. You came to consciously forget, remember, then KNOW and experience God’s Presence IN you, and outside of you. You came to birth, be and give of God’s Presence, and in ‘times’ ahead, BIRTH God’s DREAMING of paradise for all, into this reality, through YOU. Only through your consistent RAISING of LOVE’s OCTAVES of hertz frequencies within you, together with your consistent DEVOTION to God Source, do each remember this. And do this. Through step by step becoming internally aligned to those MUCH HIGHER, yet VERY SUBTLE higher frequencies. That may be SO subtle to the human at first (and why many don’t notice them at first), yet those higher frequency alignments of the sacred TRINITY you CHOOSE to SUSTAIN and BECOME, hold within it as ONE, the VAST nature of Divine Presence everywhere.

With all my love,
7 April 2024
source - facebook

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