"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix



For those that remember my videos and written posts from March 2023 onwards, where I talked about a ‘MIDWAY POINT’ within the longer period of ‘Tribulation’. And my confussion of ‘not knowing’ WHEN this Midway Point would be:

I am now aware, humanity is APPROACHING the Midway Point of Tribulation. The word ‘approaching’ is an ambiguous word. So anytime from NOW to within the next 3-4 months.

1] This is when roles change as I have already mentioned about the Midway Point. Roles that align within, the subtle, higher frequency fields of Consciousness. One by one, per individual divine blueprint timings. And yet those that know of this for themselves, will have been knowing their role change for at least a year. They will already be FEELING the transitioning to it occurring within their daily states of consciousness. And how THAT knowing, affects what they are currently doing in service. I repeat, this is of the more SUBTLE higher hertz frequencies within. So will not be currently obvious to much of humanity. As linear time unfolds within the Longer Timeline of Tribulation, many divinely orchestrated roles (that align to serving God’s Dreaming being birthed) shall become more obvious within this vast shared world. Many people all around the world shall receive dreams about people who have these new roles. Or simply become aware of them, through synchronicity or energetic magnetism.

2] In contrast, the grosser fields (meaning of more density, thus lower hertz frequencies), will become of HEIGHTENED INTENSITY as we move towards the ‘Midway Point’. This will be evident in the main world man made scenes as it is grosser energy within the intensity. As well as Mother Earth plus Skies and farther atomospheres displaying their expressions divinely overseen by Source for eyes to see. Grosser (lower hertz) conscious perceptions find it harder to FEEL, SEE and HEAR the subtle higher hertz fields that hold data information of the higher truths (the bigger picture divine design of God). Yet this will change as people change. Many will DIVINELY transition at their pre-designed timing. Yet transition is NOT what it seems, no matter how it appears. It is their divine blueprint to do so. A soul’s choice at soul level.

3] There is also a third band RANGE that will be affected by the approach to and AT the Midway Point (I emphasise ‘range’ as the hertz frequency range of this bandwidth is vast, of different frequencies and thus perceptions within the scale of the bandwidth). People in this range will be in different degrees of INTENSITY. Some just momentarily in an intensity, then returning to a higher frequency state of being, followed by another time of inner intensity. Others will be more consumed by their inner intensity, as INSTINCT / THE EGO (lower chakras) in REACTION to either the worldstage OR their individual personal lives and relationship to others. This will be what arises within the person in this frequency range, to be seen, as an opportunity to LET GO OF: Beliefs, behaviours, REACTIONS, egoic tendencies, that only arise at this DIVINE TIMING at increased intensity to be clearly seen by the human, where another HIGHER HERTZ ENERGY CHOICE of how to think, feel,speak, act can be made. This is all divinely orchestrated to help the person rise in their frequency, and let go of what they truly, are not.

I cover very basic categories in points 1-3 above. Knowing of the vast individuality of experiences of nearly 8 billion people on Mother Earth.


In this Game, that we all have been in and come out of, are many Divine Light Laws. One of which is:

One CAN NOT UNDO what has already been done, thought, spoken, actioned. But every single one CAN make NEW choices that align more and more to their PUREST version, that they truly, truly are, prior to incarnating to have this experience within a density and forgetfulness.


We have, since 22 March 2023, been collectively IN the Timeline of Tribulation. It is a prophesied timeline of underlying SUBTLE Divine orchestration. No matter how it appears within humanities vastness and degrees of forgetfulness of consciousness. TRIBULATION lasts approximately 3 years. The midway point in and from the SUBTLE FIELDS of HIGHER HERTZ will be the beginning and ongoing UNFOLDMENT in linear time of higher hertz support to help prepare people around the world, for the period AFTER Tribulation. I have not ever spoken or written about the period AFTER Tribulation, as it is not right timing to do so. The throat is also energetically ‘sealed’ from doing so. Yet it is of immense love, deeply profound, and humbling for ALL in this world, and those that have transitioned that are watching us and willing us all on.

I will do a very short post simply ‘announcing’ we are AT the ACTUAL ‘Midway Point’ when we reach that collective LIGHT NODE point. Yet we are NOW on our way to approaching it.
With so much Love to you All,

15 April 2024

source - facebook

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