"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Amanda Lorence - THE MUSIC OF GOD - 27.04.2024


God created all frequencies and vibrations, outwardly of IT’s original State.

The further away from God, the lower the hertz frequency. The closer to God, the higher the hertz frequency. Yet all at once, the ascending and descending frequencies are notes, of vibration. Sound, which is…Music.

Your brain is a receiver and transmitter of frequencies and vibrations. Your physical body, your light body, your soul are the instruments. They are each different structures of LIGHT densities and each have different FUNCTIONS.

Everything created from God, is made of Frequecies, Light and Vibrations.

When your brain attunes to higher and higher SUSTAINED hertz frequencies, you become more and more SENTIENT. You attune to the less dense structures of Light Body and Soul. And through them, combined (light body and soul) with your human physical avatar, you FEEL (sense), see and hear, higher frequencies that were unseen due to the HUMAN brain’s ability to PROCESS higher hertz frequencies. But they were always there. Unseen. Misunderstood. Misinterpreted by the brain, thus the thoughts of human. Frequency denotes perception. Frequency denotes states of consciousness experienced and/or sustained.

And so the well known phases of Jesus actually explains this in his own way, in those times:
“For those that have eyes to see and ears to heaven”.
“The Kingdom of heaven HERE.”
“The Kingdom of Heaven is within you”.

Everything was always here, waiting to be met by us, by raising our frequencies, balancing the brain, whilst simultaneously dissolving the human programmes of conditionings. So that our brain could interpret more easily and most importantly, interpret ACCURATELY, the higher hertz frequencies that were always there. All LIGHT contains DATA (knowledge). And so we unpackage more higher hertz data the higher the frequency we attune to. Where the objective is to sustain LIVING in those higher frequencies as our every day living state of being. Whilst having this avatar physical body in this solid (condensed light) holographic reality, this lifetime.
All sounds, light and vibrations came from God. Emitted OUT. As music. When you as the human avatar, attune to, sustain and emit, higher hertz frequencies of YOUR physical body and Light Body aligned to your Soul, you attune to higher and higher hertz frequencies. And through your living IN that SENTIENT STATE, you sense (feel) and are with, the original song of God. For you have attuned to IT’s original Song. Your eyes see, your ears hear, yet you see all layers all at once, in the same moment.

Through you sentience of being, through all of your bodies, you can then play, walk, and dance, create via sentient BEING WITH/IN God. In IT’s Song. That shall be known by so many upon the world.

Heaven IS within YOU. It always was and is. Waiting to be remembered, waiting to be found. Through your own inner devotion…to seeking… God (by any name).

With love always
27 April 2024
source - facebook

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