"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Cosmic Gateway - Collective upward swing is about to catapult us into the New Space - 25.04.2024

Hey Soul Tribe,

How are you feeling?

Today there as been another energic layer which has been shed, this has been palpable through the Collective Field.

The Energy's of Grief, Sadness or just feeling out of Balance is very heightened for those who are preparing to move fully into the "New Space."

How I understand it is the layers which are shedding are the old version of ourselves, the Final Collapsing of Timelines.

These Timelines include the Corrupted, Inverted & Distortions experiences along our Souls Pathway.

This is a Pivotal process for Returning back into Unity & Love within Ourselves.

When there are marker days such as Anzac Day, Global Events this can create a stir, within our Field and if we are sensitive it can exacerbate our own internal process.

New Intel came through late last night...

This is a 3 stage process that many are going through now.

Those who are connected within the same Soul Group the beloved Soul Tribe.

We are exiting out of this "overtime" period and grounding ourselves into the "New Space."

Once enough of us have landed in this place and reconnected, this will create momentum & an upwards shift within the Collective Field.

We all then arrive in this Co-Creational New Space. This is where we get to Colllaborate, Celebrate & Enjoy the fruits of our labour.

The hard work wasn't in vein, we had all Arrive!

We get the Opportunity to Acclimatise within this space, it's the training wheels. As we join Forces & Come Together.

This naturally will bring so much Vibrancy & Light that it will Activate the first Collective Solar Flash Event.

This process will give us all the Opportunity to Embody within us new Frequencies, understand our Soul Skills, Abilities & create great Abundance.

We then finally get the Freedom that we all deserve!

I'm very excited to share this information & will continue to share more as it comes through.

Much love & gratitude
Alisha Braché
source - facebook

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