"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Nicky Hamid - Mind your own Business

This is a tough one for so many.
Especially in these times when you see so many suffering through the choices they have made, some of which could be a matter of life and death.
As long as anything gives you the feelings of your own helplessness it takes you away from your compassion, away from your Heart. It is in Love we can truly hold the space for others to find their own strength.

None of us can know what another's journey of choices are. Sure, things can look grim if we choose to go into mind and old fear emotion sequences. But we are learning to live in a New reality and in doing so Light, enlightenment spreads.

Change your world, the world of your experience and you are creating the New world. It is spreading daily, hourly, minute by minute. We are doing it. every single time you choose the place of the Real from the world of ‘appearances”.

All the old dramas are disintegrating so don't perpetuate or give energy of the unkind lies others are telling themselves of their own powerlessness and need to continue the fight".
If you think you need to be in any kind of battle to win then there has to be a loser.

You know better so stop being drawn in and stand tall in your Compassion and Love for every Precious Soul in their "well chosen" journey.

Drop the fear of death. The Illusion that this is our only life, and that Life is not a Flow from one set of "awarenesses" to others. Drop the whole notion that we cannot and have not created everything that we are choosing to experience.

Your love for others is your very Innate Nature but it is demeaned and you dishonour others and yourself when you are drawn into and lose sight of the fact that that same power you are finding with yourself belongs to Everyone.

You cannot know what is being conjured up in other people's minds. Nor can you know what contracts to experience, others have made with their own Soul Being, in their life journey.
By all means, through your love and kindness, hold the space for others, and touch with Love whenever and wherever you can, but it is they who will decide when and how to step into it, not you.
I So Love You
PS: It is vital for us all now that WE focus on Loving everything about who we are. And this means being True to Yourself. It also means that you have to say "No" frequently to the need to step into to rescue when the other has yet to choose their own Truth Knowing. To not say "Yes" when your Truth Telling says otherwise. How can you truly honour another if you are not honouring Yourself?
To Remember, the Real Self, Your Shining, is Infinite, Indestructible, Immutable, Ineffable Beloved HUman.

source - facebook

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