"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Amanda Lorence - Stories keep you inside of your own programme and illusions - 13.04.2024

In LETTING GO of all STORIES of the mind, or stories others tell you, you can, experience the Presence of God. Everybody can if they choose by their devotion to know THYSELF.


Everything is a STORY (both old & newly created mind stories), for both awakened and unawakened). Just different stories, or similar ones. It’s all STORY. Your OWN UNIQUE awakening journey is also in a ‘storybook’ style. Everyone’s life is experienced as their own book, with chapters. Until you step (or leap) outside of your book.

Be home in God Consciousness, or run around in seemingly repeat cycles (temporal looping), or lose your human way, WITHIN ANY part of your STORY or CHAPTER of the human, living. Akin to Dorothy in the film ‘The Wizard of Oz’, traversing the Yellow Brick Road. And the characters that one meets along the way. The distractions, desires, fears, confusions, not knowings, feeling lost, manipulated, controlled etc. Notice in The Wizard of Oz how some STAY INSIDE the story, and various scenes, believing their story, life, and purpose to be real. But Dorothy, keeps going…does not set up ‘home’ in any of the scenes she encounters along the Yellow Brick Road.

And so, of the human ‘experience’ to SEE, all IS story. Each human mind creates story after story in their own mind. That indeed, allows for the experience of the human avatar having the experiences, within their own holographic reality.

No one has YOUR Divine Blueprint. No one person has YOUR way. Or YOUR book of this Lifetime. It is designed uniquely FOR YOU. Never let another influence your STATE or tell you what YOU should be doing or not doing. For YOU have, divinely embedded within you, YOUR own Blueprint, your own clues, puzzle pieces, journeys to take and most of all, your very own ‘timings’. And so, to not get caught up in another’s way, style, or stories. Their story telling is based on THEIR WAY and their own experiences within their BOOK and most importantly, within their OWN ‘timings’. Only YOUR divine soul blueprint, tailor made for YOU, empowers YOU. Brings you back to your conscious awareness of God within you. Via your own daily ways, of your devotion in God and what you choose, daily, to focus on.


Of all current stories of the mind.
Of all ‘past’ stories of the mind.
Not create NEW stories from your human mind.


Of believing you are a human with a finite body that has a consciousness separate to you.
Of believing everything and everyone is separate to you.
Of believing God is separate to you.
Of believing there is any death for any being. Only the vessel stops. Not the spirit within it.
These are all stories told, that can be believed by the human avatar.


With being IN the conscious Presence of God.
With the feeling, thus knowing, of infiniteness.
With the freedom and experiencing of being unbounded from all human programming.
Be consciously aware you are IN God. All the time.
Of knowing no one ever ends. For the alive SPIRIT of God, is within ALL, and is…truly…infinite lasting.


Of every thought your human personality has. Consider:

“Is this another story I am creating”. For when not aware of this, you are IN the programming, and any sub programme. It seems very REAL. Because for the human the programme has a VERY strong hold in the brain. With MANY sub conscious thought and fear patterns of behaviour that can be hard to see. Until seen.

To be aware also:

Are you FEEDING another person’s own STORY TELLING, by CHOOSING to give energy to their story, beliefs, their judgements of others, their condemnations, which are ALL of sustained programming. For through innocent ignorance, or in conscious choice (of the ego), by fuelling another’s DUALITY STATE of expression, YOU are consciously or unconsciously helping to sustain their state of consciousness. As well as attracting and energising sustained DUALITY for YOU, in future chapters of your own book. Helping to sustain by those FREQUENCIES emitted, a state of consciousness that is dissolving, one person at a time, throughout this ongoing worldwide paradigm shift.

In being empty of ALL and ANY story, you are allowing, just BEING…

And can, attain higher states of consciousness. Including a state living and being in The Presence of God. As God’s Eternal Peace (and more… for after Eternal Peace comes Eternal Bliss. After Eternal Bliss comes the knowing awareness of The Holy Spirit. After the Holy Spirit known within you, comes the journey in the Holy Trinity that is also THE ONE SOURCE). Where in that living daily state, there is no YOU. There is just ONE infinite State of Awareness. That is aware of ITSelf and simultaneously aware of all of IT’s creations including the many States of consciousness of IT’s creations.

And so, to support you, I share:
To keep asking yourself daily:
“Am I creating a new MIND story within me?”
“Am I perpetuating another’s forgetfulness by giving energy/engaging with another MIND’S Story they are running?”
“Am I perpetuating the old paradigm. Via my ego’s desire to debate, confront, put down any other”.

For there is deeper wisdom and energy awareness to the words Jesus shared “To turn the other cheek”. For he already knew how God’s creation worked and is formed within this particular reality and it’s Light Laws. He came to demonstrate a new energetic and higher frequency way, not sustain the old ways.

To have the deep INNER, quiet and peaceful courage to let go of ALL STORY within the MIND that perpetuates the HUMAN programme, is to be FREE. Sub conscious fears not seen, can stop people from FULLY letting go into the seemingly UNKNOWN. And yet to do so, is to feel, be, experience your TRUEST, PUREST state within the Presence of God. You gain everything. Are FREE, and know as that STATE the TRUE Freedom. That freedom is not loud, or forceful, or insistent. It speaks less, is gentle, with deep and wise understanding, and is kind to ALL others. For you are in God, the original Source of ALL LOVE.

With Love
13 April 2024
source - facebook

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