"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

A New Cobra Interview - 29.06.2023

A new Cobra interview has been conducted by the Sisterhood of the Rose.

You can watch the Youtube video here:

Or read the transcript in English here:

In German here:

And in French here:

Victory of the Light!

Original Post:

Funny motivation to survive everyday in the Matrix

I´m melting...

Jason Estes Updates - 3.6m dtps and the 21 levels of the game - 29.06.2023


We now crossed over into the 3.6m data point range as our systems get ready for 3.7m it may feel like we are exhausted keep in mind energy is hitting us hard right now and its perfectly normal to feel that check in to see what resources your body needs to help it function more often times when we get into these data point levels new resources are required that we may not be aware of ::hugs::

Many of you have asked me which circuits are part of the levels and why certain ones are much stronger keep in mind humanity is leveling up right now into greater responsibility and consequence which is why each level makes a huge difference in comments ill post dates again but remember we are doing 1 circuit every 11 days so we are moving very fast, most people spend their whole life just to move afew levels we are being asked to master the game totally within afew years this is truly the master class earth we came for and we will detox and move very fast from here on out ❤ ::hugs::

The 21 levels of the game 

Level 1 circuit 1-3 (2d)
Level 2 circuit 4-5 (3d)
Level 3 circuit 6-7 (starts to see the game being played) 
Level 4 circuit 8
Level 5 circuit 9
Level 6 circuit 10
Level 7 circuit 11-12 (begin the journey out of entity-based choices)
Level 8 circuit 13
Level 9 circuit 14-18 (begin the journey into oneself and understanding the personality)
Level 10 circuit 19-20 (4d begins)
Level 11 circuit 21
Level 12 circuit 22 (established committed action and start to change future potential)
Level 13 circuit 23-34 (begin journey into divinity) 
Level 14 circuit 35
Level 15 circuit 36-48
Level 16 circuit 49-54 (begin to understand overflow and start to give from that space) 
Level 17 circuit 55-58
Level 18 circuit 59-62 (5d)
Level 19 circuit 63
Level 20 circuit 64
Level 21 circuit 64+

this is matter's list will post more as we get closer to end but if you want to go ahead and mark beyond matter just do every 11 days

as we stabilize into level 11 we will start to really see clearly just how much has changed, level 12+ is where the real game begins as most souls are considered master class at 13+ so for many of us this is just a reminder of who we truly are and how badass we can be 😊 but for those who are new to level 13+ it will require some pretty strong processes to achieve it but your not alone there are tons of examples of it and everyday even more remember that just because the earth is moving up at this level it doesn't mean you arnt already in higher levels this is just when the physical requirement is added ill explain more about this tomorrow in AJA

Preparing for the World We Came For

Source - FaceBook

A Girl in the Universe - another layer of the Love Wave pushed in - 29.06.2023

Schumann Resonance is spiking.
The bowshock on our Magnetosphere is dancing as energies ebb and flow into the planet.
Another layer of the Love Wave pushed in late last night and is still flowing in now.
Add to that the Solar Winds, Flux Energies & Solar Flares.
You find yourself in another big day in the energies.
We also have an interesting day tomorrow when two CME'S join into one and arrive late tomorrow evening EDT.
Today, though, you are taking in the larger energies, while allowing them to unfold and integrate within your system.
You are feeling more in touch with your true self than ever before.
Connecting into your truths, understandings, and knowings directly.
It's an exciting time where you are seeing and feeling everything in a new way.
The Quantum YOU is coming in!
There are still clearings happening for some, looking deep inside to release those emotional events that have been hidden deep within.
Life reviews too. Where you are shown events in your life you haven't thought of in decades.
Whatever you are experiencing today is unique to you.
Stop and notice what is being shared with you as you go through your day.
There is a reason for everything you are experiencing now.
It's all for your greatest and highest good!
Much love and light,

It has been an exciting couple of weeks in the energies. In this video, we talk all about you and how you feel the energies. We discuss what has been happening in the energies in the last two weeks and what we will see coming in the next few weeks. What does it mean to walk in your light. What is the difference between Lightworkers and Starseeds, plus so much more.
I am so happy you are with me today, let’s talk all about ascension and the time we are in!

-SA Smith
Source - FaceBook

Natalia Alba - Dissolving energetics cords - 29.06.2023

Beloved Ones,

As we continue preparing ourselves for this new integration wave, it is pivotal to scan our bodies, at all levels, on a daily basis, to find any misalignment that needs to be removed. When we feel disconnected and tired, and our energy levels begin to decrease it can be due to a particular situation that we are experiencing, or something deeper that we need to address, and clear.

One of the most important reasons for soul disconnection and energetic draining is the many cords that we, in our relationships, of all types, create, and that we do not dissolve when the reunion has fulfilled its purpose. This creates a constant energetic exchange between two individuals that impede the free flow of our life force, as well as the other person, and that keeps us attached to someone or a certain environment, often unconsciously.

Recently, in sessions, I am seeing more and more who have many energetic cords that bind them to others, feeling disempowered, confused, sad, and often dreaming about others, or having thoughts about them. This only takes us back to the past, ruminating about certain relationships that no longer resonate with where we are now.

When this occurs we need to make an exercise of remembrance, thinking about all the energetic ties we have not cut, and begin removing these connections, one by one. First, it is important that we identify the type of cord created. The most common ones are the ones we experience in any type of relationship, as the picture perfectly shows, such as psychic cords, familiar ones that are born of our first chakra, sexual ones that emerge from our second one, from our solar plexus, which are also very common, miasmatic ones, heart center, and upper chakras, being the rarest. There will be many others that are unique to our soul history and experience.

Psychic cords are not only cords that we have created in our present timeline, as they go beyond our present incarnation. These cords can be created during war times, with many people that we experienced suffering, or in parallel lifetimes that still affect us, for we are all connected to our parallel selves, despite our illusion of separation, and can sense many things that happen, simultaneously. These cords can also connect us to places, where we have strong emotional attachments, or on the contrary, where we have experienced tremendous trauma.

These cords are more challenging, as we need to go to the specific timeline, clear it, from a present perspective, and then regain sovereignty through healing trauma and by retrieving our personal energy, and hence power.

Once we have identified the person, the type of cord we need to protect ourselves, have a conscious interaction with the other person's soul, for we are not working with their 3D self, but with their souls, and begin to cut the cords from our personal space, never from the other person's side, burning/dissolving them with a higher illumined fire of our choice.

This is very personal, as everyone and their soul history is unique and will have a different technique. Ask to be shown your own imbalances, how to remove them, and with what specific tools, for no one knows better than you about yourself, your personal story, and your body.

Ending our exercise with soul retrieval is also important to disconnect our soul's fragments from others, as it is often what takes place when we leave a relationship we do not wish to. By working on soul retrieval we bring back to our present self the fragments that remain with others, or in other timeliness, becoming whole and healed.

This is one of the most important steps to regaining personal freedom and sovereignty, as often I see people work a lot on themselves, but as they are not fully conscious of these cords, the work they do is not satisfactorily integrated.

Our energy is precious, and we should begin by reclaiming it, if we wish to continue moving into further stages of our ascension journey, as for us to work with our light bodies, first, we need to be fully aligned, in communion with our soul, and whole.

We are in a very important phase with the coming energies for us to empower ourselves, through conscious clearing. A time to clear all cords, and imbalances, and retrieve our authentic essence, lineage, and personal abilities. As always, once we choose this path, devotion and daily work is what will help us improve, see results, and above all, become the only sovereign of our precious energy and life experience.

Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba
Art by: Annette L Lemaire

Source - FaceBook

Natalia Alba - the most intense months of this year - July - 29.06.2023

Beloved Ones,

We are about to welcome one of the most intense months of this year. July together with March is one of the most important ones for us to continue integrating the light, wisdom, and power required to heal and activate our light bodies, removing all implants/imprints and any other form of distortion that they may have, and that is causing us energetic imbalances, as well as our connection to our soul, monad and Unified Self.

It is not until we finally clear and release all that is impeding this natural connection to our Higher Aspects, that we can begin the descension of wisdom that we are meant to integrate, for our bodies are not properly connected, aligned, and prepared to receive this light input. This is why is so important to consciously work with ourselves, at all levels.

From July, until the end of August, we will reach the cusp of all that we have been working with, during the previous months. July is a master month, as its 7/7/7 portal indicates, for it is a portal that will signify the end, and hence the beginning, of a New Sovereign Era.

There are many who have already stepped out of the 3D mind control, embodying higher levels of Love, wisdom, and power, which is what helps us discern what is authentic, from what is another form of manipulation.

At this stage of our ascension journey, many are working on integrating plasma, wisdom descension, and/or planetary gridwork. We are all in different stages of our evolutionary journey. However, no matter where we are, all of the previous lead us to self-mastery, for all of them are pivotal to building our light body, re-connecting ourselves to our soul, monad, and Unified Self, receiving the wisdom required for us to continue evolving.

July will too be a month for us to be fully immersed in planetary work, for there are many of the Earth's gates and spaces ready to anchor the fifth-dimensional crystalline frequencies that are constantly descending upon our planet, helping us in the transition that we have already initiated.

Many are the personal, and planetary changes ahead, as this new month's five universal frequency reminds us. A 5 frequency indicates change again, after a short period of stabilization, for it is Law to be in a constant state of movement and transformation, especially when we have consciously chosen to evolve. A change that is also represented by the Nodes, which shifts as well this month. A number that denotes the intensity of the events occurring at that time, and above all, the peak of the change that we have been creating, for us, and our lives.

Number 5 is the so-called changemaker. However, all changes come from within. This is a month in which we bring this creational phase from within, from an inner space of peace, discernment, and clarity, into our outer reality. It is a frequency that teaches us how to transform from within all that we wish to change on the outer.

As the 7/7/7 portal reminds us too, this is a phase to let a Higher Intelligence guide us through change, revealing the Truth to all who are ready to listen. This is indeed where we are now, in a stage of deep revelations and self-mastery, a passage to show us clarity in all situations of our human experiences, and the road to enlightenment, which is always a challenging path, not free of obstacles, but worth it to walk.

In truth, all is meant to help us in our chosen journey, everything even that, which we consider "negative", helps us see where we are not being who we are. Furthermore, number 5 symbolizes self-liberation, liberation from cults, old programs, and everything that keeps us small and in fear, which is everything that was created by humans, in a lower state of consciousness.

We always have the perfect energies for us to align with, starting to disengage from old beliefs and ways of being. It is our final choice to continue in the old or be brave to step into new horizons.

Have a blessed July, Beloveds.
Within Infinite Love,
Art by: Encoded Frequency
Source - FaceBook

Jason Estes - Clear Camp Adventure - Delusional Mind Edition - #23

Source - Instagram

Benjamin Fulford Weekly (Full) Report - 26.06.2023

Black Sun Group Calls for Emergency World Military Summit After Failure of the First Act of Wagner Opera

You can read the full report here:


Cosmic Gateway - An in-between state of Old & New Earth - 27.06.2023

Hey Soul Tribe

Check in with you all & see how everyone is moving through the end of June?
Feels as though there was a 'disturbance in the field' that quite a few have been feeling intensely & working through over the past few days. Seems as though before new energy comes through there is a process of clearing that creates space to create room & welcome it in.
So what has been bubbling up to the surface is very active mental energy, intrusive thoughts, old programs & mental patterns breakdown. High level of anxiety, fear and nervous system working overtime.
When these phases happen I see it as a body of energy that works through our system makes us feel out of sorts
Hyper sensitive to light, sounds, energy, especially of others people who aren't in similar resonance this is very noticeable with their voice tone & how it impacts your body.
This is just temporary as when we are processing lots of energy through our system everything feels amplified more than normal.
This may result in feeling the need to be in solitude & stillness.
The new influx of energy is quite magnificent I've had a few moments of it as it's been coming in! Very subtle yet strong tones of "love frequency"
The colours have been purple, blue & pink
I'll share more in my July update as it hasn't fully settled in yet.... just making it present known. It could also feel a bit nostalgic with fond memories coming up from the past, I see these as context information points to help our mind better understand the incoming energies. Yet not attaching to old storylines as its a totally different space that we are moving through.

Dream Space:
Has been incredibly busy, there has been lots of different meetings. You might notice seeing a large range of people going from old school friends to current soul family & everyone inbetween. It's heavily focused around people & working together. This is what I've been told in an inbetween state of old & new earth. This is where we are starting to prepare ourselves, to learn & operate in new ways. It's also a space to become familiar with as we will be having this become apart of our awake life. This is to prepare us energetically too our new energy body's acclimatising to this space.

Physical Symptoms:
Lots of focus on the clearing out of the stomach & digestive issues over the past few days. Seems this is how some of us are progressing collective energies in relation to the uncertainty, fear & anxiety.
There has also been lots of aches & pains in the legs & lower back. I associate this when we are being conductors of energy & needing to ground new energy through our bodies, so important to walk outside & connect to the earth.
Pressure in the 3rd Eye & different parts of the head ~ this is due to upgrades to psychic & telepathic abilities.

Feeling really tired & lethargic at times.
Daytime naps & rest for the processing of energy upgrades happening at the body at anytime.
You can feel this as a wave of energy flows in makes your body vibrate or feeling light-headed or disorientated possibly both then shortly after your body assimilates this energy either by needing to rest, sleep or to clear your energies outside in nature.

The distortion & bending of time can be extremely confusing to the logic mind right now as we have no fixed times for a while it seems ~ there is a lot of personal & collective closing down of old timelines which aren't allowed to where we are heading. This brings up so much mental & emotional clearing almost daily.
Then you might glimpse the "light at the end of the tunnel" that moment of clarity & feeling of comfort or bliss.
This is the accessing of your highest potential. It's important to be able to focus on that feeling & draw that into your body. Each day holding space for yourself there a little more each day.
Please add in the comments section below other things that you've been observing or experience. We are all together moving through these times & so much strength united & to help support & validate each other.

Sending much love
Alisha Braché

Source - FaceBook

Carta Astral 222 - the physical body has been under a lot of pressure - 27.06.2023

Dear family, this is a pop up post because many of you have been having very strong physical symptoms the last few days. Since last weekend the physical body has been under a lot of pressure as part of accelerating the Collective Process of Expansion of Consciousness.

Here I leave a list of everything you might be feeling, please those who don't feel it don't suggest, each of us has our own time, and we don't all experience such strong physical symptoms. I lived everything I'm going to write to you here in 2018 and that was also the reason I opened this page, or that was the rational explanation I gave myself, in addition to that I told you before how I was guided to do it after a 5 day experience where i believe i was going to die. Proof that it’s just a temporary experience is that I’m still here with y’all . Here's what you might be feeling now or since last weekend:

- Anxiety and/or panic attacks
- High tide, vertigo
- Pain in the spine (mainly lower back)
- The feeling of having skin like "mentholed" (minty/mentholed skin)
- Body temperature changes that last about 2 hours
- Hypersensitivity to A/C or tap water (it's hypersensitivity of our electromagnetic field)
- The inside of the mouth white or feel it like stuffed
- Constant sweating in the plants of the feet
- Burning or inflammation of the palms of the hands
- Insomnia, difficulty falling asleep or just being "disconnected" for 15 or 20 minutes
- General physical discomfort and excessive fatigue
- Vagal-Vagal syncope that lasts a few minutes (feeling like they are about to faint, cold sweat, palpitation, tunnel vision, lack of coordination, upset stomach and/or nausea)
- Difficulty in focusing sight, sensitivity to light
- Intolerance to loud or loud noises
- Visions (not hallucinations), very vivid dreams
- Instant dehydration
- Internal burn that feels like "fire"
- uncontrollable and repetitive thoughts
- Feeling "going crazy"
- Suddenly crying for no apparent reason
- Whole body swing or parts
- Space-Temporary Location Loss (don't know where we are, or what time of day it is)
- Chest pain (bearable although uncomfortable), palpitations
- Pressure on the Crown and feeling like they suck or squeeze our brain
- Pressure and tingling in the Third Eye and pain in the facial bones
- Pressure in all internal organs as if pressure was coming from outside
- Noise in the intestines and bladder pain

As I know there are still some people who see these symptoms as a "illness" or as a "punishment", I use this to clarify that what the physical body feels is the effect of the Energy we are receiving. It's not that "feeling sick" is necessary, it's just how it IS.

The process of adaptation of the physical body at times becomes a bit hopeless because it seems endless and often interferes with what we should be doing or because we literally come to believe we are going to die because we had never felt anything like this before. Ask your Consciousness to lower the intensity, drink plenty of water, eat in small quantities during the day, as far as possible keep in touch with trees and plants and if you cannot lie down face up and join the plants to your feet (in front of each other) and the palms of hands over her head while breathing and visualizing that they distribute energy through her body. Hold quartz in your hands and give yourself a bath as often as needed until you feel a bit better. Anxiety and panic attacks can be controlled with breathing even if it's a little difficult to begin with. Be patient... this too shall pass.


Source - FaceBook

Amanda Lorence - individual energy mastery & Pam Gregory: Full SuperMoon in Capricorn July 3rd 2023

I don’t understand Astrology, but I can not recommend this enough, from Pam Gregory.
Especially everything Pam talks about in terms of individual energy mastery.
As this is how and why we evolve our consciousness into being ‘Energy First’, as ACTUALISED embodied Light Being. Where our awareness experiences and therefore KNOWS that our human is actually a personality/body/character, INSIDE of our Primary Light Body Being state that we become, whilst simultaneously retaining the human physical form.
From start to finish, it’s exceptional wisdom. I hope this supports you in many ways. It’s a available with cc for your own language translation.

27 June 2023

Source - Facebook

Jason Estes - Clear Camp Adventure - Delusional Mind Edition - #22

Source - Instagram

Judith Kusel - Forgive & deep breaths - 27.06.2023

So many of the old souls are now in their last incarnation on earth and will be challenged to finally dissolve, work through, forgive with Loving Grace, all which has ever been miscreated before with other souls.
Note that since the soltice the energies have been lifting us into octaves of higher frequency bands, so do not be surprised when soul memory banks open and the old patterns surface. Open your heart, say thank you for the lessons in soul mastery and finally let go. Moreover forgive yourself.
The fires of purification go very deep. Deeper than deep.
The more which is forgiven and let go of the more the heart opens to Divine Love and Light to fill you. The lighter and brighter you become.
Huge blessings are now flowing into our lives as we let go.
Transfiguration literally means to be transformed into pure Divine Light, Divine Love and Divine Power. To fully live your soul truth.
To fully transfigure into the Rainbow body of Light.
All is Love.


We need to remember to take a very deep breaths in and out every now and again.
We tend to forget to breathe deeply and to sometimes just ground ourselves and to connect with the very life breath itself again.
It is this very life breath, and open heart which is carrying us through this time, while Mother Earth assists us to not only to absorb all the cosmic energy pouring in, but to ground ourselves and our soul calling and mission. 
Ascension in truth means to for the soul to descend into Mother Earth and live your highest soul mastery.

Judith Kusel 
Photo: Josephine Wall

Source - FaceBook

Eceti & James Gilliland - Eceti News #62 - ECETI News June 25th

I wish to clarify a few things. When I said the authentic in the ufo community are buried under an avalanche or posers, shills and controlled opposition it seemed to offend a few people. There is an old saying, “If it’s not your coat don’t wear it.” Concerning contact, channeled messages are only as clear as the channeler. They are also as beneficial as the level they are receiving the message. Many are channeling their own subconscious or astral level, others are parroting information they have heard from others. Many are using our information some verbatim substituting their guide or space handler as the source of their information. There are those who have not created sacred space healing any unseen negative influences that allow these entities to influence their messages. There can be a mix of all the above. There are many that want to be the shiny new coin everyone flocks too. They make up all kinds of exotic stories with twists and turns reversing roles to gain a following. Their come from is off, fame and money are their first priority. This also opens the door to unseen negative influences and disinformation.

I do take exception to this due to muddying the waters, creating division, distorting and interfering in the planetary liberation or awakening and healing known as the ascension process. People need to make their own personal contact with God/Creator/Great Spirit, along the journey one expands in awareness, that expansion includes contact with multidimensional beings, some benevolent, some malevolent. That is where discernment kicks in and knowing how to heal unseen negative influences. Just because you’re dead does not mean you are enlightened and just because you’re an ET does not mean your benevolent. Without proper training people can get into serious trouble, those preaching there are no negative entities out there are being totally irresponsible.

There are some in the spiritual and ufo community that are fully aligned with and funded by Satanic/Luciferian pedophiles. Some even brag about their connections. These malevolent groups are also aligned with other malevolent beings, demonics, royal reptilians, serpent beings, negative greys etc. People that go to their events are influenced, get corded in extreme cases possessed. We have lost count of how many people that have come to us to clear these unseen negative influences, cut the cords and remove any possessive entities. To be enlightened means to be in knowledge of both sides of the coin, the dark side and the light side. It also means to be able to discern the nature and intent of beings seen and unseen. There is nothing more I would like than to be put out of work concerning clearing these entities.

When I said ufology has become a profit driven carnival, I am referring to the controlled narrative which does not allow this information within their venue. You cannot mention God/Creator/Great Spirit, the Ascend Masters or the Spiritually and technologically advanced off worlders. Why? Because it is in direct opposition to the goals of their funders. They also sponsor some very morally and integrity challenged people due to name recognition to generate sales. Spiritual discernment and a background check is in order. How many in the ufo community create sacred space, clear any unseen negative entities before opening people up? One doctor who will remain unmentioned said we have to stop being spiritual snobs and open ourselves up to everything. Let anything come in take over etc. How spiritually irresponsible is that? It sure has kept us busy. I hope this clarifies things. We want to leave you with a couple questions.

Why are they so threatened by the knowledge of Ascended Masters, Spiritually and Technologically Advanced off worlders? Why are they so threatened by the authentic, those with evidence to back up their stories? How does censorship of the knowledge of higher dimensional beings fit into disclosure?

The last one to contemplate is why are they doing everything possible to censor and discredit 40 years of fully documented contact at ECETI which much to their dismay is still ongoing? A place frequented by Ascended Masters which is fully documented. What kind of person would partake in such a thing and what is their motive? Is it jealousy, are they opportunists trying to climb on the backs of others, is it projecting their own issues on others, spiritual ego, narcissism? Or have they fallen victim to much sinister influences and forces? Could be all the above. Posers hate the authentic, the lies are exposed by the truth, the level of spiritual adeptness, ignorance and character are established by their actions. The problem is there will always be the critical thinking and research impaired that will follow them. Stop giving your power away, stop seeking externally, don’t allow yourself to be distracted by the carnival. Make your own contact, they’re waiting. All you need is an open mind, loving heart and pure intent. Make that intention known to the Universe, it will respond.

Be well and Godspeed,

James Gilliland

Kan a Daoist Monk is a friend of James and he took these pictures at ECETI during a Self Mastery / Ambassador Training workshop.

Quan Yin


Cazekeil and the Crystal City God of Eternal Bliss

I ask apology

We are all human beans...if you can´t sleep then coffee beans...if you too active then chilli beans?
Peas be with you all


Hopium-Motivating Song of the Week

This is a weekly blog series where I try to collect songs that have something positive and current to say. Music connects us all, in good cases it lifts us up, gives us strength and helps us through life's difficulties.

This week's song has an interesting background for me. You all know that my English is far from good, and I have a talent for completely mishearing the English lyrics in songs. I've heard this song on the radio quite a few times. The main thing is that I successfully misheard this song to "living in a heart space" and when I searched I didn't find it like that and the aha moment came when I found it as "hall of fame". Either way the lyrics is great motivational so perfect for this blog series. 

The impossible is impossible until someone does it. It is our own mind - belief systems and fears - that limits us - Believe in yourself.

Tale of the deaf frog

One fine day, the forest animals organized a competition for their own amusement. They built a high wall and asked the frogs to climb it. The main prize was tempting, delicious snacks, so there were many applicants for the task. Animals gathered around, rabbits, bears, foxes and wolves, and of course wild boars. The horn sounded and the battle began. At least fifty frogs started for the steep wall.
"They won't succeed either way," said a rabbit, and when he said it, three frogs fell to the ground.
- They're too weak for that! - roared the bear and behold a miracle: ten frogs landed on the ground again.
- Frogs can't even climb walls - laughed the wild boar, and about twenty of them fell off the wall!
This went on until only one frog made its way to the top. He, on the other hand, has almost reached the top
"It will fall," growled the wolf, but it didn't. The frog has reached the top! He was the only frog out of fifty to complete the distance. He was such a skinny little frog. The animals surrounded him.
- Congratulations, how did you succeed? asked the fox.
- What's your secret? asked another frog.
- Did you practice? - the wolf pointed his question at him.
But the frog remained silent. That's when they realized: the winning frog DEAF! He didn't hear, couldn't hear the doubting, belittling and pessimistic comments. He only heard his own inner voice: "Up, up, up!" he said to himself. He knew he could do it and they didn't take away his confidence.
Because let's face it, every day we meet people who instill this in us. So let's learn to become deaf at the right time! In that case, let's just listen to our own, honest inner voice! Then we reach the top several times.


Yeah, you could be the greatest, you can be the best
You can be the King Kong banging on your chest
You could beat the world, you could beat the war
You could talk to God, go banging on his door
You can throw your hands up, you can beat the clock (yeah)
You can move a mountain, you can break rocks
You could be a master, don't wait for luck
Dedicate yourself and you gon' find yourself

Standing in the hall of fame (yeah)
And the world's gonna know your name (yeah)
'Cause you burn with the brightest flame (yeah)
And the world's gonna know your name (yeah)
And you'll be on the walls of the hall of fame

You can go the distance, you can run the mile
You can walk straight through hell with a smile
You could be a hero, you could get the gold
Breaking all the records they thought never could be broke
Yeah, do it for your people, do it for your pride
How you ever gonna know if you never even try?
Do it for your country, do it for your name
'Cause there's gonna be a day when you're

Standing in the hall of fame (yeah)
And the world's gonna know your name (yeah)
'Cause you burn with the brightest flame (yeah)
And the world's gonna know your name (yeah)
And you'll be on the walls of the hall of fame

Be a champion
Be a champion
Be a champion
Be a champion (you'll be on the walls of the hall of fame)
Be students, be teachers
Be politicians, be preachers (yeah, yeah)
Be believers, be leaders
Be astronauts, be champions, be truth-seekers
Be students, be teachers
Be politicians, be preachers (be preachers, yeah, yeah)
Be believers, be leaders
Be astronauts, be champions

Standing in the hall of fame (yeah, yeah, yeah)
And the world's gonna know your name (yeah, yeah, yeah)
'Cause you burn with the brightest flame, oh-whoa (yeah, yeah, yeah)
And the world's gonna know your name, oh, yeah (yeah, yeah, yeah)
And you'll be on the walls of the hall of fame

You could be the greatest, you can be the best (be a champion)
You can be the King Kong banging on your chest (be a champion)
You could beat the world, you could beat the war (be a champion)
You could talk to God, go banging on his door (be a champion)
You can throw your hands up, you can beat the clock (be a champion)
You can move a mountain, you can break rocks (be a champion)
You could be a master, don't wait for luck (be a champion)
Dedicate yourself and you gon' find yourself (be a champion)
Standing in the hall of fame

Lev - Waiting - 26.06.2023


We are tired to death of unfulfilled hopes and expectations that are not justified here and now. In recent weeks, the swing of the general mood has been particularly noticeable. Enthusiasm about the events on the Subtle Plane which Disclosure News partially narrated in the series Operation 4th Universe, Duel, New Matrix and other posts, quickly gave way to apathy and discontent. Some doubt the information. Others cannot find a place for themselves due to increasing depression. Still others are offended or openly angry for a variety of reasons. The above DOES NOT APPLY TO THIS SITE, but is typical for the entire info-field, especially for those, who expected the promised immediate changes.

We are particularly angry at the warnings that the transition to 4D/5D does not mean one-day efforts and changes at our personal physical and energy level, but is a long and very painful process. It’s especially tough with prolonged Solar tsunamis, caused by powerful high-frequency streams of dawning Cosmic Day.

The attacks of negative entities and the pressure of the 3D System have become especially frequent, which manifests itself in aggression, intolerance and nervousness in society. Against this background, the more striking is the behavior of those, who feel great and just enjoy life, every hour and day they have lived. What caused such a sharp contrast?

Today, through the Solar Portal, a stream of absolutely new, unprecedented high-frequency vibrations is falling on us, which are perceived in completely different ways. Negative-minded and pessimistic people are simply crushed, and literally finish themselves off with new complaining and whining about unfulfilled hopes, and provocations out of the blue. Even the strongest positivists are beginning to lose ground, because they do not see any momentary changes and happy tomorrow. And everyone is right in their own way. Why?

Because we are still WAITING for something, and not getting what we expected, we start to get hysterical about the “deception” on what is going on. Will there be a Transition at all? Hello, Co-Creators, where is the quantum leap that you promised? Why don’t the Keepers answer specific questions? Why do tips and recommendations not bring the promised result? There are even those who openly declare that “it is better to die than to wait for this fucking transition for another ten years!”

The attacks of negative entities and the pressure of the 3D System have become especially frequent, which manifests itself in aggression, intolerance and nervousness in society. Against this background, the more striking is the behavior of those, who feel great and just enjoy life, every hour and day they have lived. What caused such a sharp contrast?

Today, through the Solar Portal, a stream of absolutely new, unprecedented high-frequency vibrations is falling on us, which are perceived in completely different ways. Negative-minded and pessimistic people are simply crushed, and literally finish themselves off with new complaining and whining about unfulfilled hopes, and provocations out of the blue. Even the strongest positivists are beginning to lose ground, because they do not see any momentary changes and happy tomorrow. And everyone is right in their own way. Why?

Because we are still WAITING for something, and not getting what we expected, we start to get hysterical about the “deception” on what is going on. Will there be a Transition at all? Hello, Co-Creators, where is the quantum leap that you promised? Why don’t the Keepers answer specific questions? Why do tips and recommendations not bring the promised result? There are even those who openly declare that “it is better to die than to wait for this fucking transition for another ten years!”

Regardless of our readiness, an active implementation of multidimensional scenarios for the Earth’s development is already in full swing. The remnants of the accumulated karma of the planet, huge segments of population, nations and countries are being destroyed. All systems are on and running at total capacity. A next Time spiral is unfolding. A New World and 4th Local Universe are emerging, and those, who are ready for them, see and participate in their formation.

The necessary, vital information comes non-stop to all of us without exception. Not everyone is ready and wants to take it. But it’s enough to listen to self, to our Higher Self, to ask questions to self, and everyone will get answers in different ways in any, even the most unexpected form: in a dream, in “random” texts, someone’s words thrown in passing, a glimpse of a picture outside the car window, whatever. Observe the world. No request goes unanswered. This Is The Cosmic Law.

Next to us, on the Subtle Plane, stay Keepers and Teachers who are simply obliged to answer our questions. It has always been so. But at the moment, they are working with us especially cautiously and carefully. Especially with those, who feel guided by the Source. The problem is that often our questions are angry, hysterical, contradictory and full of claims, and almost always we ourselves don’t accept the answers. They seem to us either delusional, or banal, or too abstruse.

If we don’t understand the answer, we can ask countless times, the feedback will come from anywhere. But first of all, we need to learn how to look for answers in selves. This is how we establish a constant connection with our Higher aspects. And thus, step by step, we step master the transition to our new, Light Body, a tool of supreme communications. That’s the point of raising our vibrations.

Regardless of our readiness, an active implementation of multidimensional scenarios for the Earth’s development is already in full swing. The remnants of the accumulated karma of the planet, huge segments of population, nations and countries are being destroyed. All systems are on and running at total capacity. A next Time spiral is unfolding. A New World and 4th Local Universe are emerging, and those, who are ready for them, see and participate in their formation.

The necessary, vital information comes non-stop to all of us without exception. Not everyone is ready and wants to take it. But it’s enough to listen to self, to our Higher Self, to ask questions to self, and everyone will get answers in different ways in any, even the most unexpected form: in a dream, in “random” texts, someone’s words thrown in passing, a glimpse of a picture outside the car window, whatever. Observe the world. No request goes unanswered. This Is The Cosmic Law.

Next to us, on the Subtle Plane, stay Keepers and Teachers who are simply obliged to answer our questions. It has always been so. But at the moment, they are working with us especially cautiously and carefully. Especially with those, who feel guided by the Source. The problem is that often our questions are angry, hysterical, contradictory and full of claims, and almost always we ourselves don’t accept the answers. They seem to us either delusional, or banal, or too abstruse.

If we don’t understand the answer, we can ask countless times, the feedback will come from anywhere. But first of all, we need to learn how to look for answers in selves. This is how we establish a constant connection with our Higher aspects. And thus, step by step, we step master the transition to our new, Light Body, a tool of supreme communications. That’s the point of raising our vibrations.

Original Post:

Jason Estes Update - Circuit 20 & 4D games - commitment - 26.06.2023


We are in circuit 20 now, so we have 11 days left of victim to play prior to the game becoming a costly one so catch yourself as we progress these next 11 days find the cause of your victim hood and claim your power back and forgive yourself and others the game is about to start to change into the upper 4d games like commitment and responsibility this is when we begin to see the more radical changes in ourselves and those around us take it 1 step at a time we've got this!!! ::hugs::

Q:Why more costly though? Which costs?
A:  energy costs and consequences come quicker

Source - FaceBook

Jason Estes - Clear Camp Adventure - Delusional Mind Edition - #21

Source - Instagram

Jason Estes - Clear Camp Adventure - Delusional Mind Edition - #20

Source - Instagram

Jason Estes - Clear Camp Adventure - Delusional Mind Edition - #19

Source - Instagram

Jason Estes - Clear Camp Adventure - Delusional Mind Edition - #18

Source - Instagram

Eceti & James Gilliland - Eceti News #61 - UFO Poser Disclosure, White Hats on the Move, Buckle Up

This sounds like a broken record, but the Schumann Resonance is all over the place with strange patterns. Is it a software glitch or is something big happening. At 3pm PST we did our personal and world healing meditation Saturday. The Schumann Resonance went crazy, “coincidence”.

The UFO/UAP press conference was held in Washington DC ending with total avoidance after a question of the possibility of negative ETs. Greer shut it down fast. We cannot expect full disclosure when it comes to politicians, military, or the mainstream news. It is a form of insanity to continue down this path, or is it? How better to continue in the controlled narrative using shills, controlled opposition along with integrity and morally challenged people who will do their bidding? It is like the foxes and coyotes going to the wolves and asking: “tell us the truth about what happened to the chickens.” People's time would be better spent at the Self Mastery / Ambassador Training that was held on June 16th. Where everyone present got to experience the Spiritual and Technology Advance Off Worlder’s ships and the beings that operate them.

I am going to drop a bomb here. Many will be unable to handle the truth but a seed will be planted.

At the top of the power elite that govern humanity is a Satanic/Luciferian pedophile network which engages in every form of trafficking known to man/woman. They control almost every institution: financial, business, religious, government, media, and now the UFO community. The main families, Rockefeller, Rothchild, and several others openly admit to being Luciferians. They own Black Rock and Vanguard which own or control almost every other major corporation.

The Rockefeller Initiative gathered the top people in Ufology and through them created the controlled narrative. The enemies of these Luciferians are Creator number #1, the Saints, Sages and Ascended Masters #2. The Spiritually and Technologically Advanced Off World Civilizations #3. #4 are the enlightened ones, those who are in service to humanity and the Earth and those who are dedicated to the awakening, healing, education, and empowerment of the individual. The planetary liberation of Humanity and Earth.

Those who love God, have a high degree of integrity and good basic moral values which are often referred to as conservative also fit into that category although many are ignorant as to spiritually and technologically advanced off world visitors and how they fit into the planetary liberation. Did the light just go on? Are you connecting the dots? Is the integrity and morally challenged present administration as well as the weaponization of the agencies against the people now making sense? The UFO community has fallen to the same fate. The infiltration method comes through funding with agendas. If you do not take the funding or stay within the controlled narrative you will be censored depending on the threat level, with deadly force. There are warnings, brake lines cut, lug nuts removed, the assassinate your character and if that does not work they go after you physically. They shut down your bank accounts, social media, and do everything possible to make you disappear. The ones who attack you the most are the posers, the integrity and morally challenged seeking fame and fortune at the expense of their very own soul. Many dark alliances have been formed. That is why ECETI with the best evidence proving ongoing contact for over 40 years with spiritually and technologically advanced off worlders, along with the well documented appearance of many Ascended Masters is the most censored UFO hotspot on the planet.

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Almost everyone of their witnesses are aware of it, including the military and other agencies yet why do they avoid ECETI like the plague? We know who the negative ETs are, their agendas which are often avoided in Ufology, as well as the positive ETs and their benevolent agendas yet why is this information being censored. Why are they participating in the censorship of ongoing contact for almost 40 years? Why are they so threatened by the Ascended Masters and the Spiritually and Technologically Advanced Off World civilizations?

If you go back and read who is in charge of the controlled narrative the answer is obvious. Satanic/Luciferians are at war with Creator, those with a high degree of integrity, those with moral values, believe in God/Creator/Great Spirit and those that are in service to Humanity and the Earth are censored targeted, their characters are assassinated by the posers and opportunists who have sold their souls for money and fame. Follow the money, it all goes back to the same Satanic/Luciferians the root cause for almost all the ails of humanity. Many either in ignorance or willingly are doing their bidding. There are multidimensional beings all the way back to Source assisting in the awakening, healing, and planetary liberation of Earth from these very same Satanic/Luciferian dark forces often referred to as demonics, reptilians, tall greys etc. The benevolent ETs know the real history of Earth back to the first colonies. They know of a series of falls and the origin of every religion along with the misinterpretations. They live according to Universal Law which is why they are a threat to the draconian law operating within or present administration which is in the process of being exposed and unraveled. The days of tyranny are coming to a close. The controlled narrative and those who have been participating in it is being exposed. Disclosure will come from the skies and through the hearts and minds of the people not from some religious or government agency most of which have participated in the coverup and disinformation I might add in the past with deadly force. The UFO community has been captured and now has become a profit driven carnival. It is a billion dollar entertainment industry, not service oriented or dedicated to the awakening, healing, and planetary liberation. Everything from the top down that is not frequency specific to the vibrational lifting, planetary liberation, the ascension process, aligned with Universal Law will not prevail in the days to come. The opportunists, posers, those integrity and morally challenged, many keynotes and top people most famous in the UFO community will be exposed and see a reaction to their actions. This is being accelerated and amplified. They will all be exposed yet they will be flinging judgements, false accusations, create as much division as possible to distract from their own misdeeds. Tyranny and its servants are coming to an end. It is out of alignment with Universal Law and Universal Law is coming as the higher dimensions and beings press in on Earth. The Earth as well is ascending.

Vegas ship crashing in June 2023

There is nowhere to hide. There is only one way out. We have to raise our own frequencies, release the past, deal with our own shadow side and sever all connections to the toppling old draconian empire. This is the big picture. This is real disclosure. There are legions of Masters, Saints and Sages, Spiritually and Technologically Advanced Off Worlders multidimensional beings assisting in the planetary liberation. The controlled narrative don’t want you to know about. Why? Because those dedicated to the awakening, healing and liberation are in direct opposition to the enslavement and destruction of humanity and the Earth. If you want to simplify this there are those aligned with Satanic/Luciferian forces that want the pain, suffering, poverty, manufactured lack, enslavement through dependency to continue that are being disposed of power. There are those who are guided by God/Creator/Great Spirit that want to educate, empower, liberate, and restore Earth to its original intent, the jewel of this solar system where all life can evolve and reach its highest potential. There are also a lot of wolves in sheep’s clothing posing as liberators and restorers. To sort them out just follow the money and watch who they associate with, discern their frequency and true motive. Also watch what they do with their money. Many have even fooled themselves.

The last topic is buckle up. The higher dimensional beings and the white hats are on the move. Military operations are unfolding in 27 States. It is a roundup. They are also there to protect you against those doing the bidding of the deep state to create chaos and violence during this transition. The uncovering and chaos are part of the healing process. You are going to see a lot of it. No rock will be left unturned and all the iniquities will be shouted from the roof tops. When the dark hearts are exposed, they will have no place to hide, there will be no street they can walk. You cannot hide or run from your karma nor your own soul creating the lessons you need to get back on track. No matter where you go there you are, along with your karma. A great amplifier and accelerator is coming. There will be a folding of time. It is time to prepare on every level. Love is the power let it be your guide. This includes love of self, your family and your neighbors.

There are warrior class Pleiadians that are here now along with a host of other benevolent races. Some our ancient ancestors, you won’t hear about in Ancient Aliens. They are the Ehcaje which is a group of master warriors which have been training for time memorial in their temples. The gloves are off, no more negotiations with degenerate ETs and other dark forces on the planet. You are going to see a lot of ships uncloaking, some being disabled as in Vegas. This is the real disclosure, how are they going to deny the wreckage and beings walking around with nowhere to go? This will escalate. The event many have been waiting for is just around the corner. Just a few days out. Your old system will collapse to be replaced with an entire new system, a fair system that is for the people. There will be chaos during the change so prepare on every level. Do not get in the way of the military they have prepared for this. It is a multidimensional operation years in the making.

Godspeed and be well,

James Gilliland
Eceti Stargate TV
Eceti Stargate Radio Rumble, Viemo, You Tube.