"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Cosmic Gateway - Big Clean-Up - 22.06.2023

We are currently moving out of a Ascension Cycle which has emcoumpased the past 3.5 years of linear time...
This phase was all about changing at a physical level, breaking down everything from the ground up! It has completely reshaped everyone's life at the core & the world at large from the inside out!
We have all been doing this together
On a physical level its been a time where our focus has been on the base themes ~ Physical body, health, security, safety, wealth, sense of belonging & where do I fit into this world?
Like most of us we have never belonged to this old paradigm our primary purpose for being here was to radically transform ourselves & the world around us.
So as we are wrapping up this phase & moving into a new!
We get the highlight reel of experiences & symptoms to close it off!
For some people it would impact the physical body ~ Having Flu like symptom & everything that comes with that! As we clear out the "C" timeline that has been present in this past phase.
This is a deep detox that is purifying deep within the cellular level ~ Changing every part of our physical bodies so what we can vibrate & operate with more light in our bodies.
There has been a focus on heart/lung area of course ~ which is offering the opportunity to expand more into the heart & soul. Allow our soul blue print to take the drivers seat moving forward.
This has been a rapid release or spreading of density, with it going into neutralising lots of our memories, beliefs, emotions that has been trapped in the body.
Other things that will be noticed are changes to our eating habits & what the body wants. This more than ever is to apply intuitive eating as you'll require different foods daily.
We have to get out of the mind & our judgements with this. Moving what we have been programmed as good or bad foods & let our body tell us what is required.
This will require more rest & sleep as we are proceeding so much within us that we need the space to become very still, present & quite as we allow the physical body to rest & catch up!
Be gentle kinda & compassionate with yourself as this phase is not to be underestimate its a "Big Clean-Up"
of our bodies, energy and consciousness.
This occurs within everyone in accordance with their pathway & time frame.
As we wrap this up! We start a brand new phase which holds so much excitement, hope, optimism & rewards
I'll share more as more details become available watch this space

Alisha Braché

Source - FaceBook

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