"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Hopium-Motivating Song of the Week

 This is a weekly blog series where I try to collect songs that have something positive and current to say. Music connects us all, in good cases it lifts us up, gives us strength and helps us through life's difficulties.

When I play on my computer or clean or cook I listen to music 90% of the time. Lately I like mashup music - (big shout out to Valentino Sirolli, I enjoy his mashups-remixes very much), that's where I found this week's music. Since I didn't know the artist or the title, I named it heya heya song, but I still managed to find it to the delight of my spirit guides (irony - I think they get really bored when I listen it for the 20th time in a row).

The music is fast - modern, as time goes by these days...the Indian style is timeless and ancient,..the lyrics are very good and no problem, if my brain like a parrot plays it over and over again, max I will be surprised if the great spirit visits me in my living room 😄.

Why I choose this song? Perhaps in order to return to our roots and embrace again their wisdom and to find again the connection with nature - Gaia - and her inhabitants, as in the past, when we respected Life on a tribal level, which surrounds us, since we are all in this great cycle.

Because I don´t speak in Lakota language and I not found a good translator I can only rely on the text translated by others - one way or another, this is a prayer to the Great Spirit for Unity.



Sacred young man, be brave, for nation (or people)
Great spirit, grandfather, be peacekeeper, for nation
Holy woman, the moon, be Loyal, for nation
Heeeh, heaeh, aeh, aoh!
Sacred young man, sacred young man
Holy woman, holy woman
For nation, for nation, for nation, for nation...
Heeeh, heaeh, aeh, aoh!
Sacred young man, be brave, for nation
Great spirit, grandfather, be peacekeeper, for nation
Holy woman, the moon, be Loyal, for nation
Heeeh, heaeh, aeh, aoh!
Sacred young man, be brave, for nation
Feather, my friend, don’t forget, for nation
My village’s hero
We are relatives, for nation
Heeeh, heaeh, aeh, aoh!
Sacred young man, sacred young man
Holy woman, holy woman
For nation, for nation, for nation, for nation...
Aha, aha, aha, ahe, he, hea
Heho, aho, oh, oh, oh, ohia
Aha, aha, aha, ahe, he, hea
Heho, aho, oh, oh, oh, ohia
Hoho, ahe, ahe, ahe, he, ahea
Hoho, ahe, ehe, ahe, he, ahea
Hoho, ahe, ahe, ahe, he, ahea
Hohe, ahe, ahe, ahe, ahe, ahea
Sacred young man, sacred young man...
Heeeh, heaeh, aeh, aoh!
Sacred young man, be brave, for nation
Feather, my friend, don’t forget, for nation
My village’s hero
We are relatives, for nation
Heeeh, heaeh, aeh, aoh!
Sacred young man, be brave, for nation
Feather, my friend, don’t forget, for nation
For nation, for nation, for nation, for nation...

Translation from here

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