"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Cutting the Ties the Bind - The Figure Eight Visualization/Meditation

Everybody wants to be free from somebody or something, can be the parents, ex boy- or girlfriend, siblings or bad habits, attachments for money, power, old programming etc. 

One of the solution for this attachment problems is the Figure Eight meditation - visualization. 
Phyllis Krystal has developed a series of steps that help for everybody cut those ties. With these techniques, you can be free from old and learned patterns of thinking, behaviors and set you free from your ego - lower self and you can make steps forward to reach your High Consciousness and look to the World with a higher perspective.

According to Phyllis Krystal, "The Figure Eight is a symbol which enables a person to protect his own space or territory and at the same time avoid invading anyone else's space. It is advisable to have only one person at a time in the circle opposite your own when using the Figure Eight exercise, to avoid confusing your separate reactions to different people." You can also put your fear, the implants, your blocks etc. to the circle. 

And here the steps:

1. Imagine you are sitting or standing in a circle of golden light on the ground around your feet. The radius of this circle is the length of your own arm with the fingers extended. 

2. Visualize another circle of golden light directly in front of you about the same size as yours and just touching, but not overlapping your circle. 

3. Starting at the point where the two circles touch, visualize a neon blue light flowing around the opposite circle in a clockwise direction until it is complete. 

4. Let it continue to flow around the left side of your circle, around your back, around your right side and back to where the two circles touch, to form a Figure Eight. 

5. Continue visualizing the Figure Eight of neon blue light for two minutes at a time, morning and evening as preparation before cutting the ties, or briefly, as the need arises throughout the day, whenever you become aware that you are trying to control someone, or that you are allowing someone or something to control you. 
All of these images must be visualized on the ground. If any of them appear to float, ask your Higher Self, how to secure them firmly in place on the ground before proceeding with the exercise. 
If you are practicing the Figure Eight in preparation for cutting the ties with someone who was very abusive to you, you might find that they won't stay put in their circle. You'll have to use your imagination to find ways to keep them in their circle.

The visualization need to practice daily for some minutes, the best in the morning and at night before you go sleep or whenever you feel necessary for two weeks, then you are ready to break your bonds according to the book. If you cutting the ties with group, no preparation is needed because of the power of the collective energy of the group.

By cutting the ties, you are not ridding yourself of a relationship. For example, cutting the ties with your mother or father doesn't mean that you stop having a relationship with them. It means that you consciously go through a process in which you realize how you are bound and then you release or cut those bonds so that those relationships can grow in a healthy direction. Cutting the ties allows you become free.

I use Arch Angel Michael’s brilliant blue ray of light cutting the ties and detaching the two circles and i think also helpful ask the Mjolnir hammering those bonds.

If somebody interested about the whole method you read her books, search in the internet - Phyllis Krystal - Cutting the ties that blind, Cutting More Ties that Bind and here her official webpage - https://www.phylliskrystal.com/en/



  1. It is possible to use that meditation as a tool to speed up the process of detaching Gaia from the Yaldabaoth.
    "Nova Gaia foundations flow into view." Source: https://gaiaportal.wordpress.com/2018/05/15/nova-gaia-foundations-flow-into-view/
    The Crown of Gaia: http://theearthplan.blogspot.com/2018/05/mother-gaias-crown.html

  2. Cobra also suggested meditation including the two plasma wormlike parasites with the Yaldabaoth entity. They are mentioned here:
    More about meditation: http://recreatingbalance1.blogspot.com/2017/10/gaia-yaldabaothplasma-parasites.html

  3. Is it possible to counteract this technique? If you know someone is attempting it but you don't want to let them go?

    1. Hi,sorry the late reply.Manifestation is the opposite of this process. But if you know that someone wants to cut the ties with you physically or energetically, the best solution is to respect the individual’s free will and let it go its own way. I know letting go can be very painful, but control and dependence/strong attachment on the other is also negativ - toxic and you just create illness and unnecessary suffering for yourself. Remember - "Unconditional love doesn’t create any ties, conditions or expectations from one person to the other."

    2. I know... but this person is being asked to take this on against their will (which is probably why it's not really working). They're doing it to appease others, not themselves. Thank you. <3
