"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Carta Astral 222 - the physical body has been under a lot of pressure - 27.06.2023

Dear family, this is a pop up post because many of you have been having very strong physical symptoms the last few days. Since last weekend the physical body has been under a lot of pressure as part of accelerating the Collective Process of Expansion of Consciousness.

Here I leave a list of everything you might be feeling, please those who don't feel it don't suggest, each of us has our own time, and we don't all experience such strong physical symptoms. I lived everything I'm going to write to you here in 2018 and that was also the reason I opened this page, or that was the rational explanation I gave myself, in addition to that I told you before how I was guided to do it after a 5 day experience where i believe i was going to die. Proof that it’s just a temporary experience is that I’m still here with y’all . Here's what you might be feeling now or since last weekend:

- Anxiety and/or panic attacks
- High tide, vertigo
- Pain in the spine (mainly lower back)
- The feeling of having skin like "mentholed" (minty/mentholed skin)
- Body temperature changes that last about 2 hours
- Hypersensitivity to A/C or tap water (it's hypersensitivity of our electromagnetic field)
- The inside of the mouth white or feel it like stuffed
- Constant sweating in the plants of the feet
- Burning or inflammation of the palms of the hands
- Insomnia, difficulty falling asleep or just being "disconnected" for 15 or 20 minutes
- General physical discomfort and excessive fatigue
- Vagal-Vagal syncope that lasts a few minutes (feeling like they are about to faint, cold sweat, palpitation, tunnel vision, lack of coordination, upset stomach and/or nausea)
- Difficulty in focusing sight, sensitivity to light
- Intolerance to loud or loud noises
- Visions (not hallucinations), very vivid dreams
- Instant dehydration
- Internal burn that feels like "fire"
- uncontrollable and repetitive thoughts
- Feeling "going crazy"
- Suddenly crying for no apparent reason
- Whole body swing or parts
- Space-Temporary Location Loss (don't know where we are, or what time of day it is)
- Chest pain (bearable although uncomfortable), palpitations
- Pressure on the Crown and feeling like they suck or squeeze our brain
- Pressure and tingling in the Third Eye and pain in the facial bones
- Pressure in all internal organs as if pressure was coming from outside
- Noise in the intestines and bladder pain

As I know there are still some people who see these symptoms as a "illness" or as a "punishment", I use this to clarify that what the physical body feels is the effect of the Energy we are receiving. It's not that "feeling sick" is necessary, it's just how it IS.

The process of adaptation of the physical body at times becomes a bit hopeless because it seems endless and often interferes with what we should be doing or because we literally come to believe we are going to die because we had never felt anything like this before. Ask your Consciousness to lower the intensity, drink plenty of water, eat in small quantities during the day, as far as possible keep in touch with trees and plants and if you cannot lie down face up and join the plants to your feet (in front of each other) and the palms of hands over her head while breathing and visualizing that they distribute energy through her body. Hold quartz in your hands and give yourself a bath as often as needed until you feel a bit better. Anxiety and panic attacks can be controlled with breathing even if it's a little difficult to begin with. Be patient... this too shall pass.


Source - FaceBook

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