To The Ascension LightWorker Collective
The Solar Eclipse on April 8th, 2024, carries a unique hybrid energetic nature that sets it apart from previous celestial eclipse events. This rare planetary alignment creates a powerful vibrational energy signifying profound and intense incoming change designed for collective transformation, Solar Masculine energies activate for energetic action to take place to introduce new opportunities and beginnings.
Prepare for a global shift , Symbolising a total energetic reset, this eclipse signals fated endings and wipes the energetic slate clean, paving the way for fresh new beginnings and the manifestation of higher conscious timelines.
The energies of this eclipse are deeply transformational , unlocking soul purpose activations, kundalini awakenings, higher heart expansions, DNA activations and upgrades, and the harmonisation of feminine and masculine energies. It initiates processes of the deep astral residual clearing, the release of karmic cycles and patterns, and sudden shifts and endings alongside unexpected opportunities and breakthroughs leading to destined new beginnings.
This cosmic event serves as a significant gateway to break free from karmic chains that have hindered spiritual progress. It encourages ascending individuals to confront and release emotional patterns, past traumas, and unhealthy relationships, thereby catalysing healing, growth, and forward movement. Through recognising triggers, making healthier choices, releasing toxic patterns, and letting go of harmful attachments, one can disrupt repeating cycles and gain valuable lessons for personal evolution and liberation.
As the energy intensifies and charges up during this eclipse season, ascending individuals may experience heightened pressure and buzzing sensations amid the ongoing energetic shifts.
While the darkness may seem overwhelming at times in its dualistic energy force , it is an amplified and heightened opportunity to confront the deeper inner shadows , to embark on an awakening journey of ascension self-discovery , higher consciousness. and healing.
Darkness will eventually have no choice but to dissipate and will no longer persist at the heightened new energy vibrations on Earth. This shift signifies Ascending Earth becoming inhospitable to dark energies, This is the era of Aquarius ruling where love and freedom will once more reign supreme.
The cleansing and clearing of external matrix energies during this transformational phase is a deep purging and releasing process of collapsing old paradigms in the mind, body, heart, soul, and spirit, allowing for purification, detoxification, release, and healing.
In this soul solitude state and internal metamorphosis, ascending individuals are called to stand alone and learn how to protect their energy amidst the chaotic outer world denser energies . Self-healers are powerful alchemists, masters at transmuting internal pain into inner sovereign strength and power , wounds into deeper healing and wisdom, toxic relations into healthier boundaries, and past burdens into divine blessings.
Being an Ascending soul, while challenging, Also activates the gift of embodying higher values such as solitary reflection, peace, wisdom, deep empathy, human compassion and profound love, transcending materialistic and ego-driven pursuits for a peaceful , sovereign , and soulful existence.
Globally, a significant shift is underway as many ascending transition into much higher timelines and parallel realities. Amidst Earth's profound movements, ascending individuals may feel challenged or invisible and unseen in the 3D matrix collective , as the old timelines here in old earth nears its end. Ascending souls are increasingly aware of this major energetic shift occurring on Earth, signaling a remarkable accelerated transformation and awakening on a global scale.
Ascending Starseeds and Lightworkers may be feeling emotionally low recently due to heightened sensitivity and connection to collective changing energies. As Starseed souls collectively awaken to more disconnect from the 2-3D matrix, they undergo an extreme and profound shift in reality , they may also experience absorbing denser collective energy. It is beneficial to always discern and release energies that do not belong to ascending Self . This helps grounding into the supportive Earth new conscious energetic grids .
Releasing negative energies not aligned with divine love and seeking guidance from your Ascension light team will shield you from unwanted lower energies. Your body is upgrading to align with new encoded and quantum information, releasing the older and denser energies to strengthen the molecular and cellular structure. Practice gentleness with yourself during inner changes and major upgrades.
Embodying higher energies supports your needs, as energy is the true currency of the new Earth. Trust in your inner abundance and release limitations linked to old belief systems. The shifting tides may bring external distortions, but inner expansion and peace will help anchor you into new earth realities and contribute to shifting collective consciousness.
Before a major shift in your life, it's common to feel like everything is falling apart as the old aspects of yourself and your surroundings need to leave to make energetic space for the new. This transition into the unknown can at times trigger feelings of vulnerability, insecurity, and anxiety. However by remaining consciously aware of this process, you will navigate through it and stay aligned with higher conscious timelines, allowing the dissipation of these challenging emotions as you move forward and Ascend higher .
In New Earth Energy you are Reclaiming your Divine birth right , your authentic inner power to increase Ascension energies within and align with your higher self and purpose. This is another amplified Ascension opportunity taking place to harness and accelerate planetary energy and to create a higher vibrational reality for ascending Self . Remembering that everything is energy, and continuing learning to work with these energies will lead to personal and collective transformation.
In loving and devoted Ascension service
Source inspiration : by Ascension LightWorkers 

source - facebook
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