To The Ascension LightWorker Collective
THE INVISIBLE IS GOING TO BECOME VISIBLE. THE VEIL IS RAPIDLY THINNING. WE ARE ASCENDING: A Balance Of Power and Alignment Is Occurring Through Out The Ascending Collective Consciousness. Liberation from all false structures is Imminent. An energetic wave of Christ Conscious Light Codes are streaming in to the planet from the recent expansion of the Central Sun , resulting in DNA Activations and Upgrades to the Base , Heart, Third Eye and Crown Energy Centers.
This is a Purification and Healing Wave that is Impacting Gaia and the Ascending Collective Consciousness , Simultaneously assisting with transmuting mass density into higher frequency vibrations of light. Anything relating to a lack of love for the self will resurface for clearing. Addictions, Repeated Cycles and Self-unknowingness Inflicted Karma.
Where there has been abuse of power the new earth vibrations will provide higher frequencies to balance and align the planetary consciousness . Truth is the most indestructible energy in all of existence , it is needed for freedom of all false structures .
ascension symptoms : the lows may become a little more uncomfortable , they are temporary and are followed by expansive and higher states of Conscious being.
A New Sense Of Freedom within .Heart Tingling sensations , Crown Tingling, Chakra (Hot/Cold Sensations), Energy Fluctuations, Euphoria, Bliss, Clarity, Oneness, Enhanced senses, Source love Connection, Peace, Love, Inner knowing, Vivid Dreaming, conscious dreaming , Insomnia, Visions, Heart Palpitations, Painful Memories, Anxiety, Irritability, Injustice trauma , Fatigue, Vertigo, Physical Aches and Pains, Body aches , Headaches, Ringing Ears, Blurred Vision, Fear, Confusion , Nausea, Emotional , Exhaustion.
acknowledging and recognising the diversity In individuals takes the ascending on a personal journey of self-discovery and realisation leading them to their true authentic essence. This process of awakening enables the ascending to gain a profound awareness , higher perceptions and clarity this creates the fundamental distinction between love and fear.
The heightened collective consciousness, the ascending are making consciously mindful decisions and choices at any given moment, utilising their free will to liberate themselves from the grips of the human conditioning of unnecessary suffering. This empowering gift of awareness serves as a shining and guiding light, illuminating the path towards inner peace, harmony, and authenticity on Ascending Gaia Earth .
Eventually all Ascending individuals will start to realise the universe is forcing them to spend more time alone so that they can start depending on the higher self, to remove the unhealthy attachments placed on others and outside sources . It is time to start putting all the energy back into the self to become the original version of intentional creation .
As Ascending individuals progress through varying levels of consciousness, they reach a point where expressing their truth is paramount over persuading others to accept it. This higher realisation stems from understanding that everyone follows their own unique journeys. Trying to persuade someone who is metaphorically "crawling" to walk or run , is futile as they are on their own conscious development path.
As the ascending progress towards discovering their higher purpose, their expanding awareness reveals a connected web of events, unveiling the bigger picture. The seed of their awakening, ignites the spirit, kindling a fire within. The moment of Higher realisation , transformation and actualisation has arrived.
During this time of quiet reflection, silence, and solitude, the full moon in Scorpio vibrations offers a potent opportunity to release more of the past self and welcome in a new chapter in life. The ascending may experience subconscious grief and heightened emotions during this stage of Ascension .
Allow self to process each emotion that surfaces. immersing your body in water, such as the ocean, waterfall, river, bath, or shower, is highly recommended. Allow the nurturing energy of being deep in the womb of Mother Earth , the universal womb, preparing for the next rebirth . meditate , pray, trust, and cultivate emotional resilience in this sacred womb space just before emerging into a world of love , a new cycle and a new beginning .
Thoughts send out a powerful conscious frequency that vibrate into reality, what we think is what we become and attract. By this reasoning, our own consciousness is the creator in new earth existence .
In Loving and devoted Ascension service
Source Inspiration by Ascension LightWorkers . 

source - facebook
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