"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Nicky Hamid - Outcomes do not create your reality, beliefs do

What we experience is the result of past conditions and circumstances. That the past predetermines what is happening to you now.
Oh NO.
Sorry but the beliefs you have are not dependent on what has happened to you. Outcomes do not create your reality, beliefs do. Thought precedes outcome always not the other way round. The nature of your experience is dependent on how you view it.
Why could there be a number of siblings in your family and yet you all see your same parents so differently.
Your view creates the kinds of circumstances that become available for you to choose from. You are the CREATOR.
The best way to create what you desire is to align yourself with the feeling you want and make energetic choices to action more of that feeling.
Your past viewed now (because there is no past actually) becomes an opportunity to expand your view now, or not. The expansion leads to increased choice, opportunity, and POSSIBILITY.
All action leads to more expansion as you allow for a larger and vaster view. It is just like being at the centre of an ever expanding field of Possibilities. The past is merely a source of data you can draw from once you have dismantled any attachment or emotional charge.
Let the emotional charges out through your body experience.
Shine on
I So Love You

source - facebook

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