"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Weekend Vibezz

The last weekend of April is here and Mercury retrograde is finally over. While Mercury likes to dance backwards, it likes to open the closets hiding the skeletons of the past. It's not just communication and attention that tend to go astray, but either we or someone from the past comes back at this time. A dear old friend came back to me, who said goodbye last year to go his own way. It was a pleasant surprise, and we quickly catch up with each other. 

In the last week's weekend vibezz, I already wrote about this "desert sand", which is increasingly common over Europe, but this week on the 23rd, Greece was resplendent in apocalyptic colours, creating an ideal atmosphere for a doomsday movie or even a fake Martian photo. According to the media, a large mass of North Africa’s "Sahara sand" covered the country, especially Athens, and many people complained of breathing problems and strange smell in the air - like chemical. 

If this is really Sahara dust - sand, why isn't the sky like this in desert countries? The dust causes breathing problems, but it has no chemical smell. Maybe something else is causing it? According to my own observations, it is an unusual dust, almost like a face powder or chalk powder and its colour is more clayey. 

We know that countries' governments love to play god and have a long history of influencing the weather. It is now publicly recognized that they can turn clouds into rain clouds with chemicals (salt flares - silver iodide, potassium iodide, salt) and electrochromic discharges ( electric charges, infrared laser pulses). We also witnessed this weather manipulation attempt in the United Arab Emirates, when cloud formation caused heavy rain and flood on April 16. 


Silver iodide - Agl 47 - It is a photosensitive solid used in photography, as an antiseptic in medicine, and in rainmaking. Yellow powder. According to the internet, the safety classification of this substance is environmental hazard, i.e. Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effect. https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/Silver-iodide

Potassium iodide - KI - a crystalline salt used in photography and radiation treatments. An important source of iodide. KI can turn yellow under the influence of heat or light, or when left in moist air for a long time, because the iodide is oxidized to iodine. KI can cause harmful health effects. Also irritant, health and environmental hazard. 


The biggest problem is that they spray - Chemtrailing - shooting the sky with various harmful substances and it falls in any form within a period of time. We inhale these substances, these are seep into our water and land, and we consume them. Therefore, we are not only making the environment sick, but also ourselves. Let's think about why there are so many diseases in the age of "modern medicine" - especially cancer, tumours, Alzheimer etc. especially in the last 10-20 years.

Nature - Gaia - always strives for balance, but this balance is very fragile, especially if it is artificially manipulated and can cause extreme swings that not only pose a danger to nature but also to people. Man's intervention in natural processes has always led to serious problems, especially in today's modern times. 

The media, paid scientists and the elite all blame the average citizen for the "global warming" that has developed, thus taking billions out of our pockets, playing god and the saviour, thus ruining the homeland of humanity. They know what the truth is, what the real reason is, but knowledge is power and therefore humanity is still controlled by false information.  

Weather manipulation is used not only to create rain, snow or heat in their own country, but unfortunately also to manipulate other countries through weather for any political, military cause. 

How much power is concentrated in a few hands over a country, a continent or the whole earth. While one country or continent thrives, I can cause harm to countries that disagree with them for whatever reason. For example - Operation Popeye.

Not only they can wipe out the sun from the sky with the help of the chemtrail, but they can also cause droughts, floods, earthquakes, and forest fires with their technology. In essence, this allows them to extend complete control and arbitrariness over the entire planet. 

These "people" will do anything for power and control. You might think "why do they do it, since we all live under the same sky?", well, while we sit in the problem caused by them and try to live our little lives, they can hide anywhere, in places that the average citizen knows nothing about. If a global catastrophe were to strike, they would be the first to flee, either to another planet or underground.

Why do you think big companies want to buy up water rights? Water is essential for our survival, as our body is also 60-70% water. The human body can survive much longer without food than without water.

Also, what a coincidence that large corporations buy up farmland, make it impossible for farmers to grow food, so these corporations can produce edible products that are completely genetically modified, and they can control the food supply. Or they can keep the land fallow and force the population to eat bugs that our bodies are not used to and cause a lot of irritation and health problems, but then the pharmaceutical industry what they own will offer some solution which will "save" the population. Think about how it feels to be hungry and thirsty. Think about what a person will do to be able to eat, drink and provide these for their children. Yes, everything... Control over basic needs and thus manipulation is one of the greatest acts against humanity...

If we finally stopped interfering with the balance of nature and lived in connection with nature again, after a while order would be restored. But that would take time, as the damage is significant. Just think during the pandemic, while we were confined to our rooms, nature began to take back control and started the rebalancing itself.  

Also we should also remember that the pole shift is real and it also has an influence on the natural and climatic changes of our earth. And let's add that the magnetic poles of our sun will also flip (may this year) which also affects the natural behaviour of our Earth. 


This is a natural cyclical process and this will happen, probably in our lifetime. The great flood that happens at the pole change is necessary at some point. That will be a reset, cleansing, rebirth.

But until then instead of the billions spent on weather manipulation and military aggression, we should rather support inventors and organizations who have ideas and ready-made plans to make the Earth healthy and clean again. Plastic is one of the biggest problems, for this we need an epoch-making solution that would be able to break it down effectively and replace it with something more environmentally friendly instead of manufacturing plastic. 

I believe in team humanity that together we will be able to overcome anything, and that solutions and innovations will be created that will revolutionize our lives to a healthier and happier one.

The idea for this weekend's music was inspired by the orange sky of Athens. The original version is Three Drives - Greece 2000, which conquered Europe at that time, but now I'm sharing the "renew" version.

I wish everyone a nice weekend and a happy week ahead :)

"You close your eyes and feel surrendered
Look inside and feel a storm
When there's no light to shine up
Know that I'm there

When silence speaking louder
The sound will break your fear
I am with you

You close your eyes and feel surrendered
(I am with you)"

I ask apology


Ascension Lightworkers - let go of judgement and criticism towards others - 26.04.2024

To The Ascension LightWorker Collective

The ascending individuals have let go of judgement and criticism towards others and by doing so this enabled them to release the inner judge and critic that resided within this is what promotes self love , less judgment , less self condemnation , less self criticism , accepting responsibility for not knowing what you do today , if it was meant to be different it would of been so .

Everything up to this point was perfect in the way it needed to be , it is always about higher learning , valuing each person and experience in the past as a self serving learning experience needed at the time for the activation of awakening , the first step is always awareness , these two aspects play a major role as catalysts for Ascension to take place .

Spiritual narcissism, spiritual psychosis, and spiritual illusions have become increasingly prevalent in today's spiritual communities. Spiritual narcissism refers to an inflated sense of ego and self-importance in one's spiritual superiority over others. This is on the rise , it manifests as a need for self validation, attention, supply and admiration from others in the spiritual community.

Spiritual psychosis involves a detachment and distortion from reality and a loss of touch with normal perceptions of the world. This leads individuals to have delusions of grandeur, perceive themselves as messiah figures, or experience extreme paranoia related to spiritual beliefs.

Spiritual illusions are distortions of reality that can lead individuals to misinterpret spiritual teachings, experiences, or signs. This can result in a skewed understanding of spiritual concepts, leading to misguided beliefs and actions.

The rise of social media and the emphasis on self-improvement in today's society have contributed to the prevalence of these factors , It is wise for individuals in spiritual communities to remain grounded, practice discernment, and seek higher guidance from their higher self and ascension team to navigate these potential pitfalls on the spiritual path.

Distortions on the ascension journey can manifest in various ways, such as Spiritual Bypassing, Avoiding or denying unresolved emotional issues under the guise of spiritual ascension .

Ego Inflation: Developing a sense of superiority or entitlement due to perceived spiritual progress. Imbalances in Energy Centers, Focusing solely on higher chakras while neglecting grounding and integration and lower chakras.

Attachment to Spiritual Experiences: Craving peak spiritual experiences without integrating the lessons or insights gained.

Over-Intellectualisation, Relying excessively on spiritual knowledge without embodying or applying it in every day life. Judging others and believing they are beneath them .
Comparison and Competition: Judging one's progress based on others' journeys rather than focusing on personal growth.

Common distortions individuals may face on their ascension journey include:
Spiritual Materialism, Seeking external validation or material gain through spiritual practices. Spiritual Bypassing: Avoiding dealing with unresolved emotional issues by focusing solely on spiritual growth.

Spiritual delusions : Guru Dependency: Placing excessive reliance on spiritual teachers or gurus for personal validation or guidance.

Ego Inflation: Developing a sense of spiritual superiority or entitlement, leading to judgment of others. Shadow Denial, Ignoring or repressing aspects of oneself that are considered negative or undesirable.

Attachment to Spiritual Experiences: Chasing euphoric or mystical experiences without grounding or integration.

Awareness of these distortions and a commitment to inner work, self-reflection, and humility is what helps ascending individuals to navigate their ascension journey with authenticity, integrity, and genuine spiritual growth.

Navigating these distortions involves self-awareness, inner reflection, discernment, humility, and seeking guidance from authentic spiritual teachers or mentors. It is important to approach the ascension journey with openness, curiosity, and a willingness to embrace all aspects of self for holistic development , transition and transformation.

The consciously ascending individuals are choosing to shift away from detrimental behaviours such as over giving, over-functioning, people-pleasing, neediness, lack of boundaries, projection/withholding, surrendering true power, playing the victim, imposing ultimatums, tolerating disloyalty , and enduring physical, verbal, and emotional disrespect . This major transformation marks a new chapter where the ascending are discerning , embracing self awareness, self-love, and healing the inner self .

Ascending individuals can expect: Increased self-awareness and spiritual growth. Heightened intuition and connection to higher guidance.

Greater emotional resilience and inner peace. Alignment with one's purpose and life path. Synchronicities and signs guiding them on their journey. Healing of past wounds and patterns. Enhanced creativity and inspiration.

Deepening sense of interconnectedness with all beings. Moments of spiritual awakening and clarity. Transformation and evolution on all levels, physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.
On the ascension path , it is now about expressing your authentic self to others. By concealing your inner light, you deny both the self and others the chance to form genuine connections. Accepting vulnerabilities and allowing them to shape your being.

When you let down your guard to ascending others you invite them to do the same. This creates opportunities for deeper, more meaningful light minded relationships based on honesty , authenticity and openness.

Welcome in the guidance from the spirit realm, trust the ascension process taking place in life , remaining open to signs , synchronicities and messages being received . The ascension journey is supported by unseen forces working to create the ideal conditions for manifesting your dreams in new earth energy .Divine timing is the key .

In loving and devoted Ascension service
Source Inspiration by Ascension LightWorkers

source - facebook

Judith Kusel - 2024 is a year of intense changes - 25.04.2024

2024 is a year of intense changes and the surfacing of all which no longer serves us and all of earth and humanity. It is a cosmic clearing and cleansing of the highest degrees as the fires of purification are sweeping through and those of transmutation.
It is a huge alchemical process.

Remember that the purest gold emerges from from sheer rock which is molten at extreme temperatures. Gold is liquidized before it can take on any form.

Yes it does get very uncomfortable to be faced with all the old stuff, the old skeletons rattling and all surfacing which finally needs to be owned in yourself and rest of humanity. Being pushed out of the old comfort zones.
Yet, look how it all serves you, and the greater whole!

You are awakening at much higher and profound levels and pushed into the realms where the only place to go to is deeper within and connecting ever deeper and more profoundly with the Source within you.

All the great souls who ever lived on this planet and left their imprints knew that the greatest Sources of the All Knowing, All Seeing. All Hearing lie within. They sought inner stillness and took Sabbaticals, did soul searching, and emerged with far greater insights and wisdom than ever before.

We are emerging, our souls are breaking free from all the shackles and bonds of the past. The freer we become, the more the soul seeks the highest light, highest love and highest expression, so that it can fulfill its soul mission and purpose on earth and leave a lasting legacy of love.

Let us let go of the past, and all which ever is present, and keep our eyes on the end goal, that of ascending fully into our new lightbodies and being reborn into the New Earth with love, in love, and through love.

Expand that vision into the New Golden Age and ask yourself, what is my lasting contribution of love and wisdom for the New Humanity in the 5th to 7th dimensional state?
Go even further and expand this into the solar, galactic and universal realms.
How can I contribute with love and pure intent in the highest and best ways for the highest good of all?
Keep that vision and become it in the here and now.
Hold it in your heart and love it into form and being.

source - facebook

A QUICK NOTE #2080 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Mirror Fields are adjusted" - 25.04.2024

P1 calling Terrans for origin recognition! Attention for PVSE/SdE calls!
Special Transmissions keep increasing.
Neva Shielding in progress.
Mirror Fields are adjusted.
Island Projectors are updated.
Divine Standards are inviolably maintained.
Projectors for *Hi-HumanS+D1 integrations pointed and intensified >>>> Reverb at 66% (not countdown).
Neva+R++: 14th Akashic Projector pointing for support assessment. 59% (not countdown). Next >>>15. Forecast 19. +++ AUTHORIZED. JEBLESSINGS.
Attention The *Star Line Bearers! Projector support for enlightenment at 96% (not countdown).
Temporarily, end of transmission.
Pleiades1 (Supporting Basic Triad in Activation).

Jason Estes Update - May a powerful month of change and transformation & may 1-5 template test - 25.04.2024


With just over 1.1 billion people now gated we are heading into the template tests for May this is a powerful month of change and transformation as well as the very first time circuit so this template test will be pretty strong remember to resource up and check in with your body on how to best prepare for May 1-5th know that even though the world will look even more crazy and most likely like summer of 2020 we will be ok and this is the final purge of this density so while it may be loud and hard to see watch with faith and acceptance so that the true change can begin ::hugs::

Headed off till may 5th for another adventure you guys got this see ya after template test ❤ ::hugs::

source - facebook

Cobra - Short Situation Update - 24.04.2024

The Light Forces are removing the dark Atlantean network according to the plan. They are involved in very sensitive and risky operations behind the scenes, and nothing more can be said about that at this moment.

I was surprised when the existence of other universes was revealed to me. The Light Forces have given me intel about 25 years ago that all other Universes have been integrated into this one. In the meantime, new Universes were discovered to exist and very recently I was made aware of these.

The Light Forces have communicated that they need to release intel gradually, only as fast as it can be safely integrated without provoking too much anomaly which could then not be processed fast enough and would cause trouble.

The presence of darkness in those other Universes is minimal and much less than it currently exists on this planet. The main stronghold Reptilian planet in the most problematic of the other Universes was liberated recently in extremely heavy battles with many casualties on both sides. All remaining darkness in those Universes is expected to be cleared soon.

None of the dark entities present in other Universes can travel into this Universe anymore. The only beings traveling from other Universes are the Light Forces bringing reinforcements for the final liberation.

Negative quantum wormholes between this Universe and other Universes still exist, but they will be cleared shortly.

An enormous Ascension portal that I have already briefly mentioned in one of my past updates has begun to make its presence felt in other Universes. More precisely, that is the beginning of the process of bubble nucleation as part of the transition from false vacuum to true vacuum in the Multiverse:

Our planet remains to be the main stronghold of the dark in the Multiverse and the main problem to be resolved. Hopefully I will be able to release more concrete intel about the planetary situation in a few weeks after certain situations get resolved.

In the meantime, you are more than welcome to join our New Atlantis workshop in Bogota, Colombia:

There, I will be able to reveal for the first time the true meaning of the Emerald tablets and the use of emeralds as portals to Agartha.

Victory of the Light!

Original Post:

Benjamin Fulford Weekly (Full) Report - 22.04.2024

Fake US government buys a week of time with bitcoin fraud and by stealing Russian assets

You can read the full report here:


Cosmic Gateway - Collective upward swing is about to catapult us into the New Space - 25.04.2024

Hey Soul Tribe,

How are you feeling?

Today there as been another energic layer which has been shed, this has been palpable through the Collective Field.

The Energy's of Grief, Sadness or just feeling out of Balance is very heightened for those who are preparing to move fully into the "New Space."

How I understand it is the layers which are shedding are the old version of ourselves, the Final Collapsing of Timelines.

These Timelines include the Corrupted, Inverted & Distortions experiences along our Souls Pathway.

This is a Pivotal process for Returning back into Unity & Love within Ourselves.

When there are marker days such as Anzac Day, Global Events this can create a stir, within our Field and if we are sensitive it can exacerbate our own internal process.

New Intel came through late last night...

This is a 3 stage process that many are going through now.

Those who are connected within the same Soul Group the beloved Soul Tribe.

We are exiting out of this "overtime" period and grounding ourselves into the "New Space."

Once enough of us have landed in this place and reconnected, this will create momentum & an upwards shift within the Collective Field.

We all then arrive in this Co-Creational New Space. This is where we get to Colllaborate, Celebrate & Enjoy the fruits of our labour.

The hard work wasn't in vein, we had all Arrive!

We get the Opportunity to Acclimatise within this space, it's the training wheels. As we join Forces & Come Together.

This naturally will bring so much Vibrancy & Light that it will Activate the first Collective Solar Flash Event.

This process will give us all the Opportunity to Embody within us new Frequencies, understand our Soul Skills, Abilities & create great Abundance.

We then finally get the Freedom that we all deserve!

I'm very excited to share this information & will continue to share more as it comes through.

Much love & gratitude
Alisha Braché
source - facebook

Nicky Hamid - How to become a system buster

How to become a Systems Buster.
First and foremost you make sure that each day you take at least a few minutes to Love Your Own Heart. To Love the bravery of you being here, seeing through the lies and hypocrisy, but having compassion and understanding also.
Loving that you can see the "system" and changing it with every conscious breath of your own knowing and your connection to Source and the Great God Stream.
Then you acknowledge that in order to do what you are here to do you must be able to do well, with the minimum of effort, what is required of you by the “system” so that they "leave you alone".
Then you courageously do exactly what you are guided to do, quietly and stealthily as if this is the real work and the rest is “window dressing”.
Follow your heart and keep in mind also that you are doing what you are doing because it is your joy and it becomes "Something beautiful for God".
To Love Fearlessly.
The trick to "making a difference" is to be in the real world that you know is not only possible but is being made manifest in your every act of sharing yourself and your Shine, and at the same time being able to quietening your own "petty thoughts" with the minimum opposition and internal conflict. And thus you become more able to hold that same space for others.
You are not where you are to change the old system. You are here to create a New Way of Being, one that puts people and Heart, first, second, and third.
Building the Heart of One through your own Heart.
I so honour you and thankyou for being here for us.
Shine On.
I So Love You

source - facebook

Ascension Lightworkers - The invisible is going to become visible - 24.04.2024

To The Ascension LightWorker Collective

THE INVISIBLE IS GOING TO BECOME VISIBLE. THE VEIL IS RAPIDLY THINNING. WE ARE ASCENDING: A Balance Of Power and Alignment Is Occurring Through Out The Ascending Collective Consciousness. Liberation from all false structures is Imminent. An energetic wave of Christ Conscious Light Codes are streaming in to the planet from the recent expansion of the Central Sun , resulting in DNA Activations and Upgrades to the Base , Heart, Third Eye and Crown Energy Centers.

This is a Purification and Healing Wave that is Impacting Gaia and the Ascending Collective Consciousness , Simultaneously assisting with transmuting mass density into higher frequency vibrations of light. Anything relating to a lack of love for the self will resurface for clearing. Addictions, Repeated Cycles and Self-unknowingness Inflicted Karma.

Where there has been abuse of power the new earth vibrations will provide higher frequencies to balance and align the planetary consciousness . Truth is the most indestructible energy in all of existence , it is needed for freedom of all false structures .

ascension symptoms : the lows may become a little more uncomfortable , they are temporary and are followed by expansive and higher states of Conscious being.

A New Sense Of Freedom within .Heart Tingling sensations , Crown Tingling, Chakra (Hot/Cold Sensations), Energy Fluctuations, Euphoria, Bliss, Clarity, Oneness, Enhanced senses, Source love Connection, Peace, Love, Inner knowing, Vivid Dreaming, conscious dreaming , Insomnia, Visions, Heart Palpitations, Painful Memories, Anxiety, Irritability, Injustice trauma , Fatigue, Vertigo, Physical Aches and Pains, Body aches , Headaches, Ringing Ears, Blurred Vision, Fear, Confusion , Nausea, Emotional , Exhaustion.

acknowledging and recognising the diversity In individuals takes the ascending on a personal journey of self-discovery and realisation leading them to their true authentic essence. This process of awakening enables the ascending to gain a profound awareness , higher perceptions and clarity this creates the fundamental distinction between love and fear.

The heightened collective consciousness, the ascending are making consciously mindful decisions and choices at any given moment, utilising their free will to liberate themselves from the grips of the human conditioning of unnecessary suffering. This empowering gift of awareness serves as a shining and guiding light, illuminating the path towards inner peace, harmony, and authenticity on Ascending Gaia Earth .


Eventually all Ascending individuals will start to realise the universe is forcing them to spend more time alone so that they can start depending on the higher self, to remove the unhealthy attachments placed on others and outside sources . It is time to start putting all the energy back into the self to become the original version of intentional creation .

As Ascending individuals progress through varying levels of consciousness, they reach a point where expressing their truth is paramount over persuading others to accept it. This higher realisation stems from understanding that everyone follows their own unique journeys. Trying to persuade someone who is metaphorically "crawling" to walk or run , is futile as they are on their own conscious development path.

As the ascending progress towards discovering their higher purpose, their expanding awareness reveals a connected web of events, unveiling the bigger picture. The seed of their awakening, ignites the spirit, kindling a fire within. The moment of Higher realisation , transformation and actualisation has arrived.

During this time of quiet reflection, silence, and solitude, the full moon in Scorpio vibrations offers a potent opportunity to release more of the past self and welcome in a new chapter in life. The ascending may experience subconscious grief and heightened emotions during this stage of Ascension .

Allow self to process each emotion that surfaces. immersing your body in water, such as the ocean, waterfall, river, bath, or shower, is highly recommended. Allow the nurturing energy of being deep in the womb of Mother Earth , the universal womb, preparing for the next rebirth . meditate , pray, trust, and cultivate emotional resilience in this sacred womb space just before emerging into a world of love , a new cycle and a new beginning .

Thoughts send out a powerful conscious frequency that vibrate into reality, what we think is what we become and attract. By this reasoning, our own consciousness is the creator in new earth existence .

In Loving and devoted Ascension service
Source Inspiration by Ascension LightWorkers .

source - facebook

Natalia Alba - Soul Star Activation - 25.04.2024

Beloved Ones,

After the Scorpion passage with its healing and reconnective energies, many of you will be experiencing the activation of your soul chakra, your eight-dimensional one, 12 inches above the head, as your inner work and the current planetary energies facilitate this opening.

The essence and color of this chakra as you know is of a golden frequency, as it is the color of our monad and the soul dimensions, until we fully activate the monad complex which too involves the 9th dimensional chakra, in which it shifts into a white-bluish colour.

The eight-dimensional frequencies we are now receiving are meant to help us awaken our soul star chakra, reconnect to our monad and all the wisdom that resides in our soul records, and universal mission.

The activation of our soul star chakra occurs gradually, as we continue embodying the energies that will support this massive opening that is now taking place in many of you. This is the opening that allows the descension of your galactic history, helping you remember who you have been, who you are, and who you will be, something that occurs when we too have activated our second DNA strand, responsible for time and space, which is of utmost importance to navigate between different dimensions.

Equally important for the activation of our soul chakra is clearing our astral heart center, as it is connected through the thymus where the activation of our soul star/eight chakra occurs, allowing the light transmissions to flow to us. However, clearing first our heart center from any non-benevolent connections is key to allowing our green heart chakra spectrum to transfigure into the blue one that finalizes the process of eight-chakra reconnection, and fifth-dimensional self embodiment.

To be able to have access to our galactic history and knowledge, we need to heal, clear, and reconnect as well our eight-dimensional DNA strand, for it is the key that opens the dimensional gates for us to receive this information. As we keep descending the eight-dimensional transmissions that are now being embodied by many of you, you will start fulfilling soul contracts, relationships whose purpose has ended, as to allow more illumined reunions in your life, you need to learn how to let go, so you can embrace again.

When the opening of our soul star chakra takes place, we start remembering, beginning, and ending many soul agreements that kept us enslaved, sacrificing ourselves, and disempowered, for we know to remember the love that we are and the importance of self-respect and care.

As you release all that has been stagnant in your physical and non-physical bodies, a massive release will too take place at a physical level, as a natural process of letting go of all that your body carried that was not for it to bear. Honor yourself and what your body asks of you at this time, for all has a time within Creation, and if the time for you to rest, rejuvenate, and retrieve strength has come, honor it, for it is what you need now to allow more love and wisdom in your being.

This is indeed a time of great transformation for All, one that the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction activated in our earth plane, as Scorpio did as well at a soul level. Energies that will continue to increase with the 5/5 portal, and Taurus, whose energies are for us to anchor this inner healing, transmissions, and activations in our earthly plane, for we cannot complete our inner processes if we first do not ground ourselves, and all we are consciously embodying.

We are now entering into a new passage reigned by the Emerald ray and its healing and revitalizing frequencies, for we are heading into a month in which the focus on our earth plane will be essential. A passage that will help us feel energized after the intensity of the previous ones, although we are all unique are are in different stages of our ascension journey.

Beyond everything, remember to take care of yourselves. Where you put your focus, energy, and intention is key to determining where you are heading next, what you allow, what you feed, and what you nurture with your intention, will shift your timeline, for our intention enhances, creates, or diminishes, depending on how we choose to use our life force.
May you utilize your life force, wisely, divinely, and lovingly.
May all you do create more beauty, love, and harmony for you and All.

Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba
Photo y: Natalia Alba with pre program.
source - facebook

A QUICK NOTE #2079 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Ancestral reinforcements keep arriving" - 24.04.2024

P1 calling Terrans for origin recognition! Attention for PVSE/SdE calls!
Activators are mirrored!
Ancestral reinforcements keep arriving!
Dynamism is increased in Multiplanes!
Sacred Bridge openings started!
Solarys&Solarys activate special zone!
The *Star Bearers Line: Line enlightenment at 99% (not countdown). The Light Celebrates!
Transfers to *Khalthart are approved. 2nd wave: 100% (not countdown).
Unconscious releases started: 2/3 SPECIFIC FIELD >>>> 99% (not countdown).
Temporarily, end of transmission.
Pleiades 1 (Supporting Basic Triad in Activation).

Nicky Hamid - Faith

Faith is finding the “feeling good about” feeling without any external evidence that backs up a reason for its Presence.
Learn to give far less importance to the reality that has had your undivided attention for so long, that has kept you hypnotised, traumatised, in sleepiness, and engage now, totally with your heart feeling, just for a little while, because if you do this, your reality, will do a flip, a complete arse about face, a quantum leap. Be happy because this is who you are. Without any particular external reason.
Everything will start turning up when you are in joy and enjoying your now moments.
This is joyful living. It comes with the feelings of it and all those things that you think will bring you these fabulous feelings will come all in good time, if not sooner. Don’t doubt and worry or concern yourself of the how or the when, for the fulfilment of your dreams.
Revel in the unpredictability of it and in the expectation of the pleasant surprises that are on the way.
We live here and now in a benevolent timeline and the Universe adores You. Can’t you feel it here even in the saying of it?
It is time for you to be, and do and have. So just feel your Shining.
I So Love You

source - facebook

Ascension Lightworkers - Full Moon in Scorpio - 23.04.2024

To The Ascension LightWorker Collective

The full moon in Scorpio on the 23rd of April brings a potent energy that activates higher sensitivity levels and this can lead to sensory overload during this Scorpio full moon , ascending Individuals may find themselves more in tune with their feelings and intuition during this time, with psychic senses heightened and vulnerabilities exposed. This intense emotional energy can also manifest as feelings of irritability, frustration, and the need for more self protection.

When the full Moon aligns with Scorpio, a transformative alchemy begins to stir. Ruled by water and the potent energy of Pluto, Scorpio beckons us to delve into the depths of our emotions. In this introspective journey, Scorpio serves as a guide, urging us to unlock our inner alchemist. Just as a skilled alchemist transmutes base elements into gold, Starseeds possess the ability to quickly transform emotions, energies, and behaviours at will.

Scorpio, as an astrological sign, embodies traits that are direct and truthful , this energy has an upfront communication style. It does not mince words and has a tendency to cut straight to the heart of the matter. This energy working with the moon will be both confronting and transformational as it highlights areas in one's life that requires change and evolution.

The full moon in Scorpio also has a strong influence on dream cycles, lucid conscious dreaming experiences and out-of-body journeys and travels to interstellar dimensions . Scorpio's predatory nature also comes into play during this time, urging ascending individuals to lovingly protect what is most valuable to them and to set clear and healthy boundaries in their personal and ascending life .

Self-love and discipline become key focuses during this full moon stage in Scorpio , as Ascending individuals are encouraged to prioritise their well-being and establish daily self-love routines. The energy of Scorpio may also evoke a sense of longing for protection and source love connection, leading some to seek solace and connection with their "star family" or spiritual communities.

This full moon illuminates areas where one may not have been entirely truthful or may have been living unknowingly under pretences and illusions. It serves as a catalyst for deeper introspection and transformation, encouraging the ascending individuals towards higher states of consciousness and quantum 5D timelines .

As the quantum fields expand their frequencies on ascending Earth, the energies of light and dark become more pronounced. This polarity plays out in various aspects of life, intensifying both positive and negative forces. The Scorpio full moon acts as a spotlight, revealing hidden truths which lead to major exposures of the Earthly 2-3D power structures.

To navigate the intense energies of this period, it is beneficial to reduce fear and anxiety by limiting energy exposure to external chaos and fear-driven messages in mainstream . Maintaining a conscious focus on where self directs energy. New earth energy will highlight the reciprocity in all interactions as this is what creates balance and alignment.

In essence, the full moon in Scorpio represents a time of much deeper introspection, transformation, and revelations. By embracing the energies of truth, protection, and self-care, the ascending collective will navigate this moon phase of heightened sensitivity and emotional intensity with grace , gratitude , humility and mindfulness.

When the full Moon aligns with Scorpio, a transformative alchemy begins to stir. The astrological energies are influenced by the element of water and the potent transformational energy of Pluto, Scorpio teaches us to delve into the depths of our emotions. In this introspective journey, these astrological planetary energies are serving as powerful guides urging us all to unlock our inner alchemist and earth mastery .

Starseeds possess the ability to quickly transform uncomfortable emotions, dark energies, and behaviours with the intentional higher will. This celestial full moon will inspire the ascending to embrace the internal innate power as catalysts of profound change , healers and teachers of their own abilities and masters of their own destinies.

As we undergo a personal shift in Consciousness, transitioning from the lower dimensions to the elevated frequencies of the 5th-Vibrational Dimension, we align the self with the Divine Plan. Our role is to assist humanity in the collective Shift in Consciousness and establish the new timelines for the Ascension to the 5D New Earth.

This is similar to the profound alchemical transformation our human bodies undergo, transitioning from carbon-based to crystalline light cells of higher density, we elevate our vibrations and receive essential Light Code Activations to facilitate the Ascension process. Likewise, our Earth must undergo a parallel transformation, enhancing its Grid Systems and integrating the New Crystalline Grid , a Multidimensional Grid that serves as the blueprint for the 5D New Earth.

This transition to the 5D dimension is not only personal but also planetary in nature, with Gaia earth herself undergoing a parallel shift to the 5D level. The 2-3D and 4-5D Earth are not distinct physical locations, rather, the New Earth represents our individual experiences of the heightened vibrational realms materialising in physical form. Just as the Universe is interconnected within each of us, the New Earth exists both here and deep within the depths of our inner being.
Scorpio Full Moon , Love , Light and Blessings

In loving and devoted Ascension service
Source Inspiration by Ascension LightWorkers
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Natalia Alba - Scorpion passage & Orion lineage - 23.04.2024

Beloved Ones,

Embracing stillness during this Scorpion passage is essential, as many of you are awakening to your galactic lineage and need periods of deep communion with your soul and monad. As the 8th dimensions continue being rehabilitated, especially the one that connects us to Orion within our planetary eight-dimensional gate, many of you are awakening to your Orion memories, as this a time of profound galactic healing to clear our monads, embodying our original essence, and universal mission.

As my Guides previously shared, there is a massive Orion awakening occurring at this time, and this portal is essential for those whose main origin is related to Orion, as the current energies ease the process of cellular healing and galactic integration.

Orion, as you are aware, is a civilization that also experienced a deep polarization, eons ago of our current time and space, ending in the Orion wars that are part of our galactic history. Their process of evolution, as the majority of them are now highly evolved beings, is arduous to explain, for as you know our galactic history is complex.

When their civilization evolved, they moved into a higher level of consciousness, a process that we are just starting to achieve on our planet now. They are helping many who are healing polarity integration at this time, for they know what being profoundly polarized means.

Orion are wonderful light "warriors" and etheric surgeons as well as Arcturians, existing now between the seventh and eight-dimensional planes, as they possess different levels of consciousness, as here on earth too.

As the eight dimension's connections continue to be restored, we are allowed to retrieve our memories, and those of you with Orion lineage may experience a clearing of galactic war timeliness during this time, as well as many other memories emerging related to the wounded masculine, for it is part of what many Orion ascending souls who also have Atlantian lineage have come to this planet to balance.

Both Orion and Atlantis civilizations had a period when they were absorbed by dark technology, abusing their power and therefore ending in extension or wars. It is now when many are healing this galactic distortion encrypted within their eight-dimensional DNA strand, clearing all excess of power, and retrieving the divine masculine.

Both ascending souls with this specific lineage will too need to start a process of female synthesis, after integrating the current Orion healing transmissions, which are etheric codes to help you remove what no longer serves, to awaken and work with the female, to equilibrate imbalances and synthesized both.

We are at a time when we are receiving both female and masculine healing transmissions and massive solar and stellar plasma to help our light bodies achieve the process of recalibration and reconnection. It is in our hands to be willing to do the necessary inner work for us to be reborn by the Light.

Guides share for All who are guided a clear quartz crystal, Herkimer, or chrysocolla, as you are guided, as crystals who are going to assist us to integrate and conduct energies. The first two crystals are great conductors of energy, while the second one will help you clear old wounds and feelings, and will ease physical symptoms that you may have in your ascension process, offering you peace and balance.

As the best purifiers, we are given water, quantum healing, and sound therapy as the best purifiers of blood karmic records, light body debris, and other non-benevolent essences.

You, as the only sovereign of your being and life experience know who you are, where you have been, and where you are heading. As the wise divine being that you were made to be, you hold within all the power to heal yourself, you just have to open to the universal Love current that is endlessly generating healing for All who are willing to align to it, just decree, with a pure intention, your desire to become your authentic self, for as you decree, so be it.
May you embrace who you are lovingly, gracefully, and joyfully, Beloved Ones,

Within Infinite Love,
Photo by: Natalia Alba with pre program
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Judith Kusel - The Shift - 23.04.2024

Every soul will experience “The Shift” differently and every soul will have unique experiences as all is in fact energetic.

We are moving away from density, from form as we know it, and all is now in a state of pure energy. I often find the depth of what I am experiencing to be of such high vibrational frequency, that I struggle with words. I have been able to do this since 2008, but this is now octaves higher.

You will now find that as the heart center opens more and more and we step fully into the heart-centered living, we will directly communicate soul to soul, heart to heart, telepathically but also energetically. Our third eye will “see, hear and feel” the experience without our even needing to utter one single word.

I have experienced this time and again when I communicate with animals, first via the heart centers and then will telepathically receive messages and convey them. It is a very natural process. It is effortless.

When the energetic exchanges take place, it does not matter where in the world the other soul is, nor if they are operating at Universal levels.

We are awakening to our true essence, our immense capabilities as souls. The soul is limitless. We will start to experience and remember so much more. This is just the very beginning of us accessing the seeming impossible and then finding it is just as easy to do so, when our consciousness rises, as it is to brush our teeth.

I cannot wait for the greater expansion to happen, for indeed we are on threshold of discovering (rediscovering) so many faculties of our own souls and indeed interstellar energetic exchanges, communications, and everything else, which we could not before in our denseness. We dissolving and becoming the new expression of Lightbody forms and indeed this is where life will get enormously interesting!

I can’t wait for all of this to happen and was led this morning to read a passage in an accelerated ascension book, which confirmed this.
Our playing small time has ended. Welcome the Age of Energetic Miracles.
We are in for huge changes and indeed all good, miracle good.

Judith Kusel
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Celia Fenn - 22nd April : Post Jupiter/Uranus Conjunction and into the Full Moon in Scorpio

So, we have passed through the peak of the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction and we are heading towards the Full Moon in Scorpio tomorrow the 23rd.
I am sure most of you will agree it has been an intense time. Firstly we are now in full 5D/multidimensional mode, and that requires us to "be" in a very different way. To "feel" our way forward rather than to think and rationalise, and to breathe deeply and in harmony with the pulsations of the Divine Heart. We are energising the "seed" of the Tree of Life that will become the New Earth.
The Eclipses and the conjunction have moved us into New Earth frequency in an intense way. I feel like I have been hurtled forward at breakneck speed into a new reality that may look like the old reality but really isn't. At all!
For me, I have Taurus in my first house and my natal Moon is in Taurus. This means that through the conjunction I have been pushed to expand to the point where I feel like I am going to explode! I have been pushed out of my comfort zone like a baby bird pushed out of the nest, flapping its wings madly and hoping to fly!
With the Full Moon in Scorpio, which is opposite to Taurus, there will be a continuum of high energy at play, and whatever issues we have been working with will continue to be illuminated and expanded.
But the good new is that the light of the Scorpio Moon reaches deep into the collective consciousness and brings illumination and enlightenment.
The Shift continues.

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I ask apology

It´s like a never-ending story of shadow work...

Cosmic Gateway - Amalgamation point - 22.04.2024

There is an Amalgamation point which is occurring right now the is Collectively Collapsing all Timelines.

The 'New Space' which is already here is for everyone, this place has been created so that we can create a new phase forward Humanity. This combines Cosmic Frequencies and the Earth.
This is where we can access all Dimensions of Reality as everything already exists!
It's all available here & now.

It's crunch time... This is the message which came through last night around 11pm Melbourne Australia EST.

The was a huge Energy which moved through and it's preparing to connect with all of us. We are the conductors of this frequency & it's our role to embody it & ground it here!

Additional information which continues to flow to me, was shared the following:

The 'Event' which occurred on March 19th 2018 on the Higher Timeline only few people experienced it in the physical.

It become apparent by the Benevolent Beings that are Assisting the Earth’s Ascension process that most people were still not aware or ready for an instantaneous shift into the '5th Dimension' and Beyond.

However every Soul who has incarnated on the Planet right now had already agreed that it is their Destiny to complete their Karmic Cycles & Gratitude.

More time was needed, therefore we went into an extension phase so that more people could be ready.
We are here now!

This clearly & preparation phase has been in progress now for approximately 13 months. It's important that we were all prepared as much as possible. We have now almost completed the clearing out these Energy Loops, Energy Echoes so that each one of us could become embodied as our Human Vessel incorporates Full Consciousness as the Walks-In Energy Upgrades are now completing.

To learn more about this & gain valuable information & tools to support yourself Elevation Training Part 3 starts tomorrow details below.

Much Love
Alisha Braché
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