"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Jason Estes update - 5.3 m dtps & critical change month - 31.10.2023


What a powerful weekend we had a 100k spike and are now at 5.3m data points and many have now begun to prewave November which is a critical change month with so many massive changes like convergence or space circuits or end of trails and tribulations its going to be a big month take these last few days to reflect on your journey and resource up for the next adventure in this wonderful ride that is life ::hugs::

Q: the "Sheperts" you mentioned .. are they holding timelines until the 5 years end or just until 18th Nov?
A: Nov 15th their mission will be completed leaving 3 days to re calibrate to masterline to welcome home everyone

source - facebook

Natalia Alba - The Scorpion passage that has just begun - 28.10.2023

Beloved Ones,

Today, with the coming of the lunar eclipse, the last one in the Taurus-Scorpio Axis, we have left behind a cycle and started a new one, introduced by Scorpion energies who will lead us into the next year's gateway. A portal with unity codes for us to continue with our process of DNA synthesis and polarity integration.

It is going to be a year of monadic integration, to aligning Above and Below, for the ones who are ready to move from the soul dimensions into the monadic ones, and a year too of profound planetary work.

The Scorpion passage that has just begun, is introducing the frequencies from the sixth to the eighth dimensions that are now descending upon our planet, for we, as ascending souls, are beginning to step out of our three-dimensional world, into the Illumined ones, for as we reconnect with our higher selves, we too escalate in the many dimensions that exist.

Guides share this passage as being a very important one, acting as a transitional portal for the ones who are opening their soul portal, as well as for those who are working on inner alchemy, self-unification, or hieros gamos, as it has been called since ancient times.

The conscious integration of our masculine and female essences is the beginning of the path to move into the soul and monadic dimensions, for it is what allows the process to take place, as we have moved into a more synthesized state of being.

In this passage, we are going to receive the necessary assistance for us to work on physical unification, working with our shoulder blade portals, where our female and masculine energies reside, so we can continue healing and unifying polarities.

As we continue unifying ourselves with our illumined selves, the feeling of residing in a no-time zone will increase, experiencing time faster, for we are now aware of our multidimensionality, and with it our simultaneity.

A unity portal that will take us to the 11:11, where unification with ourselves, and All within Creation would be key, remembering the importance of bringing the same unity in everything we do, for it affects the whole.

It is a passage in which Guides invite us to work on planetary healing in the way we feel guided, seeding more love, harmony, and balance where required, for our planet is now transcending eons of control, slavery, and separation, and there are still many factors trying to resist planetary ascension.

We are evolving, there is evidence of it everywhere we go, we just have to know where to look to see the fruits of all we have been seeding, with great love and appreciation to All living beings and forms of consciousness.

Continuing to focus on progress rather than on the chaos is what keeps us centered on our global mission, for we cannot focus on fear and chaos and pretend to obtain a different result.
It is time for us to neutralize fear not by ignoring it, but by focusing on its opposite: Love, for this is how we balance what is chaotic, by focusing on the illumined, brightest aspect of us and Al Creation.

Thank you for your devoted assistance to All, Beloveds.

Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba
Art by: Encoded Frequency
source - facebook

Natalia Alba - mission of restoration and gridwork at the eclipse - 27.10.2023

Beloved Ones,

As you know we are traversing a very important planetary passage, in which many of us are immersed in a mission of restoration and gridwork, as the eclipses are activating many planetary spaces where we can start anchoring the sixth and seventh crystalline energies received, during this time.

We have been, especially during the Solar Eclipse, clearing past timeliness, on both a personal and a planetary level, and it is now the time for us to anchor more love, restoration, and clearing in the areas where our planet is experiencing separation, which is what we see from the outside, as what is truly taking place is the rehabilitation of certain planetary gates and the many intents for it not to happen.

For those who are new earth's anchors, gridworkers, stabilizers, or many other roles within Creation, and are assisting with planetary rehabilitation, Guides invite us to work on the following locations. Although, as you know, we all are One with our Planet and we all can send our love equally.

• Jerusalem, Temple Mount, which is an organic stargate that has been controlled for many years, and that is now asking for assistance.

Please, remember that this has nothing to do with all the human propaganda, about who is right or wrong or who is good or bad, for as ascending souls, we know the Truth, and we feel love and compassion for All, not just for a few, remember that it is the dark what allows the light to shine.

As planetary healers, especially if you are gridworker, you will need to clear religious programs, in these areas, geomantic anomalies, reversals, miasma, female repression, and many other issues that once there, remotely, you receive for you to clear, as this is about your personal mission as well.

• Bali: which acts as a safe corridor, protected by the Auroras to step into higher timelines. This is also a portal where 3D souls, ready to step into higher timeliness, can repair their damaged DNA.

Guides shared the importance of knowing these locations, which are available for All, not just for privileged ones, as the Truth is only one and is shared for All.

Those whose mission is to heal the 4th dimensions, or the astral, and the many souls who need to heal through soul retrieval, will use this location as an illumined portal to help cross these souls.

At this time on the planet, there are many crossing over who need a safe location, and Guides share the importance of assisting those who are leaving planet Earth through traumatic deaths, so they can remember who they are and find a harmonic timeline.

Cornwall, in the UK, is another universal location that serves as an exit point for those who are now leaving the planet, and also connects to all the other passages, as Guides share today for all who have this as a personal mission and wish to contribute to the assistance provided at this time for those souls who are now exiting the matrix now.

Guides invite us not to enter into conflicts for we feed planetary separation, but focusing on seeding love and compassion, to help bring more balance into the present chaos.

This is a very important time to assist our planet in regaining stability, in the locations where is possible, and act as healers in others where healing is required. We can only do that when we begin healing ourselves and moving into a more compassionate state of being, one in which we hold unconditional Love for All, equally.

We are heading into a more illumined timeline, our efforts to create the change that we are also witnessing, have not been in vain, and it is now more than ever that we need to focus on peace and harmony rather than on the turmoil they want us to see, for we cannot choose love while we remain in the frequency of fear.

Thank you all for your constant assistance and healing, Beloved Ones.
May you always remain in the Illumined Essence of your God Self.

Within Infinite Love,
source - facebook

Judith Kusel - We are in the midst of huge changes of energy - 27.10.2023

We are in the midst of huge changes of energy and vibrational energy fields as the higher dimensional frequency bands are being anchored in and cosmic portals open.

It opens up a new vulnerability in many souls as the old patterns are busy breaking up and have been dissolve in so many cases, as they are being cleared up to the first primordial creation on earth, and in this solar system, in galactic and intergalactic and Universal levels, the trauma, the pain and suffering is being released, also those of the Wars of Heavens.

The latter are coming up more and more in my Soul Readings, as so many souls on earth, are very old and ancient souls, and were involved in those as well. These include those from Lyra, Orion, Sirius, Pleiades, Arcturus, Cygnus, Bear Constellation, Andromeda, etc. and so many others and our solar system and counter systems as well.
This is a very deep cleansing and clearing and into the core of the soul, as this Universe is ascending as well and the earth.
The vulnerability is a sacred one, for it opens the heart center even more, and cuts to the very core of the Soul.

I have noticed immensely powerful shifts within myself, and we will need more quietude and rest, and a constant clearing of our energy fields as well as always anchoring ourselves in the Sacred Heart, and the Highest Consciousness we can access.

We are never left alone. Even the highest Universal Masters are now here to assist us through this process and are twelth dimensional and even higher. I have in energy work last Saturday accessed Universal levels I could not access before and that is how deep and profound this ascension in truth is.

Allow the healing tears to flow, for indeed they are tears of joy, awe and wonder, for they are finally bringing us into wholeness and unity once more, and unconditional love - within the deepest core of our hearts and souls. Very deep. Way beyond what we even are consciously aware of.

It is a beautiful and profound ascension lift such as we have never experienced before!

Judith Kusel
source - facebook

A girl in the Universe - SOLAR STORMS BREAKING NOW! - 26.10.2023

KP Levels are elevated to 5 currently as solar winds push in.
We have High Speed Solar Streams racing over the sun and pushing in towards the planet.
These solar winds are pushing in on the bow shock and bringing in everything they pick up between us and the sun.
From transient plasma to high solar energies, it's all pushing in today.
We've alerted twice this morning that a crack is opening in the Earth's magnetic field.
This is a common alert when considerable energies are pushing in, and KP levels are climbing.
Today is a day to ground often.
The Higher the Energies, the more we need to ground.
Expect to feel some symptoms today with these energies.
You might feel:
Head pressure,
Back pain or pressure,
Throat issues,
Limb pains,
Tingles throughout your system,
Itchy all over,
Animals acting oddly,
Extreme Tiredness,
A vibration through your system,
An understanding that things are changing around you,
Pure Bliss,
Pull on your chakras,
Birthing pains,
Lower intestinal issues,
Dry Eyes and blurry Vision.
Lack of Appetite,
Jaw and tooth pain,
Feeling Hot or Cold randomly,
And so many more.
Honor your system by listening to you and what you need during this time.
We will walk through these energies together as the amazing Ascended Masters that you each are!!
Much love and light,
-SA Smith
source - facebook

Cosmic Gateway - Timeline Wars - 25.10.2023

Wow you can certainly feel the two very big collective timelines playing out right now....mostlikely many more but you can break it down into simple terms of fear or love

One is very heavy & hard to deal with the overwhelming state of the world & the other feels light, joyful & full of optimism.
When we are moving through big processes within our lives!
There is a tipping point threshold that stands between our current reality & circumstances and the new one that we are moving into!
What happens in this process to move into one timeline/reality to the next one is a testing phase, challenges, facing your fears, purification of old energies.
Its always quite unpleasant & uncomfortable.
Then you move through the birth canal into your new reality.
Many of us went through these big internal processes & moved a huge amount of energy last year as forerunners to open the pathway up!
You can see the similarities of energy & realities now being trickled down into the wider collective experience.
As we move through this or witness that in others journey its important to remember to be in alignment first before you support others.
Remember, the bigger the jump in your expansion the bigger contrast you'll notice around you! Things what once worked easily, feel tricky to navigate & just don't flow the same.... I feel many people are being positioned or rerouted in there path so that they can come more fully into themselves.
Transition is always messy
If you're highly sensitive your mostlikely feeling this change in frequency very intense
As light holders on this planet we are continually being asked to walk in truth & authenticity for ourselves first & foremost.

The souls journey's as we go through our own individual breakdowns to breakthroughs
Seems as though we are going through another round of Soul Walks-In Upgrades once more... This time its a very physical intergration process....

I wrote about this in late November 2022 again in January 2023 & here we are again....
A Soul Walk-In Upgrade (To be clear this is not a soul exchange of two souls as traditionally know in the term Walk-in)

This is a larger portion of your own Soul trying to come into your physical body.
What happens when this occurs is the memory that you've had previously is being shed, so you logical/linear/3D part of the mind will be clearing out what it doesn't need. To make way for new levels or Soul Conciousness to expand within us more fully.
This can create lots of confusion, frustration & irritation if you're still trying to hold energy & memory which is in the process of transforming.

What can help ease this process is connecting more with the creation side brain this will assist the process of the expanded conciousness which is trying to come through.
When we engage in creative endeavours such as writing, drawing, painting, singing, dance etc that is a pathway for soul expression & energy to travel through us!
As a part of this Soul Walks-In phase ~ Whatever we still hold in our energy bodies that's not in alignment with this upgrade well be quite abruptly released.
Outdated thoughts & belief's, emotions, memories, density which has been accumulated with our cellular memory, DNA & Soul Linage.

For some it will also be fractal version of us which have been existing within other timelines, parallel realities which we could consider "past lives" energy can be very active in those timelines, which will create energetic bleedthrough as well.

So in this case heightened dreams & emotional clearing which can seem disproportionate to what's occurring in the here & now.
This is a big opportunity to clear out fragments, close off timelines & clean up you're own soul energy essence.

Physical symptoms can flare up as our higher intelligence to show us the specific points in the body that need addressing or additional support, ultimately its helping us to hold more light within us & thus changing our reality through this process so that we can be aligned with our next level of highest expression

This occurs internally first our own inner energy is being rewritten & upgrading our own personal software system. This then flows out through the rest of the energy field to balance the physical, emotional, mental & energetics.

Once they all come into a new alignment. The physical world outside reflects the same vibration. This is how important our inner resonance is to impact our reality & then moves through our collective field

This is a big job so make sure that you're honouring yourself first & foremost.
No matter what you're experiencing or where you're at it's perfect for you

Sending Cosmic love
Alisha Braché
source - facebook

Benjamin Fulford Weekly (Full) Report - 23.10.2023

While the West struggles with mental illness; the world moves on

You can read the full report here:

Allison Coe - Egypt, Essenes and Ascension - BQH session

I just started to listen this and amazing...a history lesson about the ancient Egyptian lion empire, about the dark ones, the enslavement, Essenes... and a lot of gentle reminder that all is a Game and we create. 

 I have already written about this in several of my own articles, that we are just as game geeks as our earthly selves. For our souls, I think it is the same to have fun and gain experience on such a "mission/adventure" as when we sit down in front of our computers and immerse ourselves in a fantasy world.

"I volunteered,
It looked like fun, I thought I could help, we all thought we could help.
I didn't expect this to happen though, if I knew this would happen, I wouldn't have come, I would of stayed home." - it touched my heart...I feel the same but in the same time it´s interesting experience. I call it - the great earthly adventure. I would have missed a lot if I didn't come - the music, the stories, the food, the animals and the amazing landscapes. 

"Why we want to experience such a hard energy? That we know what Love is.
We didn´t understand Love. We come from Love, we came from Light but we didn´t know the concept of it because we didn´t know the opposite. 
We didn´t know what Power was because we didn´t know the opposite, so we created these machines (AI) to help us to experience the opposite of everything."

Jason Estes Update - 5,2 M dtps - 25.10.2023


What a powerful birthday it was thank you so much for your wishes and kindness ❤ ::hugs:: while i was gone we hit 5,200,000 data points and started circuit 31 almost done with Matter circuits how has your ride been so far?

source - facebook

Celia Fenn - Scorpio Season and the coming Lunar Eclips - 25.10.2023

As we sashay into Scorpio season with our best dance moves, we feel the difference in the energies.
We are going deeper and more inwards as the eclipse energies line up along the Scorpio/Taurus axis.
Just 3 days to go!
This Eclipse is not feeling as intense as the Solar eclipse to me, it seems to have a deeper and more fluid feeling. It will also bring new Light Codes that will change the way we live on Earth and how we structure our financial lives within our communities.
My natal Moon is in Taurus, and Moon in Taurus is exalted and ruled by Venus. It is a Goiddess Moon, and the New Light Codes are about bringing the Divine Feminine to Earth and anchoring in energies of Love and Compassion. We will be flooded with the flows of Divine Grace if we are open to receive.
Also, as I was thinking about the traditional energies for Scorpio, I released it is a Water sign and that the Scorpion and the Phoenix are the symbols.
Scorpions are kind of creepy, but in Egyptain/Sirian teachings Scorpions were the "bodyguards" of the Goddesses. Isis had a squad of 13 scorpions who used to go ahead of her and clear the way of all negative energies. I could engage with a squad of those myself! I can see them as protective rather than just as dangerous.
Also, the Phoenix in its first phase is a Fire Bird, but in its second phase of creation it becomes a Water Bird or a Water Phoenix that fits in with the Scorpio/Water energy.
I will be talking more about this in our Scorpio Gate webinars that begin this Sunday just after the Lunar Eclipse.
Please join our Community to feel the creative energy of the Water Phoenix in your life!

Just a reminder that our new Scorpio Gate webinar series starts on Sunday.
Please join us to learn about the energy of the Cosmic Dancer and the Scorpion and the Water Phoenix.
There will be exciting new information as well as the beautiful company of our Circle of Light Christ Consciousness Community.
You can learn more and book your place here:

source - facebook

Judith Kusel - Divine Imprint - 25.10.2023

"With the Divine Imprint the Divine Feminine is rebirthing all of us. At times it may feel like we are being held in a type of cocoon, like the womb, where we simply do not seem to be able to move forward or backwards. These are the times where we are held in the womb of the Mother and the time when we are gestating into a much higher version of ourselves. This is especially so true, as we let go of the old patterning of pain and suffering, and finally return home to our deepest soul self. It is then that the Divine Mother will simply hold us in her womb, right there under her bosom, so that we can hear her heartbeat and are reassured. She is nurturing us, holding us within her, so that even as we are being reshaped, reinvented, love is omnipresent as we are created anew.

As the Divine Imprint is encoded with sacred geometries, with our own soul tonal chords and songs, with our new Divine Blueprints, the new seeds of Life will sprout into form and being in the New Golden Age.

At times it will feel as if we are going through the birth canal. It is not comfortable, for even within this process, so many parts of us are dying in order to be reborn. The dying is that of the Old Eve, Adam and Lilith. More than this, it is the rising of the new elevated states of consciousness, where birth itself is not painful at all, and we are being welcomed with joy into a totally new life of fresh beginnings. We are so loved and held with great and tender care. The nurturing comes from deep within our higher heart and infinite Soul and Soul Group, as we merge with our Monad, the Mighty I AM Presence and henceforth can tap into the full collective powers of our Soul Group/Monad.

When we are born anew, we suddenly find that we live life differently in so many subtle ways, that we only become aware of, in moments when we are still. Therein lies the Divine Gift of the Marys: They now only act as emissaries of the Divine Feminine, but what makes them so unique, is that they too have had lifetimes on earth and thus know what it feels like to be here on this planet.

With the Divine Feminine Imprint, the Marys step to the fore in far greater and more powerful ways. They too were being prepared for this momentous occasion during their incarnations on earth, and now they are here to assist us through the transfiguration processes with great love , with bravery, and fully open higher hearts. Underlying all this is the return of the Unity consciousness and all-embracing love. "

Copyright Applies: excerpt from my Divine Impring Course.

Judith Kusel
source - facebook


You create your reality with your thoughts, words & feelings.
Where your attention goes, your energy flows.
Your energy is attached to you, and where you place your thoughts, you pull yourself to that vibrational level.
Energy, thoughts, and all.
So, as you go through this amazing time, be mindful of where you're placing your energy via your attention.
There will be many things trying to get your attention.
Anything to get you to share some of your high vibrational energy with it.
If you send your energy to something, you're helping to build that, good or bad.
Now is the time of YOU.
Feel into things, feel the vibration and see if you resonate with it before you connect to it.
Use your heartspace to decipher if it's is something you want to add your energy to.
Everything you need is WITHIN you, not outside of you.
What is happening in this now moment is truly divinely planned.
Everything is playing out in this reality precisely as planned, and you wrote your story.
Remember that YOU are the light.
This is the time to anchor your light and Blaze it out brightly.
Sending it out around you with the intention of helping and holding the light for those that so desperately need it.
That is WHY you are here, Dear One.
To hold your light high, no matter what the storm brings.
Thank you for being on this journey and never giving up.
Much love, Divine One,
-SA Smith
source - facebook

Cobra - Short Situation Update - 24.10.2023

The Light Forces are still doing whatever possible to contain the conflict in the Middle East, and the ground offensive into Gaza keeps being delayed.

Their focus on removal of scalar and directed energy weapons is already bringing results, and many Lightworkers are reporting much less attacks than in the past.

Another focus of the Light Forces is the removal of secret biolabs, from which the Cabal under the command of the Orsini family could release dangerous viruses if the Light Forces would take too much action:

These biolabs need to be made harmless to a great degree before the Event can be triggered:

The Light Forces are still asking as many people as possible to participate in our meditation for peace in Israel every 4 hours:

They are also asking for one big meditation for peace in Israel with as many people as possible participating at the moment of the Lunar eclipse on October 28th/29th.

If enough people participate, this meditation has great potential to stabilize the situation.

Instructions are here:

The exact time for different time zones is here:

The link to the livestream meditation is here:

Victory of the Light!

Original Post:

Natalia Alba - Lunar Eclipse in Taurus - 24.10.2023

Beloved Ones,

We end this powerful month with another Lunar Eclipse at 5 degrees Taurus. The last one of the Taurus-Scorpio cycle. An eclipse that will help us transform ourselves, descending, grounding, in the physical, the change, and all the healing that we are triggering, in the depth of our being, with the energies of Scorpio.

An eclipse that reminds us of the importance of navigating between both the ethereal and the physical, descending into our tangible world what we have first envisioned in the soul planes.
This is a time when many are going to feel the polarization of both essences wanting to coexist within, for this is a time of adaptation to the change, and transformation that we are all living.

A transformation that the recent planetary events are too reflecting, through an extreme polarization, and that we all can contribute by staying centered in our hearts, creating more unity within, for what we do for ourselves, we do for the whole.

Taurus is a very transformative force, related to the earth and its power to transform all lower energies into something that serves All, for Earth takes care of us, unconditionally. It is with Taurus, ruled by Venus, now in Virgo, that we regain self-love, confidence, and the reconnection with Earth required for us to act as One with it, for we were never meant to act separated from each other.

Taurus reminds us of the importance of self-sustenance, remembering that all the resources we need, can be created from the inside, for we were never meant to depend on outer forces to expand and manifest in our human plane.

Guides share the importance at this time of working with your second chakra, the one associated with Taurus, our creative female center, clearing all programs related to creation, procreation, abundance, and all the false programs related to our personal feminine power, grounding ourselves, and restoring our female energy completely, for Taurus ruled by Venus can assist us in removing these non-benevolent programs from our creative energetic center.
This is an opportunity for us to continue removing programs and wounds from our first chakra triad, where all the human trauma resides, and where we most need to work, to transfigure our lowest chakras, and embody our highest ones.

Working on self-love is key to healing our second chakra, for it is, as Venus too reminds us, from self-love and worth, as divine beings, that everything else originates.

It is a very self-nurturing eclipse that offers us the gift of rejuvenating and healing, before we enter into a new cycle, in which the acceleration that we will experience will be strongly felt.
The eclipse occurs close to the North Node, where we are heading, as a collective, and where we personally wish to go next. This is about focusing on the Now moment, for it is in this moment that we create our next one. It is a time to move forward, leave the past aside, stand up for ourselves, and ground our soul's purpose, aligning with who we truly are and sharing our personal truth.

Mars and Mercury both in Scorpio oppose Jupiter, asking us to release tension, confusion, and frustration and re-align with the earth, and our soul, to descend more guidance about how to create that which we truly desire, from a space of love and unity with All.

Removing all feelings of disempowerment and learning how to communicate with our soul and guides team is pivotal to redirecting our feelings, another form of energy, into the right direction, utilizing the strength, represented by Mars, and inner fire, to build our next life experience.

We are at a key time in our ascension path to clear all misalignments and ground ourselves, so we can too anchor the new harmonic timeline that we are heading into. A new phase in which is indispensable to have healed as much as we can, for the energies of next year will help those who are ready to continue embodying their monadic aspects, and for that, we first need to restore our 3D chakras and the many wounds embedded within them.

This passage is a reminder for us of the importance of bringing both worlds together, anchoring heaven on earth, for it is part of what we came here to do, acting as new earth's anchors for future generations to experience a more loving and harmonic timeline.
I wish you a loving and transformational eclipse, Beloved Ones,

Within Infinite Love,
Art by: She is luminous and Tailored art.
source - facebook

Lev - Speed Up Part 1 – From 3D To 4D And 5D

The last Co-Creators’ ops speeded up eartlings enter 4D and 5D. Many esotericists fixed new key trends in our transformation, which will intensify in the coming weeks and months. Since the end of August, in the lives of many of us, the events, situations and people, which we have already encountered in the past, have been recurring. They re-check our reactions, decisions and experiences we got during intense inner work and deepest transformation.

This is a litmus test of how we respond and act now: as of old, or in a new way, backed by our novel I Am and self-perception. For many, it was a hard time. We spent incredible efforts to let go of the past, heal a lot of traumas, to overcome the state of victim and continuous suffering, for and without reason, to work out a huge amount of karma. And every time, we took one more small step closer to our true self, self-love, self-respect, and self-worth.

If in the course of gut test we react as before, it is a signal to stop and ask self: what have I learned during this time? What wisdom can I extract or already extracted from this experience? How will I react and act in my uninjured and healthy version? Why do I respond as before, after inner working so much? I haven’t finalized it? Was I really like that? Did I allow myself to be treated as a piece of mud? We must understand that this is a new global trend that tests our attitudes, relationships and interaction with others and it will be repeated many times. If we indeed have changed, we won’t get into the same situation again, and not step on the same rake.

The next important event is the full and final melding of three main timelines, that mankind’s collective consciousness forms (out of 40 in the recent past), namely, of order and ascension in our present bodies; of conformity, constant search for easy ways and least effort; and of chaos. Everyone who lived and embodied in these streams, with different vibrations and stories, now, found themselves in a single space of rapidly increasing frequencies. And this is our current habitat, no matter what continuum we were originally in. Since the beginning of September 2023, timelines’ interfusion speeded up, forcing us to assemble our different, often irreconcilable, selves into a new single version to survive in high-freqs’ environment.

Regardless of how many of the 8 billion earthlings are in a state of chaos (external and internal), everyone has more or less frequent episodes of enlightenment. And they start behaving completely differently than before, hanging and sticking for different lengths of time in the new single continuum, integral world and global script. And depending on what we have inside, we either joint it, or drop out.

Another development is an opening of the 4D/5D transition corridor, which unlocked on September 18, when Moon entered Scorpio, testing how we meet challenges. It will last up to November 18, when Moon conjunct Pluto in Capricorn, examining our endurance, capacity and desire to overcome the unexpected difficulties, freeing selves from karma. Emotional fortitude becomes the key to solving the most complex issues and situations.

This corridor is not to new dimensions, but a period of intensive transformation of our physical corpus and Subtle Bodies, strictly individual for everyone if ready. To pass the passage, we must let go of everything in our life in the past and present, what we knew and know, all our experience and memory. For many, this is a huge problem, since we can walk through the corridor only once. This is a one-way movement, and there’s no going back. The one who failed will walk in a circle. Most people will have to go through looping, cycling, which can last several minutes or years. This is not a punishment, but another test for the lessons that we haven’t learned, continuing to heal injuries and letting go of the past until we can go through this passage.

What will happen to us after leaving the corridor? We’ll help build a new world, which everyone will enter. All our bio-fields will be zeroed. No previous information will be stored inside us, including at the cellular level, as well as attachments, links, habits, views, everything that we held on to. Those who capriciously demand Event immediately, here and now, simply don’t understand that even on cells and molecules’ level should be removed entire previous data and memory. This is an immense work, full of suffering and pain.

But since the new groups of people come through the corridor, drastic changes on Earth will speed up due to the synergy effect of all involved. Before entering, we are programmed and hooked on low vibrations that force us to remain in the 3D field of the collective unconscious. But as soon as we step out of the passage, we find selves in a high frequencies space. We only take and emit them, and can no longer tune in to others.

But that’s not all. Until recently, the collective consciousness was formed by the continuous choice of each earthling how to think, feel and act. Those, who were in a state of apathy and doing nothing, or in inner chaos, filled the Subtle Plane with their negativity and toxicity, forcing all mankind to live in this stench. Now, the situation has changed dramatically. Those, who have passed through the corridor, are no longer affected by these emanations, and today, only they form the Earth’s new, high-freqs’ field.

Nowadays, we better understand what happened to our body, especially during powerful energy days – Equinoxes, Solstices, Harvest Moons, New Moons, Eclipses and others cosmic events, how the silver thread that connects us with the Higher Self works, and what our luminosity depends on.

For many millennia, we have been artificially separated from our multidimensional bodies. They were somewhere on the Subtle Plane. And when we were overloaded with karma or stopped accumulating and delivering the new experience, for which we came here, the Higher Self simply shot us off like a spent rocket stage, and helped our Soul to incarnate in a new body, epoch and country, or on any other planet.

Today, everything has completely changed. Along with quantum flows, more Light comes to Earth, and we can more enlarge our Spiritual potential. If we constantly and intensively work on selves, our silver thread turns into a powerful Light stream that fills us from top to bottom. Through it, the Higher Self descends lower and lower, and intersects with our body or completely merges with it. That is, now, we are not trying to ascend to multidimensional bodies (by activating the upper chakras), but on the contrary, they descend into us.

The Light is not just a substance, but an indicator of the quality and volume of our expanded consciousness, the capacity to take in and hold more luminosity. For everyone, it can be different, but the normal level is 60-70%. Increased it, we feel exultation inside, a feeling of “I can do anything.” Spiritual potential grows endlessly. Conversely, if we are in deep apathy, depression or aggression, the potential drops to zero, as our emotions and thoughts become negatively charged. The Light in the cells decreases, and we fall into an even deeper prostration.

The more we contain Light, the more intensely the energy circulates in our chakras and cells, the easier it is to maintain a high level of consciousness and Spirituality, and the more intensely our body transforms. How does it manifest on the physical plane?

The weight decreases. If the body cannot cope with the new energies, it, on the contrary, temporarily gains kilograms, compacting and grounding in the familiar reality. There are changes in nutrition, taste preferences, and in appetite. We may be drawn to certain products. The body refuses to take heavy food because Light energy is very subtle substance. The need for water increases, as the energy flows in us circulate more intensively. When we drink more clean water, this helps the body cope with the load and get rid of toxins and deposits quicker. The sensitivity of the skin is sharpened, and it begins to rejuvenate along with the internal organs. The cells themselves are upgrading.

All this helps our body to return to its natural state. It is a powerful tool, attuned to a large amount of Light to accommodate our Spirit, and our entire multidimensionality. These are not all the results we get from speeded up transforming.

(To be continued)

Original Post:

My Note:
I share this post because it´s perfectly align with Jason Estes intels. He call it - the Gate crossing. He also mention the November 18 - the final convergence point. He share more information in his videos: https://www.youtube.com/@MTVOTeam

Cosmic Gateway - Reality bleedthrough, psychic precognition and energy disturbances - 22.10.2023

Hey Soul Tribe,

Just a heads up there is lots of "Energy Disturbance" in the field swirling around the collective.
This often happens when there is a big energy threshold that we are moving through!
It's been so very profound energy being worked through right now!

Lots happening within the multidimensional field right now so you might be super sensitive to energy bleedthrough from other realities or timelines.
In conjunction with this, there is quite a bit of heighten telepathic & psychic precognition happening.

For example someone in the past few days contacted me, because they felt like they just experienced an Earthquake in real time & in the same phone call the number 222 came up repeatedly.
I felt they had experienced a future timeline of an earthquake as it seems realities are blending rapidly.

This morning I woke up to a notification that there was a sizeable Earthquake in my region the notification was at 2.22am!
This conversation happened 3 days prior.
Something notable that we may experience somethings on a timeline, days ahead before it manifests.
Really important through this passageway to come back & stay connected with your personal truth & heart space

Signs & Symptoms:

Fatigue & exhaustion ~ sleeping all night & multiple naps during the day
Sleeping is actually being pulled into multidimensional experiences which is helping support the preparation for the shift
Headaches pressure in the head as more energy expands into our consciousness
As a side effects of more incoming energies this will highlight distorted mental, emotional & physical activity
Very vivid dream space that feels more real than this reality in contrast
Disorientation upon waking & sometimes during the day feeling confused & noticeable matrix glitches or Mandela Effect
Moving through old experiences patterns & breakthrough them very quickly & noticing how easy it is to break patterns
Changes in food consumption ~ no appetite to very hungry
Feeling the need to be in solitude
Of course following you're own internal guidance is best to manoeuvre through this passageway ~ we are Ascension experts at this point & know what works best for our process

Keeping it simple, rest, hydrate, meditation, energy clearing & get immerse in nature.

Alisha Braché
source - facebook

Judith Kusel - We are moving into a totally new elevated conscious level, life and life forms and spiritual advancement - 22.10.2023

The whole Universe is gaining momentum to burst through the next tier of the spiral of Creation and this includes our galaxy, counter galaxy, Melchior, and this solar system and counter solar system.
We are moving into a totally new elevated conscious level, plus life and life forms, and spiritual advancement as not known before.
Huge and dramatic changes lie ahead with the full activation of higher octaves of the Great Central Suns of Illumination.
This means that as our Solar Lightbodies are fully activated, our consciousness rises as well as dormant centers and immense capacities in our brain as our heads will become elongated and our bodies grow taller. We will have a golden hue.
It means being able to fully advance and reclaim our Universal citizenship and inter-universal space travel. I was shown by High Commander Ashtar how dormant centers are awakening inside the earth which have been there for millions of years. They are programmed to become alive and conscious now with this event, and the potency of this is so highly evolved that I cannot find words for it.
We are entering a whole new existence in all forms and aspects as the whole Intergalactic Fleet under the Ashtar High Command, plus the Universal Masters are overlighting this process, with the intergalactic and universal councels.
All this happening by Divine decree.
I have spoken.

source - facebook

A QUICK NOTE #2036 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Karma Lords accelerate healing elements" - 21.10.2023

P1 calling Terrans for origin recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!
New norms are established in multi-plans.
Karma Lords accelerate healing elements.
T Zone Eleven +++++++
Celestial Chants are still being heard.
Terrans continue to be called to their stellar origins.
PVSE +++++++ Expand!
Transfers to *Khalthart are approved. 2nd wave: 80% (not countdown).
Unconscious releases started: 2/3 SPECIFIC LAYER >>>> 88% (not countdown)
444-Local in definitive decline: +++ infiltrations started = 100% (not countdown).
Temporarily, end of transmission.
Pleiades 1 (Supporting Integrations and Projectors for Hi-HumanS+D1).

Eceti& James Gilliland - After the Eclipse - ECETI News #67 - 21.08.2022

It’s been a while since the last newsletter. We have been very busy clearing energies on a massive scale and other projects. With all the events unfolding we can no longer ignore the obvious. Things just are not right, they have not been right for a very long time. Nothing is as it seems, and nothing is what we were told. What is not right or in alignment with Universal Law is all coming to the surface. The chaos we are experiencing, is the healing. The overlords, those who be lie ve, they control this planet are being seen for the vile, sociopaths they are. They have two agendas, profit and control and they will do anything to maintain that control. If humanity wakes up to what they have done its game over so all of humanity is a threat. Imagine if 8 billion people figure out who they are and what they have done. That is exactly why they want 7 billion of the population gone and have been very vocal about it. We cannot depend on lawmakers at the highest levels to enforce universal law or any law for that matter. The highest levels are corrupt. We cannot depend on the lame stream corporate sponsored media, social media as well to tell us the truth or politicians. Politicians in most cases are not going to vote against other politicians because they all have dirt on each other. There are two reasons why politicians will not be honest with the people with what is unfolding globally. Most have dual citizenship with Israel backed by AIPAC the political arm and lobbyist of Israel. If you want to know who they are, they are the ones screaming the loudest to destroy Hamas putting on quite a show for their handlers. The other is Jeffrey Epstein who was Mossad and had blackmail tapes on many of them. Is there any doubt why we have never seen the list of Jefferies clients? There are photos of prominent politicians from Biden down, Adam Schiff allegedly visited over 70 times, that long list also includes both parties. We are in no way supporting or downgrading the atrocity of what was carried out by Hamas. It was brutal and heart wrenching!

No one is asking why, what drove them to this extreme hatred. Palestine was their land and now they have been reduced to a 5 by 25 mile postage stamp over the years. The Rothchild's, Khazarian Jews created Israel which over the years displaced hundreds of thousands of Palestinians taking over almost the entire country. To this day they are treated as second class citizens. Know your history. Here is a map showing the history of Palestine.

There is a difference between Khazarian Jews and the Jewish people. Know the difference. Do your research. Did you know that Ukraine used to be called Khazaria? Any bells go off? Anyone connecting the dots, figuring out who is really in control? Could it be Khazarian Jews, the International banksters who financed every war since Napoleon? A Satanic/Luciferian death cult that has infiltrated governments globally? Most cannot handle the truth. You will never hear this on mainstream news because they own it. Most of social media as well.

Whenever the masses give their power away to outside forces and officials in time it is used against them. In a Republic the power remains with the individual protected by the constitution. We live in a constitutional republic not a democracy based on common law. Unfortunately it has been corrupted by those who seek power and control over others and will do anything to maintain that control. The war and disease profiteers undoubtedly are in control. For now.

They control the banks, the media, most of your politicians, almost every institution and have corrupted the original constitutional republic. This is going to be reset but it is a monumental task due to the extreme level of corruption. Our only option in the past has become like going to the foxes to complain about losing our chickens with expectations of them doing something about it. By their nature they will eat your chickens now that you told them where they are.

After the endless manmade plagues created in biolabs, millions of deaths, 250,000 children now and counting have died suddenly after the vaccine according to the CDC. The CDC and the WHO continue to boast the vaccines are safe and effective. They never were safe or effective, their own hidden research proved this from the very beginning.

History has proven the endless wars we have engaged in were based on lies, misinformation with hidden agendas. The big question is who gains from the wars and disease. The war and disease profiteers. Who are the war and disease profiteers? It’s a no brainer, those who profit, the billionaires who are in control behind the curtain. Who is doing their bidding? The ignorant, the critically thinking and morally impaired supported by those living in denial of the obvious. Those turning a blind eye to what is happening all around them adversely affecting them, their families and the planet watching their freedoms being whittled away to nothing. The socially engineered who be lie ve the power elite are going to save them and the planet.

The global elite also known as the NWO, or WEF as their public forum stated clearly their goals are the opposite. The green new deal, the wars, the plagues, are nothing more than transfers of wealth to the war and disease profiteers. Your alphabet agencies work for them, some of which were complicit in starting these wars, the distribution of bioweapons included. Yes, Cov19 is a bioweapon. They have mansions, multiple cars, yachts, personal jets yet tell you that you have to do without, reduce your carbon footprint. You will own nothing, eat bugs and be happy is their slogan.

We cannot overlook the Mossad when it comes to all these false flags within the IDF. One question that needs to be asked again and again, how did Hamas have an open door with a welcome mat when the IDF knows when a grain of rice is moved in Gaza? Warnings were ignored. Why? Is the end goal wiping Gaza off the map, a war that includes all their other adversaries in the Middle East? Did they need this event to get the world behind them?

Israel is having severe political problems. The people are tired of war, they want peace. Most want to do what is right to heal the past. Mothers from both sides are marching in the streets with their children demanding an end to the senseless killing.

The power elite needed this war as a distraction. They need to take the attention off all their puppets especially in America which are being exposed daily for their corruption. They are the same folks that demanded everyone be vaccinated, children as well which experienced Cov 19 as a mild cold easily fought off by their own immune system. They demanded 100% vaccinations of the Israeli people, so how is it they have their safety first and foremost? This is base common sense. It is all coming together for those with eyes to see. Did these same folks destroy an American naval destroyer to bring us into war against Iraq, Iran and others who oppose them? Does the Gulf of Tonkin event ring a bell? Why did the Israeli Air Force fire on an American ship hoping there would be no witnesses to blame it on other countries, their adversaries? Did the same group take down the twin towers and building 7 to get us to go to war against Iraq? Why were Israelis caught cheering, dancing on a van when the towers went down? The one they charged for orchestrating the event Osama Bin Ladin was from Afghanistan? He and George Bush Jr. used to play in the same play pen and their parents were in business together. Were there ever weapons of mass destruction? Bush Jr. joked about it ignoring how many American soldiers lost their lives or were crippled in a war that made no sense. How much more obvious does it have to get.

Until the people take back their power from the war and disease profiteers we will always have war and disease. Pain suffering death and destruction is all they have to offer and they are all getting rich from it. Guess who is paying for these wars? You are. It is your tax dollars? Guess who is carrying out their wishes in ignorance, denial or due to being integrity and morally challenged? Guess why the lame stream media goes along with all this?

These same power elites are behind the demoralization of America. This includes drug, child and sex trafficking, a multi-billion dollar industry. They are behind open borders and the illegal immigrants flooding into not just America, other countries as well. This is a downward spiral into social, economic and environmental collapse if not checked. They created the problem and they have the solution. Global dominance with the vast majority living in abject poverty under complete surveillance with no freedoms or rights is their solution. If we do not rise to the occasion and demand an end to the wars, the weaponized viruses, the bio weapons, the poisoning of our food, water and air, the engineered food shortages we are a doomed civilization. Something a non-human scaley or gray civilization would love to see.

The reason there is so much inhumane activity on earth now and in the past is because of nonhuman interference by those who care nothing for humanity or the Earth. They are at war with the Creator in all Creation. Call them what you wish, every religion has their names for these ungodly demonic figures and the people they possess. Those of humanity that serve them have also fallen to an ungodly level of existence void of any love, joy, bliss in service to self. Wealth and power over others are all they seek, losing all empathy and connection to their soul. Their lust for power and wealth is insatiable. They are narcissists with massive egos committing treason against their own people and that will be their downfall.

What they did not factor in is a higher power, a greater plan, an event no man/woman can stop. It is the planetary liberation, the awakening and healing of humanity and the Earth. It is an event backed by God/Creator/Great Spirit itself along with the beautiful many Ascended Masters, Saints and sages, Spiritually and Technologically Advanced Off Worlders. It is cosmic in nature, measurable, and has to do with grand cycles. There are also those of noble character in positions of power and influence who see the writing on the wall. The world the war and disease profiteers desire is unsustainable, it is on a downward spiral leading to social, economic and environmental collapse.

We now have a choice individually and collectively if we are going to take this downward spiral. The upward spiral is living a spiritual life in harmony with each other and nature. The two realities are dividing. Everything is being amplified and revealed. What took years, sometimes lifetimes to come around, the karmic boomerang is taking hours and days. The Apocalypse is also known as the great reveal where nothing is hidden. All the iniquities will be shouted from the rooftops. Time to get right with Creator. It is also time to live according to Universal Law. Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All. This is Universal Law. It is also known as Unity Consciousness, the Law of One. There is no division in God, God is omnipresent, act accordingly. It is not hard to do. The hard part is being brutally honest with yourself and others finding the courage and impeccable integrity within. Have fun with that. This is going to be a very intense ride challenging people to their bones.

Time to pray for help on high, act and be the solution. We cannot expect the leadership of today to solve these problems. It is like Einstein said, “Doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result is a form of insanity.” We are in what has been referred to as end time madness. Hopefully this will interject a little sanity into what is unfolding. Do not be duped into participating in these wars. Choose Peace.

Be well,
James Gilliland
ECETI Stargate Radio and As You Wish Talk Radio