Hey Soul Tribe,
How are you feeling?
It's such a powerful time right now, this is truly the time we have all be striving so hard towards Personally & Collectively!
As we are moving towards this... It's important to understand, we are all connected & feeling the disintegration of the old. This occurs right before the momentum forward!
This is a Recalibration within the Masculine Energy Template.
What is occurring right now is there is so much Energetic Static in the Ethers...
This brings lots of disturbance and imbalance if we are highly sensitive.
You might notice:

Clearing out the Energy Echoes:

Souls Journey's are being Rebalanced for the Highest Expression to make it's way into our Lives.
From what I understand, we are now down to two timelines, which are existing as parallel realities. What is occurring right now the gap between the two timelines is almost completely dissolved.
I sense there is a Shift in Conciousness occurring over the next few days. The Event will happen, for individuals who are here to bring Higher Consciousness into this Planet.
April 14th, 2024! Arrives it actives the 144!
144 Soul Group ~ To bring Powerful Energy to Create the Highest Timeline for Humanity.
This is 1-4-4-8 (1-8-8)
The encoded frequency of
1 New Pathways
8 Infinite Potential
8 Unlimited Abundance.
It's calling all of those who are here on a important Mission to Action!
So in preparation the current energies are palpable; it feels like the residual of the discordant, unrefined Masculine Energy is swirling through the Collective.
It can be creating headaches, dizziness, head pressure, ringing in the ears, shaking in the body. What is occurring is the new Frequencies are activating within our DNA & Physical Body.
The is an awakening of the Third Eye & Crown Chakra. This gives the opportunity for everyone to see clearly & intergrate their own energy within their Ascension Process.
This allows us now to see through the Eyes of Love & Gratitude. Balancing our Hearts & Minds.
As the new Frequencies becomes available to everyone right now, This is a Metamorphosis is supporting us to redefine ourselves.
It gives us new ways as the Rebalancing and coming online in a Strong, Courageous & Brave way's!
In order to find ourselves, we redefine ourselves. Becoming who we are destined to become. This is truly what the Soul Journey is all about. Once we arrive in that place of Balance & Equilibrium.
The follow on effect, then rebalances our inner Masculine & Feminine Energies.
This has tremendous potential to change everything! The Restoration of Right Relationship is now here!
As this Template Activates it gives us a whole new era of Concious Connections & strong foundations to bringing together the Concious Community.
The New Earth is awaiting us all.
It's been rolled out & waiting for us to vibrationally aligned so that we can walk upon it.
This has been available now for months, as we attune into our inner resonance this gives us the new pathways & doors to open.
The Soul Mission's, purposeful work, in joyful ways is what's awaiting us. To move the Humanity into a Beautiful era of Love, Compassion and Unity.
With our hearts & minds combined we can create the unimaginable possible.
This is our true power & potential, it awaiting us & calling us to connect.
Much Love
Alisha Braché
Elevation Training & Elevate 2 Training:
Available at-your-own-pace learning via the link: https://cosmicg8way.com/course
source - facebook
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