"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Hopium-Motivating Song of the Week

This is a weekly blog series where I try to collect songs that have something positive and current to say. Music connects us all, in good cases it lifts us up, gives us strength and helps us through life's difficulties.


Last week we moved along with the "things" in life and now this week we start august with new high energies and "we rise up...Over the rainbow, so high!"

Because there is no shame in "falling", you always learn something new from it - perhaps a new perspective, a solution or simply that you need a new direction or approach. Whatever the situation brought you, stand up, dust yourself off and gather your courage, strength and endurance and face life - the situation - more wisely. You got this!

Have a wonderful week 😊


Rise up
And don't falling down again
Rise up
Long time I broke the chains

I tried to fly away
So high
Direction, sky!

My dream is to fly
Over the rainbow, so high!
My dream is to fly
Over the rainbow, so high!
My dream is to fly
Over the rainbow, so high!

I tried to fly away
So high
Direction, sky!
I tried to fly away
So high
Direction, sky!

My dream is to fly
Over the rainbow, so high!
My dream is to fly
Over the rainbow, so high!
My dream is to fly
Over the rainbow, so high!

Rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up
We'll meet again
Rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up
For my mind and my brain

'Cause I tried to fly
So high
Direction, sky!
My dream is to fly
Over the rainbow, so high!

My dream is to fly
Over the rainbow
My dream is to fly
Over the rainbow, so high!
My dream is to fly
Over the rainbow, so high!

Natalia Alba - August energies and planetary movements - 31.07.2023

Beloved Ones,

We are already moving toward the next energetic passage. One of profound light integration and decodement. August brings a massive embodiment for those who are ready to transcend their human limits and step into a free sovereign space. We start the month with an Aquarian Full Moon at 9 degrees, although not the only one for August has two Full Moons, the last one at the end of the month in the Water sign of Pisces.

We too have another New Moon in the Fire Sing of Leo, in the middle of the month, and the 8/8 portal. Events that denote what is already taking place within ourselves, in the micro, and that support us in our quest for freedom and personal growth.

Ascension does not occur when there are certain planetary events or fixed dates, as Guides repeatedly share, but about our inner work and the assistance of highly evolved beings that we are able to be immersed in this planetary transition, for outer energies only help us when we give them a purpose and not the other way around. There is nothing governing our inner cycles, for nothing has this power.

Aquarius is precisely a fixed sign, we have a lot of fixed energies with the t-square happening at the moon time, between the Sun in Leo, Moon in Aquarius, and Jupiter in Taurus. We are invited to learn how to free ourselves from this fixity, linearity, and the many beliefs that impede us to liberate our authentic selves, acting with integrity, and with the courage to release old habits, for this is what Leo too invites us to do, to be fearless, stand in our higher heart, in our personal truth, despite all the tactics and distractions for us not to be who we are.

Aquarius even if ruled by the element Air, is too represented by the Water Bearer, as a reminder for us to also flow with freedom, adapting to all conditions, as water does. Water represents the emotions we have within as well as the ideas we hold in our mental plane and which most of the time are fixed and linear, limiting us from experiencing our true potential.

The Water Bearer is ruled by Uranus, which is in Taurus, reminding us of the importance of recognizing and embodying our natural abilities, bringing our soul's gifts into the world, and serving others throughout what we uniquely birth, and consciously decide to share for All.

To help us in our purpose of developing our divine abilities, we too have an important event, on August 15th - Neptune semi-sextile True Node - which will be of great importance for those descending their personal mission, or new aspects of it, for it is precisely about communing with the God Worlds, with the spiritual aspect of us, to bring forth new creations, guidance, or what we need for our personal journey, and that of All.

On this same day, we too have another important alignment - Saturn semi-square Chiron - which reminds us that all we wish to birth, descend or expand, can only occur when we take full responsibility for who we are, have been, and for our personal journey. There is no more blaming anyone, yourselves, or anything else, for your personal trajectory, there is only a higher awareness and perspective that will finally help you disengage from the shadows, and the many illusions of who you are not.

It is only when we acknowledge our wounds, look at our fears, face our shadows, and choose to initiate our healing journey, that we can move into the next step of soul mission integration, and expansion, for if we do not achieve this first step, emptying ourselves from all that no longer serves to the present self, we cannot continue embodying all we wish to bring into fruition.

Aquarius represents the twelve phases of our evolutionary progress within the Zodiac Cycle. It is the antepenultima stage, being the last one Pisces, for us to regain all the knowledge and experience required for reaching ascension. With this sign we begin to recognize our unique gifts, knowing they are only useful when shared and appreciated, for it is only when we give ourselves to others, that our presence and essence, on this Planet have true meaning and value.

It is when we reach the wisdom represented by this sign that we have cleared ourselves from karmic records - beginning to allow a higher infusion of light into our physical bodies. Due to this process, we finally step into a path of selfless assistance, where the focus is no longer put on egoic desires but on asking ourselves what we can be of assistance. To do so, first, we need to comprehend the nature of the abilities we came here to work with and offer to others.

On a more universal perspective, August is a month that offers us healing, empowerment, heart reconnection, and above all, the opportunity for us to continue reconnecting our DNA, for the energies descending from the seventh and eighth dimensions, will serve us to awaken our DNA strands, beginning to reconnect ourselves with these dimensions, as it was meant to be at the beginning, and shall be again.

For those who resonate with retrogrades, at the end of the month, Mercury and Uranus will turn retrograde, offering you an opportunity, if you have created this belief to expand in silence, shifting mental patterns, and beliefs, transforming yourself from the inside out. Although, there is always the same opportunity, independently of retrogrades, for there is nothing ever retrograde within Creation, as expansion is the only constant.

This is a month for heart healing, profound transmutation, and gridwork, for we are all in different phases of our evolutionary path. For some, this month will be a month to be in silence, in deep soul reconnection and alignment, while for others it will be about focusing on healing and on everything that is no longer in perfect resonance with their chosen frequency.

Independently of where we are, our common mission, as ascending souls, should not be an outcome, a final destiny, for there is never one, as we are always in constant evolution. Our main aim is to heal, rejuvenate, and assist in our unique way, simply by being who we are, for it is not by being or achieving more that we ascend or help the whole.

August is a 6 universal number, which represents the stabilization that is taking place in many of us, and in our planet's organic gates, after the many changes that have been taking place for the last few months. A number that asks us for balance, harmony, and compassion in both ourselves and in our relationships, for this, is too a propitious month for us to work on our divine reunions, remembering that we too are here to master how to create balanced and equal reunions. Our relationships are the perfect way for us to master the ego self, as they show us what we cannot see for ourselves.

This is a month for expansion and self-realization, healing, and gridwork, for we all have different missions. A month for us to take care of our bodies, as they suffer the impact of all of our daily thoughts, habits, feelings, past wounds, and the many energies that we have consciously chosen to embody.

Energies whose main purpose is to continue assisting us to heal and restore all that has been damaged within our DNA and bodies, for abundance, love, expansion, and all we wish to create, depends on how we are on the inside.

Being healed, whole, and aligned is what brings unification in the physical. A personal choice that requires daily inner work. Otherwise, our lives will continue reflecting the fragmentation that still resides within.
I wish you a blessed healing, integration, and expansive month, Beloved Ones.

Within Infinite Love,
Art by: Encoded Frequency
Source - FaceBook

A girl in the Universe - out of time - 31.07.2023

Have you been noticing the difference with time lately?
Nights feeling incredibly long?
Time moving very slowly, then speeding up?
It's called Time Dilation, and we've been experiencing that a lot in the past year.
Many times, when that happens, we see it as Missing Time on the Schumann Resonance.
Yesterday, it was out for five hours. A night out of time?
Did you feel anything oddly last night?
Time Dilation is interesting because it's more of how we feel lately.
Not fully here or there.
Walking between two worlds, and now it's showing up on the Schumann Resonance.
Today will be another interesting one.
We have unsettle energies all around us.
Awaiting the CME that is expected to arrive at midnight tonight EDT.
In reality, that arrival can be anywhere between 7 pm EDT today and 7am EDT tomorrow.
CME'S or Coronal Mass Ejections are not a perfect science.
So expect everything to start alerting as it comes in.
They usually start with compression in our Magnetosphere, which alerts as an Interplanetary Shock Wave.
Then, the KP levels are expected to rise between 3 & 6.
Geomagnetic Stoms up to G2 expected.
Before that, though, we still have Flux Energies here and rising.
Flux Energies are Electron and Proton radiation particles that used to be background energies.
Now that our energies are rising, and we're receiving so many larger Solar Flares.They are no longer background energies.
Flux Energies are alerting already. They bring in itching all over the body, plus nerve pain. Like restless leg syndrome, but it can be anywhere in the body.
We also have power Solar winds today.
Be sure to hydrate and be mindful of what your vessel needs in these energies.
We are in a very special time.
A time when it is so important to be fully in your light and disconnect from everything else that doesn't help you feel joy on your path.
Be The Lighthouse You Came Here To Be!
Shine your light high and bright!
Remember, you are the key to all of this!

Much love and light,
-SA Smith
Source - FaceBook

Judith Kusel - we step more and more into our Lightbodies - 31.07.2023

I simply love these new energies as the shift accelerates. It is so loving, supportive and filled with Omnipotent Love.
More than this, as balance returns within ourselves, we will find it reflected outside of us as well.

As our consciousness rises, and we step more and more into our Lightbodies, our vibrational frequencies and the energy radiating out from us in ever higher frequency bands, we attract what is present in those higher frequency bands. Thus multidimensionality becomes the norm. You can now tune into what you could not tune in before and indeed all which already is in balance, harmony and of the angelic frequency bands, as the 7th dimensional state becomes accessible with the 9th and even higher.

I have found that my heart energies are expanding with the higher aspects of my third eye, crown and higher chakras. I consciously cleanse, clear, purify and ask for the full activation of all my energy systems now and indeed can feel the difference. I do have a method I teach my students, but I am now adjusting this according to my highest guidance. The more this is done, the less attached one becomes and the more one can step into multi- dimensionality. One is indeed free to explore beyond anything ever believed possible into the state where all is possible. This transcends the mind and utilizes the inherent powers of the soul. Yet is only possible with pure intent and crystal clear clarity and thus not attached to any form: No-thing-ness.

Ego cannot exist in no-thing-ness. The soul can.
The shift is intensifying. So is the purification process.
Mother Earth is cleansing herself on all fronts now. Fire transmutes. Waters cleanse and bring renewed life. Storms and air purifies all the chemicals and muck they are contaminating the skies with in their ignorance. Earthquakes and volcanoes create new landmass, as huge tracts will sink under the sea and new emerge, as the Old Earth is incorporated into the new. A massive rebirth.

It is especially the water element which is making herself known on all levels.
Embrace it all, for indeed this is the New Epoch of Balance, Harmony, Unity and Love. The Brother and Sisterhood of One.
All is Love and returning us to the ultimate Source of All Being, which is pure love.

Source - FaceBook

Jason Estes - Clear Camp Adventure - Delusional Mind Edition - #56

Source - Instagram

Jason Estes update - 3.8m dtps & 38 levels of depth into each moment - 30.07.2023


Just crossed 3.8m data points remember anytime we go up by 100k its another layer of the mind that comes up for re calibration and reevaluation so while it may look like your going backwards your just gaining dimensionality and depth instead so take this moment to celebrate that you are now 38 levels of depth into each moment and when you were born you were less then 1 level this is how radical the shift has been in the last 40 years our minds cages(personality structure) were not meant to handle anything over 100k so as we dismantle them we become free to explore what we were born for ::hugs::

Jason: "for some context when i was born in 1984 the current data point ratio was 1 every 3 hours.... now its 3,800,000 every hour... that is how much of the stream if flowing per hour if you think of time like data and data like water you can imagine that the damn that is holding you back from God is cracking more each day and the water that nourishes your soul(mana) is more available every day biggest issue is that we have forgoten to drink from the well of eternity and so many of us die of thirst sitting right next to it since its always there in every breath and every moment infinite potential waits for us ❤ ::hugs::" 
"it was easier to hide the wounds from ourselves back then ya the hardest thing about right now is the light is pushing full force into our bodies and bringing up everything that is keeping us from being truly connected and as it amps up everyday it goes deeper till one day it will hit the bottom and then you will float effortlessly in connection and be happier and healthier then you ever were, but the detox phase is rough for sure 😊"

Question: "did you get informations about how much we will go up in datapoints until recalibration phase is over? and how long we will stay under the 7 Mio, or rather said when Venus will level up?"

Jason: Venus should take their ascension by end of the year once that happens we are then able to move beyond 7.2m however i dont really see us moving that much faster then we are now maybe 100k or so monthly 2025+ is when it pumps hard again right now we are in the clean up and re-calibration phase of earth. if we moved at 1.2m a year or so it would take us about 3 more years"

"also for those who are new that are not aware im dyslexic so it can take me awhile to write these because i cant spell words very well often i have to look up words in google to find how to spell them since facebooks spellcheck doesn't understand me so means lots of back and forth to find how to spell the word im trying to say i know in alot of instances this can be hard for the reader and because i do my best to publish updates as myself as i get them i dont allow them to be proofread so the purity of the download is still intact 😊"

Source - FaceBook

Amanda Lorence - Strong incoming energies - 30.07.2023

Amanda: "This one is so amazing. They all are. But this one is particularly so so so amazing 😁 for us all!!! Utter perfect timing! For us all. Up we gooooo!!! Literally it’s a lifting…a raising of energies. Remember it takes an average of 3 days to integrate these energies into our physical cells. But I’m finding in the last 4-6 months it can take only 2 days. So it’s almost like integration of energy is also speeding up, as we rotate our own spin faster and faster. I do hope Im making sense as I feel as high as a kite on this energy. 💜😂💙"

Jason: "ya destiny cycles and cellular cycles starting to change as we process more data points kinda wild 😊!"

Amanda: " To physically feel your body or head moving or rotating or swaying etc key is to RELAX the body’s muscles. So not be in control of your body muscles. Drop. Then, if you feel vibrations such as the strength of these ones, you will be allowing the vibrations coursing through your body to ACTUALLY MOVE your body. This is you in optimum alignment to your energy flow. Energy moves your body when we drop all control of all the muscles. It’s truly beautiful and amazing to allow this. And if you do it on going as a normal practice, you expand more and receive more energy as your’e effectively saying ‘yes’ to energy."

Amanda: "there can always be PRE-WAVE symptoms. Hours below landing. Often mistaken for the actual landing of incoming waves. I get them sometimes which is how I can study them within me and learn to differentiate the vibrations and patterns over the years from the Pre-Wave symptoms to the actual landing of it. So yes!! "

Source - FaceBook

Carta Astal 222 - Incoming cosmic radiation wave - 30.07.2023

Woohooooooo! Incoming Cosmic Radiation Wave activating and expanding mainly the Heart

Here’s how they might be feeling on a physical level:
- Palpitations, their heartbeat stronger, increase in heart rate
- Fanfare, heat and pressure in the chest (tolerable but uncomfortable)
- Anxiety or worry
- Punctures below the ribs and on the jaw
- Burn or discomfort in the mouth of the stomach
- Arm discomfort
- Upper back pain (between the shoulders)
- buzzing, pressure, fluttering or tones in the ears
- Cold hands and tingling or numbness in the legs
- The feeling that they don't fit in your body and sleepiness
They may also feel very emotionally sensitive, experience episodes of crying for no reason, and waves of unconditional love that “can’t fit in their chest” (occasionally it can cause nausea because it feels like too much and impossible to contain). As symptoms are cyclical, after an episode of palpitations and unconditional love you can feel an indescribable inner peace as if everything has stood still inside of you.

Be patient and don't let the mind take over, breathe deeply, hold your breaths for a few seconds while giving soft hits to the chest (it works, just as simple as it seems) and try to be calm, singing or vocal also releases the feeling of pressure in the chest. If your symptoms are very severe or increase steadily rather than flashing (they last a few hours, disappear for awhile, and then reappear), please seek medical assistance. I just clarify this because there are some people who might be prone to a cardiac event without being related to the incoming energy and they better make sure everything is okay.


Source - FaceBook

Jason Estes - Clear Camp Adventure - Delusional Mind Edition - #55

Source - Instagram

Amanda Lorence Update - Letting go of 4D - 29.07.2023



When you KNOW (in your own inner way and timing) that ALL is illusion, including the 4d spiritual arena and that EVERY other ‘dimension’ (light field systems) is within the Duality Field of God’s Self Creations, you will then find that the only SEEKING, is to seek God/Source. You know all else is but illusion.


For those that chose at Soul Level, to Self Realise God this Lifetime, they will come to experience and know that 4D is a transitional ‘dimension’. To not set up permanent ‘home’ in what people label the 4D spiritual arena (unless they have chosen to at Soul level). To no longer disempower and prolong your inner embodiment, by stories, subjects and NEW beliefs that are not YOUR own way, of your own SOUL’S design. There is so much outside of you, you don’t need to know. We all have OUR OWN WAY, it is unique to each, no other. Waking up from 3D, we begin to dissolve our 3D belief systems, but we are still WITHIN the illusion, awake BUT within the dream, and can fall into NEW 4D belief systems that do not come FROM YOU. When we realise that 4D is ALSO illusion, it is because we are STARTING the journey (at 4.5) to leaving 4D. Key, is to allow and honour, and peacefully see that all ‘others’ have their very own way. And if not, ask why you can’t be in that love, peace and acceptance. It is NOT to fight another’s way (unless ego is running you in that moment), it is to honour each’s way via your loving heart of TRUE, easy, peaceful acceptance. Of each’s way and each one’s influences that may be perfect for them, but not for you. To KNOW via inner experience to TRUST your own way, style, path. I have explained a few times since 2019, that much within the spiritual arena will NATURALLY dissolve from WITHIN people as they reach the 4.5 mark within 4D (4.5 meaning a mid-way state within 4D). How the Self Realisation plays out, is that 4D is also seen as illusion. Yet it depends on the overlays of each personality identity (some quietly walk away as I did, some outwardly will show their frustration. Some awakened will express verbal outward facing aggression towards others including teachers). It just is how it is. It just depends on the personality, when it is time to SEE through, and turn inward to Seek and rely only on God within you, and thus allow the stages that then develop of embodying more of your OWN Energetic Field. As I’ve previously explained a few times over the last 4 years, many 4D belief systems, focuses, practices, tools, dissolve from within the person. It’s a very natural process. For as we rise in consciousness, we let go of 4D, and many tools, many 4D beliefs, which simply sustain and FUEL SEPARATION. It is a STAGE POINT and ultimately, over linear time, a very very beautiful and pure gift. Not necessarily easy at the time. But leads to so much more.


Once hidden in plain sight, within lower bandwidth frequencies, God becomes less a BELIEF IN GOD, as IT becomes revealed increasingly more, as we commit, devote our sustained seeking of God/Source. God becomes KNOWN within and without, connected within, as opposed to a separational state of a Belief. My own way to reconnection is through the energy of the High Heart, where I was shown and repeatedly see the God Spark exists, within ALL that seek. It is where Love comes from, is felt, is received and given out. We label it as the word ‘Love’. Yet that LOVE has MANY MANY OCTAVES to meet and FEEL and align to. That in turn, allows for the brain to keep changing, developing, and opening to higher and higher frequencies. And so, our consciousness level changes.

I feel it is simple for everyone. As it is via your sustained Love and devotion to God. The rest is done for you, to you. Beyond human mind manipulation or control. God WITHIN YOU senses your constant unwavering ENERGETIC intention and responds to you. That creates the changes within the brain and body, thus the possible changes to your conscious awarenesss. The only way, is IN. And each can choose this or not choose it. Either way, God is present, of pure innocence, of IT’s experience through each facet. Where in God’s own state, there is only ITSelf…experiencing ITSelf as a creation of ITSelf.


You don’t need to learn anything from your unique self created outer illusion, except to be pointed INWARDS to Self. We each have our OWN UNIQUE teachings within us. Perfect for each individual. Inner trust and faith is all that is needed to take our OWN steps, uniquely timed and uniquely designed. It is in moments of shear utter difficulties that our FAITH can become ever stronger. Which is what the journey is creating more of: INNER FAITH IN GOD WITHIN YOU. Sometimes our inner teachings point to our humanness, beliefs, ingrained human behaviours, fears as well as hidden attachments. Sometimes our inner teachings are esoteric. The inner esoteric knowledge and style is dependent on OUR OWN Soul Mission, and REASON for being here. Our own teachings come to us in various ways. But your OWN consciousness has IT’s own WAY to teach you. Your inner teachings are just like stepping stones. BUT…your connection to God’s Presence is BEYOND all those teachings, all words, all thoughts running, all sound and all imagery. Where my way is to silence the mind of all that inner and outer distraction, and my daily intention and focus to know God more. Yet through the KEY presence of…Love. The God Spark reached within ALL, is via being and choosing LOVE FIRST. And this expands us into higher and higher OCTAVES of LOVE. God’s Love.

Beyond limited love (I love him but I will not love her or them), beyond Love felt at Bliss frequency, beyond Love felt at Ecstasy frequency, beyond kundalini experiences, is the SUBTLE (very subtle) all pervading Presence of The Holy Sprit (Life Force/Prana), that IS, the UNmanifested State of God everywhere. To align INTO, via your own matched frequency to it. Via those stepping stones of the journey. Aware and Within the Holy Spirit, there is but One Presence. Where your journey, like all previous frequencies embodied, is to sustain it, by choosing to, via your Will Power. Sustained, it becomes you, your new conscious state. And if lost, within any life moment, it comes back at your will. Because you’ve reached it.

All is but the dreaming of God, in various forms and frequencies. The beauty of being human, is that all human beings have the ability to become Conscious of God. Consciously reconnected once more. God was always within everyone. For God to not remain seemingly separated from them. The diversity of God’s design is to experience everything. Some won’t choose God FIRST, this lifetime, but will know it again after human life. So some will, via God’s diversity, dance within the illusions. At a certain stage, you know that ‘actors’ at varying degrees of consciousness within illusions, are designed to play a role of the shining light. Whilst other ‘actors’ at Soul Level lovingly agreed to play a role to ‘test’ ONLY YOU. Will you choose to remain as LOVE? When the actors within your game test you? By putting you down, by lies, resentment, envy, those that laugh at you, gossip, or think you’re crazy, those that innocently misperceive you or those that intentionally and mindfully condemn you? THESE are your (our) tests, within this game of Self Realisation. But you know it’s just a DANCE of ENERGIES, that you are to learn to meet with God’s Love within you. What you choose to create, is up to your own choice. A loving ‘yes’, or a loving ‘no’. Where God’s Love is felt and known within you. God’s Love, has the Presence of the Eternal Peace. As an inner state of being within you. In Eternal Peace. GRACE is also present within you. As Soul Presence, you are that LOVE. Not love separated by self or Self, not Love of serving only self, but in being in Presence, of God’s Eternal Love for ALL, through you, you and you.

"When I speak of illusion, it’s not my belief system taught by gurus or any outer teachers. it comes from knowing…
When I first awoke in 2012, I had a series of external open eyed Visions. The 2nd vision spun the whole room around 360 degrees. Slowly. With the greater divine love present. It was to show me this is illusion, not what we think it is. Over the years I’ve been taught this in different ways from within me. Not seeking via the astral planes but letting it come to me as my consciousness showed and taught me things. And over the years my eyes have changed in how they physically see. My eyes see that everything is made of zillions of light particles condensed together for a solid matter reality. But I see more differently to that in different open eyed states. So I’m not sharing a belief about illusion. I know it is an illusion. I’ve been slowly taught the game, without seeking outside of me. 🙏" 

So much love,
28 July 2023

Source - FaceBook

A girl in the Universe - Flux energies rising - 29.07.2023

Late last night, we had the strangest energies flowing in.
Our Magnetosphere was bombarded with a large amount of energy in through the dark side of the planet.
These energies usually burst in and push on our field, then push back out.
These were completely different. They were filling up our atmosphere like a balloon until it couldn't expand anymore.
Then they just stayed there for hours!
This morning, it's a whole different state though.
Our energetic field still has light energies coming in from the backside of the planet, but it's acting as it normally does, pushing in and pulling back.
The energies of this time are special, just like you.
Everything is cycling and changing. Preparing you for that time where that big energy comes in and changes everything.
We have big Flux Energies pushing today.With high levels alerting overnight.
We are currently in an R1 Radiation Storm because of the excelerated Flux particles.
The Bliss energies are here for you as well.
We also have collective wide clearing and purging happening, and that's okay, too.
You are exactly where you need to be in this now moment.
Hydrate, Rest, Meditate, Ground, and BE.
Now is the time to hold your light high and share it as far and as wide as you can.
You control your day, your vibration, all of it.
Be mindful of how you're feeling and keep your vibration as high and steady as possible.
This is the time you've been preparing for all your life!

Much love and light,
-SA Smith

Source - FaceBook

Judith Kusel - glass door - 29.07.2023

There is such beautiful, uplifting energy pouring in as the split in the timelines is widening and between those choosing to stay in the old earth, and those we are already in the higher multi-dimensional state.

I was sharing with my students how, two people will stand at exactly the same spot and one will experience multi-dimensionality and see, feel, hear and experience the wonders of the New Earth, with awe and gratitude, joy; while the other will not see, hear, experience anything for they cannot tune into that higher dimensional state.

I was listening to a channelled message by Bashar, where he was saying that it will seem more and more as if there are glass doors between those who are already in the higher vibrational state, and those who are still choosing to stay in the old density and the old acting roles. They can see each other but in truth cannot reach one another through the glass.
This is exactly what I have been experiencing in the last month or so.

The higher we go, the more we lose the all attachments etc. and transfigure into our Lightbody, the greater and more profound the shift, the more the glass doors will become noticible as the lower cannot reach us anymore.
Indeed, very interesting and transformative, amazing shifts!

Photo: Josephine Wall

Source - FaceBook

Jason Estes - Clear Camp Adventure - Delusional Mind Edition - #54

Source - Instagram

Jason Estes Update - Circuit 23 and start of the journey into enlightenment physically - 28.07.2023


Today is a HUGE day as we move into circuit 23 and the start of the journey into enlightenment physically this is the beginning of one of the longest journeys in the circuits as it lasts till circuit 34 which is 2 into space circuits this means we will be at this level for awhile and its the final level of personality prior to the journey into divinity so enjoy the ride and know that now we become what we know we always could be and while the truth will set us free it can piss us off first ::hugs::

A girl in the Universe - shine brightly - 28.07.2023

We have a quieter solar weather day today.
Yet we will get waves of energies coming in later this afternoon.
Flux Energies are also expected to pick up, as the Solar Winds start to climb again.
So as you go through your day, no matter what may come, remember you've made it through every single one of your best and hardest ascension days yet!
Today is no different.
You shine so brightly that you can control it all.
I mean, look at your track record?!
No matter what happened, how crazy high the energies, how difficult the purge, you pushed through it.
You are a walking testament of what is possible!
You truly are an amazing BEing, holding their light and always moving forward.
Things may get a little wonkier as the Love Wave Finale moves closer.
More glitches, more outages, more deja vu, more weather changes, more 3d movie going into overdrive.
With your track record, you know you can make it through anything and everything that's brought your way!
That's YOU! The power you hold, your understandings that are coming in.
Everything is coming together FOR YOU in this time.
When you're fully walking your path, the universe brings what is needed to you.
So set those intentions, hold your light high, and let's watch everything come in and change together.
We Are All One.
One Light,
One Understanding,
One Love.
It's going to be very interesting in the coming days.
Remember to keep yourself wrapped in Source light, connect into your truths, and hydrate.
Everything will change with a blink of an eye, easily and gracefully.

Much love and light,
-SA Smith
Source - FaceBook

Messages in the bottle floating in the ocean of the internet

 We can safely say that 80-90% of the music is about love and relationships, whether it's about breakups, disappointments, longing, waiting, or fulfilment. Sometimes a song says more than a thousand words. In this new blog series, I thought we could share messages - thoughts, poems,  pictures, and attached to it our favourite or the perfect song at that moment for our loved ones. It can be for our partner, soulmate, twin flame or even our parents, best friends or soul family. Here you can also share your wisdom and advice, thereby helping the collective. That is why the name of this post was a message in a bottle, because when we send it, we hope that the message will find its way to the right place, to whom it is addressed and when it is needed.

If you want to share something, you can do it with or without a name, just send an e-mail (kira432hz@gmail.com), Facebook - Instagram, discord message, or write it in the comments and I'll post it next time. I do not post hateful, absolutely negative messages.


The first message in the bottle is for those who are on the twin flame journey.

There are a lot of articles on this topic, it became the one of the most popular theme of the New (C)age teaching. But these articles are really accurate? I'm not an expert on the subject, but I think there are gaps, inaccuracies and misleading things. If you want to know more about this, it is best to meditate on the subject and ask within.

You are NOT a half soul! You are a whole soul with both feminine and masculine energies.
Also the twin flame separation is an illusion because both of you - even if you are aware or not - connecting with each other in an unique way, as we connect to our other selves in the multiverse.

Basically your highest self gain double exp in this world with two of you. Playing 2 scenario with 2 opposite gender just in this realm....+ in many parallel realms + in different realms above us - so I can say that our highest self are the biggest multiboxing gamer. 

It is natural that we are waiting and want to meet our divine counterpart, but have you ever asked yourself the question, are you able to face yourself? It is a great responsibility and a great catalyst for healing and spiritual growth, because both of you the perfect mirror and teacher for each other. If you are both willing to work on yourselves and your relationships, then you can be part of a relationship - love - friendship - business - that is out of this world. 

If I will know more about this "phenomenon" or experience it, I will definitely write more about it.


Baby, this love I'll never let it die 
Can't be touched by no one I'd like to see them try 
I'm a mad man for your touch, girl, I've lost control
 I'm gonna make this last forever, don't tell me it's impossible 

Cos I love you for infinity 
I love you for infinity 
Cos I love you for infinity
 I love you for infinity 

Darling, my soul You know it aches for yours 
And you've been filling this hole Since you were born 
You're the reason I believe in fate, you're my paradise 
And I'll do anything to be your love or be your sacrifice

 Cos I love you for infinity 
I love you for infinity 
Cos I love you for infinity 
I love you for infinity 

Meet me at the bottom of the ocean 
Where the time is frozen 
Where all the universes open 
Love isn't random, we are chosen 
And we could wear the same crown 
Keep slowing your heart down 
We are the gods now 

I love you for infinity 
I love you for infinity 
I love you for infinity
 I love you for infinity

A QUICK NOTE #2022 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Wisdom is high in the terran environment" - 27.07.2023

P1 calling Terrans for origin recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!
Neva forces intervene.
DNA +++ +++ + Eleven Activ.
Core Creativity activated.
Ascent projectors are calibrated.
Rivalries are lessened.
Moral weaknesses decline.
Moral forces ascend.
Mystical spaces keep increasing.
Wisdom is high in the terran environment.
Temporarily, end of transmission.
Pleiades 1 (Supporting Integrations and Projectors for Hi-HumanS+D1).

Jason Estes - Clear Camp Adventure - Delusional Mind Edition - #53

Source - Instagram

Eceti & James Gilliland - Eceti News #65 - July 18th 2023

Well lets see how much trouble we can get into.

Looks like the Bidens have given the White House a whole new meaning. Get it white house? Might as well call it the crack house or China town. Little tip, don’t discard your drug baggies in the west wing there are cameras all over the place and those baggies are great for lifting finger prints. Another little tip stop putting all the enforcement agencies in compromising positions it will eventually back fire on you due to impeccable integrity attacks within the staff.

Also Joe the war we are illegally involved in to protect your deep state assets is in the Ukraine not Iraq. That illegal war in Iraq we were deceptively dragged into was under a different administration at a different time. This is July 2023, little quick reminder, put that in your day planner let your handlers know. Might want to let it slip out this is not the first time Americans have been lied to and pulled into war.

Hunter Bidens lawyers have sent a cease and desist letter to Trump, no more telling the truth or illuding to the truth. I bet that letter rode the whirlpool on its way out to the ocean. Trump should frame all the indictments or send them back as Christmas cards to the lawyers in the future. Most will have jail cell addresses as was the fate of other lawyers trying to take down Trump. Let’s see if they have any skeletons in their closets. By the way there was no evidence to prove intent concerning the January 6th set up falsely labeled as an insurrection. In Trump stated clearly to peacefully gather and respect law enforcement. The right to protest is one of those pesky constitutional rights in the way of the corporate dictorial democracy, the banana republic created by the present administration.

Recently Biden has become a hot potato with leprosy to most democrats. Some polls are giving him a gracious 20% approval rating which is now the same percentage of the mentally ill in Amercia. The mentally ill just haven’t been told yet. Might want to look up cognitive dissonance as well as participating in your own enslavement and eventual demise due to the plans of the NWO and WEF pulling the strings of your present administration. Kamala in a speech just said we will have clean air and water after the depopulation. Democrats actually think that does not include them.

A new poll states over 80% of the people no longer trust the FBI or the DOJ.

Pelosi’s nephew Gaven Gruesome is eyeing the office of the president. He wants the rest of the country to look like California. His motto is a tent city on every street. He wants dodge the needle and sidewalk poo games to be added to the Olympics along with the half meter race to catch criminals. There are actually laws forbidding police to chase criminals.

Ever wonder why all the floods in California? Might be a message in there. Ever hear about Sodom and Gamora, your getting real close. Newsome also wants a nationwide ban on all gasoline engines making China rich building batteries and strip-mining the rest of the planet to save the environment. Don’t worry we can fill in all the mines with used toxic batteries. On the flip side traffic jams will be a thing of the past because the grid can’t handle the load of charging all the new electric vehicles and the people can’t afford to replace their batteries. Brown outs to be expected.

Looks like the chef for the Obamas ended up dead with blunt head trauma found floating in their pond. Seems like being chefs for Clintons or Obamas is a short-lived profession. Wonder what they saw?

Is it just me or is it mega narcissism to keep a smile and straight face while trying to paint a total fail as a success story. Its like putting lipstick on a pig and saying its Merlyn Monroe. Sad thing is there are some people who are critical thinking research and morally impaired that will believe the democrats and rinos no matter what they say. As Hilary said keep them poor, sick, stupid and dependent. Seems to be the party line. By the way taxpayers are paying for all the free rides not the administration.

Liberals are showing up at school board meetings virtue signaling, screaming like they are giving birth to a clawed demon demanding critical race theory be reinstated supporting the grooming and gender mutilation of our children. Speaking of which, hats off to Ron DeSantis when confronted by the rainbow coalition he told Biden hands off the children. He also told the protestors this means you as well leave our children alone. Sounds like a Moody blues song. Time for a remix.

Speaking of music, Kristy Noem praised country music star Jason Aldean for his new song, “Try that in a small town” going as far as offering the Governor’s mansion as a potential concert venue

Speaking of children critics, shills, trolls, luciferians and pedophiles are all joining together to stop the Sound of Freedom as well as assassinate the characters of Mel Gibson, Jim Cavekiel, Tim Ballard and company. Hollywood is in an uproar claiming the moral high ground. How dare they interfere in their porn, child and sex trafficking. Interfere in their overlords the WEF’s desire to make pedophilia legal. Due to supply and demand, it’s breaking their bank. Any idea how much sex slaves and adrenochrome costs now days if you can get it at all. Watch the lame stream news anchors, magazines, and actors fully establish their characters and moral depravity on this one. Moral degeneration is one of the tools used to enslave and destroy a country by the global elite. It is in full swing.

CNN says don’t watch it and Amazon and Netflix wont air it. Imagine that. Doesn’t Obama hold major shares in Netflix? No more hotdog and pizza parties if Sound of Freedom goes viral. Let’s make it happen folks and stop with the character bashing these people put their lives on the line.

A question that is like garlic to a vampire is, “So you support the child sacrifice and sex trafficking? How about genital mutilation on children? Have you seen the verified statistics concerning missing children?” That gets their panties in a twist real fast and shuts down the argument immediately.

Speaking of How dare you our New World Order WEF champion Gretta Thunberg paid a visit on one of her private jets to the actor, porn star, comedian, Nazi and president of Ukraine Zelensky to give her total support for weaponized bio labs, child and sex trafficking, cluster bombs, the use of depleted uranium and continuing in an already lost war. Jumping on the bandwagon must fight down to the last Ukrainian. Maybe she should stand on the front lines after all she is twenty two + not an innocent little girl.

John Kerry our climate czar after denying he has a private jet is demanding the average person to reduce their carbon footprint to below 6000 pounds. His family carbon footprint is 325 cubic tons. Joe Biden just took a private jet and paraded around Canada in a convoy of SUVs, police escorts, ambulances to show support for his climate change depopulation smart city agendas.

Might want to rethink the 15 minute smart cities. A man was driving his car and his smart phone picked up communication it felt to be racist so it locked him out of his house. With the globalists 15 minute smart cities and the digital currency they will control every aspect of your life. The WHO has created treaties that will allow them through their Global Censorship Apparatus to censor anyone that challenges the official narrative. They want to create an economic and an environmental shock to drive people into their 15 minute smart cities and get people to sign away their freedoms.

The Quebec fires were all started simultaneously wow that fits right in to the environmental shock program imagine that.

Okay folks time for the disclaimer, this is comedy for entertainment purposes only, not to be taken as the obvious truth. We are not necessarily in agreement with the opinions given on this show and are not to be held accountable. Just like the past Greer disclosure movements this is entertainment only.

Back to the news. August is the launch of Brics, gold and asset based currency said to topple the petroleum backed dollar. Brazil, Russia, India, China and a host of other countries including some states in the US, 27 and counting are hopping on board. Might want to look into that. Always a good idea to have land, turn it into a food bank and find a fresh water source.

The RV is supposed to have been launched on Tuesday, seems to be a decade of Tuesdays have gone by. Like the blind man/woman he she they said we will see. Don’t want to get sued by California for getting the gender wrong concerning blind person. I do however believe Gesara/Nesara is in place as well as the quantum financial system. We are just waiting for the military to flip the switch. All civilian methods to restore the Republic have failed. Lots of planes flying to Gitmo.

The disclosure movement has fallen on its face again, 70 years of posers, shills and planned opposition screaming at politicians and the military to come clean. It is what Einstein called insanity, doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result. For those who have not figured it out yet, it is a kabuki theater controlled narrative.

Looks like some new blood is coming on the disclosure scene totally disconnected to the old disclosure movement having nothing to do with Greer and company. David Grusch who has worked in the National Geospacial Intelligence Agency and the National Reconnaissance Office has gone public. He also worked with the Federal Governments Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force. You know those agencies that don’t exist because the government has no interest in UFOs.

David is aware of evidence of landed and crashed ships, bodies dead and alive, agreements with off world civilizations as well as successful back engineering programs. We believe he is with the white hats and will not succumb to the controlled narrative. Time will tell. Hopefully we can get this put to bed so we can reunite with the Spiritually and Technologically Advanced off worlders some of which are our ancient ancestors returning. We can then quit with the ozone burning rocket side show and get on with the anti/counter gravity and free energy we developed in the 60’s. Oops did I say that out loud. Germans had it in the 30’s. Didn’t the head of Lockheed say we have the technology to take ET home? Expect more white hats to come forward concerning disclosure but use discernment.

This just in, Pfizer building was destroyed by a tornado in North Carolina 50,000 pallets of medicine destroyed. Act of God or do the white hats control HAARP. Expect zombie fish having heart attacks when it gets into the water supply.

This next topic needs to be addressed. It is the origin of many new age beliefs. MK Ultra, the CIA and other think tanks involved in social engineering created many of the beliefs in new age teachings.

It is a form of mind control. There are three premises I would like to address. One is it is all an illusion, the physical is unimportant. Two evil does not exist, if you see evil it is within you so do not act or say something because if you do your not enlightened. Three addressing evil is duality thinking also showing a very low level of spirituality. All three premises are based on denial, there is nothing spiritual about denial and your avoiding personal responsibility by not doing your part. If everything is an illusion take a run at a great tree then get back to me. What happens in the physical world determines your hereafter. If evil only exists in my mind then why did evil exist before I was born and most likely after I die? Three denying evil and not saying something, taking action and setting boundaries is why evil persists. The goal of these beliefs is to allow evil to go unchecked. Duality thinking is believing your separate from and above other people, places and events you deem or judge to not be spiritual. Enlightenment means to be in knowledge of. The good, bad, light, dark, universal law and actions outside of universal law. Words without deeds are dead. Living in denial of evil is living a half truth. Judging people who recognize evil, address it and take action is spiritual ego or a decision based on fear. There is positive/negative, Yin/Yang, dark/light evil is in a class by itself. It is actions against universal law out of balance that bring harm to others or life in general. If we are part of the planetary liberation then what are we being liberated from? If you do not recognize evil then how can you claim to be a part of the planetary liberation, the awakening and healing of humanity and the Earth. This is base logic. If you smugly judge those addressing evil and doing the work then who are you working for? MK Ultra, the CIA, other socially engineering think tanks? Or some other unseen malevolent force allowed in willingly or in ignorance. Who benefits from denying evil exists and not addressing evil or taking action other than Evil. It’s a no brainer. Anyone in the UFO or Spiritual community that denies evil, miscreation or other entities acting outside of Universal Law is not enlightened, they are in denial.

It is time to end the denial. To those who do spiritual healing or gatherings It is the height of irresponsibility and dangerous to not create sacred space and clear these malevolent influences before opening people up to other realms or dimensions. Just because your dead does not mean your enlightened and just because you’re an ET does not mean you are benevolent.

The bottom line is no matter what color, culture, religion or gender ask yourself with brutal honesty am I creating heaven on Earth. Am I acting within Universal Law.

Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for all is Universal Law. Helping the less fortunate to rise to their highest potential in service to Humanity and the Earth is the walk? Might want to ask all political, religious and business institutions the same questions. The greed, lust for power and wealth at the expense of others and nature does not fare well in your light review.

James Gilliland

Eceti & James Gilliland - Eceti News #64 - July 2023

There are so many topics to cover it makes one’s head spin. Things are manifesting so fast it is hard to keep up. The Sun is rapid firing flares, the Schuman Resonance is spiking and the influx of consciousness and energy is bringing about Mega change. The planetary liberation, awakening and healing process some call ascension is accelerating at a rapid pace. Social, Economic and Physical Earth Changes are the result. Then there are the manmade weather manipulations adding to the mix, HAARP and chemtrails. There are temporal multidimensional wars, weather wars and major social unrest along with other smaller wars the global elite are trying to escalate in their depopulation programs. WW3 is one of their agendas. As we watch the global elite press for world domination along with their political puppets and captured institutions it will be increasingly apparent who is wearing the white hats. The grey hats have to choose. No one can stop what is coming.

I took the time to watch the hearings about the weaponization of the agencies, the two-tiered justice system. I watched them evade the questions, double speak while knowing the jig is up. The majority of the democrats had their noses so far up Christopher Wrays but they could not see the obvious. They will be the first to whine when they are held accountable. Of course they don’t want to address the problem, it is weaponized in their favor. All they care about is power, and control projecting their traumas on others taking no personal responsibility in their division games. They support the opposite of a democracy yet they say democracy is in danger, an open display of double speak and hypocrisy. They firmly established their ignorance and character during the hearings. By the way we live in a republic not a socially engineered mob rule democracy.

Bottom line is the FBI engaged in extreme censorship teaming up with the legacy and social media. They hid the Hunter and Weiner laptops and shielded Hilary, Hunter and Joe from a mountain of incriminating evidence refusing to investigate or charge them with glaringly obvious crimes. They pressured lame stream and social media to censor anything critical of the present administration and its policies. We have been at the butt end of that one.

This had a major impact in the election. They spent millions pulling out all the stops to imprison and take out republicans and conservatives trampling on the constitution. The January 6th arrests are a blatant example, to this day those arrested are denied their constitutional rights in a blatant disregard of the present administration's oath of office many have not signed, notarized or have on record. They have also withheld exculpatory evidence which would exonerate them as in the Shaman case. They will be held accountable in the very near future. Remember that little saying, “What you do unto others will be done unto you.” Universal Law and the acceleration and amplification of karma will take care of this. Nowhere to hide. Can’t win a game of hide and seek with the Creator. Many are being consumed by their own guilt. The ones with any soul left.

The Sound of Freedom was a box office success beating out the new Indiana Jones movie. Major corporations which own the theaters did everything possible to interfere in the release, canceling tickets, leaving the lights on while the movie was showing, setting off alarms, shutting off the air conditioners all a complete fail. As I warned earlier those involved in making the movie need to prepare for the backlash, character assassinations, gossip and rumors. Trust me it comes with being authentic and going against the controlled narrative.

Hollywood is saying there really is not a problem with child and sex trafficking nor is there any Satanic/Luciferian child sacrifice or rituals going on. Some of them own islands adjacent to Epstein Island. Top politicians have their islands as well. Top officials in the just us system are saying the numbers are way down in child and sex trafficking due to their efforts, just like the numbers of border crossings are very low another blatantly obvious lie. Those affirming there is not a problem are most likely the involved in the problem. Some very big names are going to surface in the very near future. Research who owns Islands and what goes on there. Might be a few up for sale shortly.

As far as the new QFS monetary system and Nesara/Gesara are concerned, if you ask thirty different people you will get thirty different answers. This whack a mole game has been going on for centuries. All I can say is flip the F$%&#%$ switch. It is rumored everything is in place, Nesara/Gesara and the Quantum Financial System. This puts an end to the Feds which were never federal. The USA Inc. falls and we go back to constitutional law or common law. The end of tyranny. With the military in place obviously things are very close. The military is the only answer, all civil remedies have been exhausted, the justice agencies have been captured. It would be wise to prepare on all levels. Have a month's worth of food, access to clean water, and do not depend on the ATMs, banks power and internet grids. It could go smoothly in some areas while drastic in others.

I wish to end on a positive note. Things will get crazy during the transition. It will become increasingly ugly and chaotic which is the healing process then it will get increasingly good. A whole new world awaits us. It is our destiny to unite with the greater family of man/woman throughout the multiverse. They are here now in great numbers, watch the skies. You might want to call them a division of Gods Army. Not all have harps and wings. They are removing the fallen ones.

James Gilliland