To The Ascension LightWorker Collective . A significant shift in the Earths timeline has occurred, resulting in an acceleration of momentum. This shift is activating a higher level of consciousness known as the higher self consciousness, allowing for the integration of God/Source codes of Light.
As a result, ascending individuals are evolving into a heightened state of being, with enhanced abilities and a greater connection to the multidimensional aspects of existence. This shift will soon manifest more tangibly in the physical reality.
On the ascension journey, ascending individuals will naturally focus on self-healing and reclaiming power from past karmic and unhealthy conventions and relationships, this accelerates growth towards higher realms and universal energies. Starseeds play a vital role as transmuters, maintaining high frequencies to transform negative energies and ancestral karma through their expanded light.
These evolved souls intentionally incarnate into ancestral lines with significant negative karma to release, heal, and elevate their entire lineage. As the groundwork for a new navigational system for the New Earth .
During challenging times when things seem chaotic, it quite often signals the clearing of old energies to create internal space for higher vibrational alignment.
There will be a greater presence of manifestations in the physical realm, as the collective consciousness has consciously opened this reality.
The efforts of Starseeds are characterised by endurance, perseverance, focus, loyalty dedication, self-connection, and self-realisation, all have played a significant role in reaching this point.
The unlocking of multidimensional aspects is centered in the heart, leading to a growing and expanding sense of being even more multidimensional over the past five years.
This unlocking will propel the collective into new levels of awareness, with the heart serving as the gateway to receive new information and Light codes directly from Source. This heightened state will activate higher insight, knowing, seeing, and enhanced telepathic abilities.
The transformation begins within through practicing self-love and self-acceptance, which will reveal the inner radiance and true essence. By developing a strong foundation of self-worth and embracing your innate light, you are paving the way for positive changes.
This planetary transmission carries the potential to catalyse a deeper level of awakening for souls who are ready to embrace the universal truth. It serves as a reminder to re-connect, and open self to receive new codes of consciousness.
Embracing your rebirth as a new journey begins, enriched by the inner work and transformations you have previously experienced. Discovering the light, power, and love within your new self like an explorer navigating uncharted territories.
Your soul has gathered energy, evolving from old beliefs and forms to nourish the new version of you. This divine moment marks a major rebirth, where something new emerges from what once was.
As you enter the next phase of ascending life trust in your growing strength and confidence in this transformed self. Reflect on your progress and embrace the changes you have undergone. Celebrate this next chapter where your higher ideas, connections, relationships and lifestyle choices fully support your ascension .
When you are in alignment with your true self and your purpose, a multidimensional synergy occurs where what you need effortlessly comes to you. In this higher conscious state, there is no need to rush or stress, instead, you find yourself working with exuberance and joy. The effort you put in doesn't feel like hard work but more like a joyful expression of your true essence.
Being in alignment allows you to be your most authentic self without apologies or reservations. You are free to express yourself fully and completely, un effected by self-doubt or fear. Everything falls into place naturally, and you find yourself in a state of synchronic flow, where opportunities and blessings come to you without struggle.
In this state of alignment, being fully present and true to yourself becomes effortless. You will no longer feel the need to overextend yourself or work tirelessly to prove your worth. Instead, you recognise the beauty of just being, of living in the moment and embracing your true nature.
Being in alignment in new earth energy grants the ascending the privilege of living authentically with more ease and grace. It allows them to embrace life as a joyful expression of your true self, where everything you need effortlessly finds its way to you,
In loving and devoted Ascension service
Source inspiration by Ascension LightWorkers 

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