"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Natalia Alba - deep reprogramming in your first chakra - 21.03.2025

Beloved Ones,

During this time between eclipses, and as we approach the Aries eclipse, many of you are working on reconstructing your three-dimensional bodies, utilizing the plasmatic transmissions received to build your three-dimensional layers, healing all anomalies, and starting to transfigure your three main chakras.

This is one of the most important steps before anchoring ourselves into the soul dimensions, as first it is vital to transcend all the human/galactic baggage we carry within our three main bodies.

Some of you are now passing through these phases of deep reprogramming in your first chakra, as it is with Aries, associated with our first light body layer, that we have the opportunity to heal and restore all we have accumulated in our first chakra throughout the lifetimes we have lived.

As you know our first light body layer is linked to our first chakra, where the majority of your human karmic memories and trauma is stored, as well as non-benevolent galactic ones such as Annunaki, reptilian especially, and more. It is now with the coming eclipse, that we have the opportunity to expand on our creations. However, any untreated trauma will resurface at this time. Aries with its fiery energies give us the strength to look within and heal all of our traumas related to our first charka, for we are not just healing our present self, and present lifetime, but ur parallel ones too, for we exist simultaneously and infinitely.

It is then when the fire triangulation between our human self and our divine one is created, as a result of having healed all that impeded us from being naturally connected to our soul and personal power. It is then that the intense red color of our first chakra, denoting fear and anger, starts shifting, moving into a more violet-pink color.

This is why the tetrahedron is associated with Aries and our first chakra, as it is literally the energetic geometrical figure that energetically arises when we achieve this inner work, activating our kundalini and restoring our coccyx, all its anomalies, and initiating the purifying required work for us to move forward into upper layers of our light body.

This is one of the most important clearing tasks to activate our fifth-dimensional DNA strand, activating our time codes and reconnecting ourselves to the illumined dimensions.

Many of you have imbalances in your nervous system, and when asking your Guides, the main blockage is not in the nervous system, but in the first chakra, which as you know governs the autonomic nervous system responses, and when it is blocked due to untreated trauma, abuse, and other galactic/human/inherited anomalies it creates many blockages.

Most of the time people focus on the upper chakras, without remembering the importance of healing cellular memories, galactic ones embedded within it, as well as our human/familiar/epigenetic (especially poverty consciousness) and galactic lineage, for all of our primal, survival fears and other memories that limit us and our present self and reality, are storage in our first chakra.

Many times we carry patterns that are not ours to experience, and yet we tend to repeat them unconsciously. Other times, these profound fears may also come from when we were in our mother's womb, especially survival fears if we lived a non-desired pregnancy, which is what often occurs - as was my case - in adoptive children.

These issues may impede you from being grounded, and sovereign embracing your inner creator, manifesting abundance and all the resources you need for your life experience because abundance is another form of love, and if we have not yet loved all of who we are and heal all our traumas, there is a hidden programming within us that still governs ourselves and reality. False programming telling us that we are not enough, that we do not have a mission for we are unworthy of it, for we are never enough, when in truth simply by being a child of God, we are worth it.

The first and second chakras are the most needing self-love, care, and female healing to be restored. Love comes first. Love for yourself, for you are an aspect of God incarnated. Love all you have ever lived and experienced, for all that has shown you who you are, and your ability to forgive, and pull yourself together after you were broken by the many experiences that hurt your heart.

All your resilience, and courage to survive, to become greater, and to be of service denotes who you are - a powerful limitless divine sovereign being in charge of your life experience - remember that when you face false narratives about who you are or not.
Choose yourself always, and you will be honoring God through you, and All within Creation.

With infinite Love,
Natalia Alba
Art by: Kesara Art

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