To The Ascension LightWorker Collective
THE ASCENDING ARE UNDERSTANDING MORE OF HOW THE ASCENSION JOURNEY AFFECTS THEIR THINKING PROCESSES. On the Journey of Ascension, as we Evolve and Expand our Consciousness, we are being called to step away from the Linear thinking process, which is the limited perception in the 3-Dimensional thinking: putting things in order, based on linear experiences or looking at it as a straight line, with a beginning point and an ending point, the way to get from one place to another, where one event leads to the next.
The conscious Ascension journey involves shifting away from 3-D linear thinking towards expanded consciousness, transcending past all limitations on the journey to embrace higher perceptions and for living in the higher heart space . Lightworkers and starseeds are always awakening to see through more of the false illusions taking place , they are releasing old internal patterns to integrate truth , higher knowledge and expanded wisdom.
Emotions based in fear and false beliefs those not aligned in universal creator love are being cleared from the conditioned template , this is activating dormant DNA strands to transcend into the light body frequency . The modifications and adjustments to higher frequencies may trigger an internal and intense healing process with various physical, mental, and emotional symptoms activating all at once .
Higher self is Supporting the transforming internal structures in all aspects of the physical being , this helps ease the soul expansion in the human form process.
Feelings of sadness or melancholy may also arise from the recent collective purges of old earth energies. These intense particular purges, both collective and personal, serve as amplified opportunities for higher self conscious expansion and healing, deepening the connection to self and to the universe.
Energy shifts and activations are occurring, leading to transformations and rebirth on multiple and complex layers and levels. Allowing the release of what no longer serves the higher good ,Remaining consciously aware and present while trusting in the path of higher expansion, knowing that we are all being guided and protected as Gaia collectively under goes planetary Ascension. The higher light levels are accelerating on new earth activating the higher self frequencies .
You may be feeling internal buzzing frequencies within . The energy activating internally is en coded and downloaded information. As this higher energy integrates many will be activated into their higher conscious timelines . light body merkaba activations , expansion of higher abilities and gifts as you enter into higher quantum field activations The sovereign self is activating strengthening and evolving.
Ascension downloads are taking place within the ascending , symptoms can include: Full body chills, Ringing in the ears , Chills, tingles, higher frequency vibrations in the scalp and crown chakra, Vivid conscious dreaming with a deeper sense of symbolic messages. 3rd eye activations , Instant access to new knowledge , wisdom and higher information, Bursts of energy , ideas and inspirations. Drastic shifts in higher perspectives. Waking up randomly by loving and supportive Ascension energies , typically between 3 and 6 am.
Transformation and Rebirth are still occurring on many levels throughout the collective. Anything that is falling away from life is always for a higher reason , it has served its purpose in learning and it is time to lovingly and fully release the old .
This is an exciting time energetically in new earth frequencies . At various times sudden internal changes can activate residual anxiety energies , this can occur when the system is on sensory over load , it is temporary , this can be from a build up of over thinking and concern for what comes next.
Accepting that this reaction is from the old fearful thoughts and false beliefs , all past thinking , painful memories , doubting self , lack of self love lack of self acceptance , lack of self belief are clearing out of the conditioned and programmed conscious template .
The Internal shadow work is unraveling and healing hidden trauma aspects in the unconscious mind . It is a sacred work and requirement in ascending self consciousness it takes a brave and courageous heart. The work is done not only for the self but also for the collective subconscious.
Starseeds are bringing the conscious self back into the present moment of true power The ascending collective continue to trust in the changing direction of this planet . Knowing that all is in a higher purpose , A time to be self loving as many absorb the incoming higher levels of light.
After this recent solar eclipse event , new earth timelines are in a rapid and accelerated higher energy. This highly activated transition is letting go of the past structures with loving gratitude .Higher frequency surges become activated in higher conscious timelines the present experience is always shaping the future trajectory.
Quantum leaps occur when you break free from recurring patterns or situations, signaling a shift in awareness. Progress is made by learning from past lessons and making different choices, paving the way for personal growth and new opportunities.
The Universe continually communicates with the ascending through signs, spiritual experiences intentional coincidences, and synchronicities, guiding and illuminating the destined path. Increasing higher awareness and opening up to the higher self messages, as they are intricately woven into the ascension journey towards activating planetary purpose.
Remembering that elevation will at various times require your isolation. It might feel like you are losing most of everything you once knew to be true . This is to move you to the next higher self level and to let go of any excess baggage.
In Loving and Devoted Ascension service
Source Inspiration by Ascension LightWorkers 

source - facebook
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