To The Ascension LightWorker Collective
Answering the higher calling involves striving to reach the Fifth dimension on this planet , where profound waves of cleansing and transformative change occurs to prepare for higher dimensions. This process entails breaking free from the old two- third-dimensional patterns and beliefs deeply rooted in materialism and external control, and embracing movement into inter-dimensional realms as enlightened beings of light. The current cosmic shift is greatly affecting our planet and the Solar System signifies a significant evolutionary phase.
The escalating intensity of light and vibrational frequencies at a cellular level is propelling us towards a transformational threshold, transitioning to a new frequency of light associated with the Central Sun. This shift acts as a necessary wake-up call, urging us to transcend the illusions of our current realities and evolve from third-dimensional awareness to a higher state of cosmic alliance and Christ consciousness.
Embracing this transformational journey demands acknowledging the interconnectedness of all existence, recognising the multiple realities beyond the visible realms and striving for balance , alignment and harmony with nature.
By rediscovering what is meaningful and what truly matters in life , ascending individuals are creating a new world infused with love and sustainability for our future generations, we align ourselves with the wisdom of the ancient and indigenous cultures who understand the cyclical nature of life, death, and rebirth.
The ancestral knowledge is safeguarded by the crystalline grid and Earth's wisdom custodians to guide humanity through this transitional period towards the central Sun, emphasising the importance of learning, listening, and embracing these teachings to navigate through this ascension era of profound change with humility , grace and equilibrium.
Humanity is on the brink of evolving into a telepathic race, where individuals are tuning into various realms simultaneously amidst intense shifts and ascension. This new earth awakening is ushering in a flood of new insights and wisdom from diverse sources, guiding many towards higher states of consciousness and unlocking more spiritual abilities and gifts, developing a sharper sense of discernment as veils of illusion dissipate, revealing a clearer reality.
As the ability of telepathy unfolds within the ascending they gain the power to selectively filter energies entering earths fields, asserting the divine sovereignty through expanded awareness. Mastering the self as a multidimensional being empowers the ascending to cleanse their energy field, harmonising with the soul's path, and ascending to higher vibrations while shedding lower frequencies that no longer serve a higher purpose.
Each ascending individual plays a vital role in the Earth's transformation, contributing to a collective purpose of elevating and shifting the planet towards higher dimensions. By incarnating with a purpose to anchor light and raise vibrations, the ascending embody the essence of acceleration in collective ascension, and play a big part in the evolutionary progress, gradually and fully aligning with the higher self while navigating the human experience.
At our core, Starseeded souls are luminous beings immersed in the human journey, each step towards higher consciousness is infusing into our physical reality with the refined, crystalline energy radiating from our soul's essence. This alchemical process not only elevates personal evolution but also elevates the consciousness of the entire dimension, perpetuating a ripple effect of transformation and enlightenment in the cosmic web.
While experiencing rapid timeline shifts, it typically takes a minimum of two weeks to assimilate the new energies into your physical being. Following a major timeline transition, such as the one recently undertaken . it is common to feel disoriented, lack motivation, or feel a sense a feeling of being lost or mentally fatigued. These emotional responses are natural as the body and mind strive to acclimate to the unfamiliar frequency.
May you be enveloped in divine love, healing, and protection as you continue on this profound journey of soul evolution and conscious ascension towards a higher state of conscious being.
In Loving and Dedicated Ascension Service
Source Inspiration by Ascension LightWorkers 

source - facebook
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