"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Weekend Vibezz

My mantra is that I always know what I'm going to write in these posts when I start writing this post. At the moment, I have no idea what this post will turn into.

It's a little difficult to focus, since I'm in the same space with my cat, who is about to take down the blinds and restless, she really wants to go out into the garden and into the world, even though we've been outside for half an hour.

We survived another celestial event aka Total solar eclipse and despite the hype nothing happened in our physical world. But the change was noticeable in the field of energy. I watched a bit of the broadcast on YouTube, somehow I got goosebumps. I was in a good mood that day, but the next day "the candlestick broke", i.e. emotionally, a lot of things came up for release, my own and maybe the collective's. Yesterday I woke up tired, had a slight headache and was sleepy all day. I tried to rest, but only managed twice for half an hour due to the daily routine.

According to some theories, it was not the moon that covered the sun, but a completely different object - another planet, satellite, etc. Since I've seen 2 suns in the sky and planes are constantly streaking the sky to cover the sun, I wouldn't be surprised at anything.

One thing I have learned is that when the media and the spiritual community picks up on an event, it is a very inflated balloon and contrary to expectations, there is no physical evidence that anything will happen. Of course, there were earthquakes before and after it, but could we actually ask the question, were they natural or man-made? We know that many earthquakes are formed in underground tunnels, where many people actually have no idea that they exist or what is really going on there.

In fact, we hardly know anything about the Earth and the cosmos, everything we know is learned in this matrix system from pre-written teaching materials and everything we have seen is actually just pictures. If space is really cold, as all sources claim, then why don't our satellites and space probes freeze, since we know that one of the enemies of electrical circuits is frost and heat - our mobile phone also become fast dead in the frost or in the heat. 

Those who serve this system can show us anything, because we ordinary people on earth have no real knowledge and we cannot see many things with our own eyes. In this form, it is completely unnecessary to laugh at and antagonize each other's theories, for example: flat earth believers - round earth believers, inside earth vs normal earth, religion vs. spiritual circles, simulation vs. reality, etc.

If we observe, every theory, every spiritual-religious-scientific community has followers. If I were to say that 1+1=3 and assert that it is true, I would even explain in my own way that it is true, there would be people in the world who would join this theory and believe it. But the human community, instead of discussing each other's faith and truth, would discuss it with a healthy dialogue, would respect the other's point of view, simply trample on it, antagonize, denigrate, laugh at it, call it stupid, only their theory and vision are correct, ego clash ego etc.

Do we know the absolute truth? No. If there is an elephant in the room, you see its legs, I see its head, and someone else sees its tail, we are all right, but none of us really sees the animal. We can look at it from a higher perspective, but we still don't see the real animal. We will know the truth if we look at it from all perspectives, examine it or if we put our knowledge together and together decipher what the truth is.

All theories have common points. Everyone should follow the truth and theory and faith that resonates with them inside, until it isn´t. With a 3D brain, it is difficult to grasp the truth and existence itself, this requires a higher consciousness. Our brain overcomplicates everything, and the truth can be very simple.

This reminded me of the 3 body problems Netflix TV show, when the universe "winked at to the humans", the hallucination of the human eye (countdown), or when the other species showed what it wanted to show in the sky. (I haven't read the book, but I just started the Chinese version series. I think it will be worth a post in the future)

What if we are faced with advanced technology that obscures reality and truth itself? What if we live in a closed fake reality inside the real reality? The human eye and brain can be deceived, take a look at the deep fake generated by AI, the media, programming etc. What if these constant programming keep us trapped in this system? And do these programs prevent us from experiencing and living in the "real" reality? The majority of people, including me, do not know themselves completely, so how could we know what is around us?

Our entire system, which we were born into, is based on lies and illusions, so it is difficult to exist in it. The truth hurts, but it's also liberating. Let's be open-minded, because one day everything we thought was true and real will collapse and the truth and the true reality will emerge, for which we have been thirsting for a long time.

This space theme is accompanied by space music...who is telling the truth and who is lying, maybe the truth is the false and the lie is the truth, in this world it is worth listening to our inner self for the answers. 

Have a great weekend :)

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