Today we are on circuit 47 this is a huge step for humanity remember that 48 is the final acceptance test before abundance while not everyone is here on earth a large enough amount of people are and our current circuit average for all of humanity is 28/64 this is amazing when i was born in 84 it was an average of 3/64 the data points were at 1 every 3 hours and are now (7.2m)+2m an hour and gating had never happened the truth of faith was yet to be understand and many would consider trust in God faith now we live in a planet where real faith is being found 740m people have gated and experienced a moment of real faith that has changed their signatures and is bringing more home while the news and those in fear are loudest for now it is just that loud people if you drop into the silence of the heart you will find the truth and that truth is we are better off then ever before on earth remember the history of what has happened here and look at you life through the lens of time you will see your better off then in the 1800s or even the early 1900s the news and social media make it hard to remember the truth sometimes but your heart never forgets

source - facebook
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