"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Judith Kusel - a lot of very old stuff is surfacing to be released & vital to seek quietude - 18.04.2024

Since the solar esclipse I have found that such a lot of very old stuff is surfacing to be released now.
It is a deep clearing of subconscious, deeply buried, not only in the mental, but also in the emotional bodies, as they are intricately linked to the physical.
This is not only in the individual soul, but in the ancestral and collective souls.
So much of the childhood and young adult phases etc. from this lifetime, is simultaneously surfacing, to be forgiven and released.
It is a freeing of souls from all negative patterns ever created, if they choose to be freed.
It is time to let it all go.
Clean out the cupboards and skeletons still lurking in the ancestral lines.
The same.applies to countries and everything else.


To me everything is in state of gestation at the moment into totally new forms, frequencies and vibrations.
It is almost at times if one is hovering like a bee, and then suddenly all reveals itself, and we can see even more clearly than ever before.
It is so vital to seek quietude and to switch off all distractions.
What I am seeking is deep meaningful conversations, quiet moments of stillness in nature, being more open to cosmic knowledge and downloads.
As our consciousness rises we will access more and more which we previously could not access before and herein lies the great blessing.
The heart opens, our insight and understanding increases, and with it, we start reconnecting with our souls in ever deeper ways and our soul group, as well as our intergalactic families.
There is such blessings flowing in.
It is a matter of being receptive and allowing ourselves to expand in ways such as never before!

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