"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Healing Session 1-2 March

Monthly Ascended Masters and Stellar Healing Rays Remote Healing will be 1st and 2nd of March

Where? International Golden age Group Youtube Channel Live

When? 22:00~22:30 p.m. (CST in Taipei = UTC+8) https://www.timeanddate.com

1.Sananda Ray
2.Kuthumi Ray
3.Ashtar Ray
4.Saint Germain Ray
5.Serapis Bey Ray
6.Djwhal Khul Ray

4.Galactic Central Sun
7.Antares / Aldebaron

Notes for participants:

Invocation Before the Healing:

We invoke all the ascended masters and stellar rays tonight.

We now invite the presence of… (____ Masters…)
I AM completely, sincerely and eternally open to the healing, protection and guidance of the Light. So be it, and So it is!

Appreciation After the Healing:
Let’s thank the Ascended Masters and Stellar Rays together.

Thanks to (_____Masters….)
We express our deepest appreciation to the Ascended Masters, Stellar Rays, the Healing of the Light, the Protection of the Light and the Guidance of the Light that assists us to gain an abundance of spiritual and material life!

May the Love’s and the Light’s Plans be achieved!
Please deliver our unlimited thankfulness and respect for these Rays!  

More information about ascended masters rays and stellar rays HERE


Directed Energy Weapons - new blogpost by Cobra

Directed energy weapons are NOT plasma weapons, they are NOT scalar weapons. They are physical weapons emitting electromagnetic radiation: 

They are used by the Cabal in their attacks towards the awakened part of human population:

By attacking civilian targets, the perpetrators are violating the fourth Geneva convention and this constitutes a war crime:

Perpetrators will be persecuted according to international civil and military law as soon as the planet is liberated.

You can find a detailed list of intel resources about directed energy weapons here:

Weapons most frequently used in attacks against civilians are sonic lasers:

These are usually not deadly, but still extremely unpleasant.

More dangerous are electrolasers:

They are used to trigger cardiac arrest (heart failure) and kill the target, those targets often being holistic doctors:

Company producing those deadly weapons is called Applied Energetics:

It was formerly called Ionatron:

The Light Forces have requested as many people as possible to spread information and awareness of the directed energy weapons and do the following meditation as often as you feel guided:

1. Relax your body, emotions and mind by focusing on your breath or in any other way that works for you

2. Visualize a vortex of brilliant white Light descending from the Soul star chakra of all humanity into energy field and personality of all human beings, awakening them to the reality of existence of directed energy weapons and visualize this awareness spreading like wildfire through the mass media.

3. Visualize all Cabal middlemen refusing to use directed energy weapons anymore and learning to cooperate and joining the human society in a constructive way. Visualize all Cabal members that do not wish too surrender their use of directed energy weapons being removed from the planet as fast and effectively as possible. Visualize all directed energy weapons being destroyed, never to be used again.

Victory of the Light!

My Note:

I also wrote articles about the energy weapons - you can read here:
and the sympthoms are - http://beyondtheveil2017.blogspot.co.at/2018/02/protection-meditation-protocol-mirror.html

Original Post:

432hz mantras from An to An (Untwine)

Just click to the picture and you will landed on Recreating Balance blog and there you can listen the songs for free.

The mantras are:
  • Om Mani Padme Hun
  • Tara
  • Bekanze
  • Durga
  • Sambala
  • Gate
  • Gayatri 

Thank you Untwine :) 

Original Post:

Recreating Balance by Untwine

The Light of Source, the One, contains all within itself, all polarities. As it proceeds into the Universe, it splits into two opposite polarities, masculine-feminine, action-reception, etc. The polarities are two sides of the same coin, they are always meant to be One, to be balanced, together they are the Light of One. 

These 3 points, the One, and masculine-feminine, create the original trinity, the basic triangle which is at the foundation of creation :

Basically everything is made up of this. This is the meaning of the title and logo of this blog.
This basic trangle, as it continues to multiply/divide, creates the seed of life, metatron's cube, and the flower of life.
The Soul is pure Light and contains both polarities united. As it incarnates in lower planes it splits into two people/personalities of opposite polarities.
This basic trinity is found in the kundalini, where the central channel is the Light of One coming from the Soul, which creates the other two, ida and pingala, which spin around it. It is also found in the trifold flame of the heart.

Things multiply following a fractal pattern, which means that at each scale of creation we see the same pattern, the same basic foundation. We see it at the level of Soul family, we see it at the Soul level with the two twin souls, and we see it within each individual personality. This means that there should be 3 aspects represented in balance within each of us in inner connection with our Soul, and then manifesting outside in our relationships with the world.

Inside prison Earth, this basic design has been incredibly attacked and manipulated by the dark, they do a lot of efforts to twist it in all ways possible, which interferes with the proper flow of Light manifesting in creation. Especially they interfere with inner balance of polarities within individuals and with creation of balanced relationships between people. The implant at the solar plexus in particular is designed for this purpose.

So one of the creation which is the most attacked within prison earth, in a similar way like real positive contact with Light forces from outside the surface of this planet, free energy, and other similar things which are triggers for breaking the emprisonment, is this :

A healthy love relationship between awakened male and female, who recognize each other as Souls, connect with each other as Souls, and can bring this connected Soul energy between each other down into all bodies, mental, astral/emotional, etheric/plasma, and physical. 

This is especially powerful if they are soul mates and even more if they are twin souls. The relationship should not be based on exchanging trapped trauma/programming/personality based energies which connect with each other. It has to be the Soul presence connecting with each other.

The Soul presence of Light is sent down in a pillar of Light which is the central channel of the body, which is connecting all bodies together, and then the two central channels of the two people connect together at all levels/chakras, which creates a powerful activation of Light, a portal which opens between lower and higher planes, bringing Light into the energy field of the planet.

I know many Lightworkers have experienced huge amount of interference in trying to manifest this, and we got clear examples of this in recent events. So I want to bring more awareness about it out there to help resolve it, as everybody out there who can manifest at least some degree of this are helping to bring Light to the planet.

Victory of the Light
Original Post:

Power of the Goddess by Cobra / 2 Goddess meditation

As we have now entered the termination phase of the planetary liberation process, it is of the utmost importance to connect with the feminine Goddess presence and nurture qualities of love, compassion and tenderness to stabilize the transition and counteract the cruelty so prevalent on the surface of the planet:




People on the surface of the planet have been programmed to believe that being soft and caring for other sentient beings is a weakness. This programming has originated from the Archons, then distributed through Jesuit and Illuminati networks and then through the mainstream media to the surface population through the meme of “survival of the fittest”.

This meme was spread among the surface population to suppress the caring energy of the Goddess, which is the energy the dark forces fear the most:

Now it is time for us to understand that caring, loving, soft energy is the energy that will ultimately transform our planet and assist the Light Forces in removing all darkness from the planet. Being soft is NOT a weakness, it is ultimate power:

It is also time now for all women to support and express the caring part of their Soul, anchor that energy in the planetary energy grid and connect with other sisters in Sisterhood of the Rose:

Or in global sisterhood:

It is very important for the planetary liberation that as many people as possible to do the following two Goddess meditations as often as possible:

Goddess Vortex meditation

1. Lift your hands above your head and begin to rotate your body clockwise

2. While doing that, sing mantra iiii (pronounced ee-ee) so that it vibrates throughout your body and visualize your body morphing into a brilliant pillar of Light, with millions of rainbow colored stars scattered within that pillar of Light

3. Keep singing the mantra and rotating. After a few minutes, drop your hands close to your body and continue rotating clockwise

4. While doing that, start singing mantra eeeaaa (eee is pronounced as e in "America" and NOT as e in "Venus", and a is pronounced as a in "America") so that it vibrates through your body and visualize a rainbow vortex of Light expanding from your heart outwards throughout the whole planet. Call upon the presence of your spiritual guides, Ascended masters, Pleiadians, angels, dolphins, twin souls, soulmates, soul families and other beings of Light.

5. Keep singing the mantra and rotating and stay in the presence of all those beings of Light for a while.

Return of the Goddess meditation

1. Relax your mind and body by watching your breath for a few minutes.

2. Visualize a pillar of pink Light emanating from the Galactic Central Sun, going through your body to the center of the Earth. Keep this pillar of Light active for a few minutes. Then visualize a loving feminine presence in the shape of a beautiful Goddess descending from the sky and entering your physical body. This presence will harmonize your inner woman and make you more loving. Stay united with that presence for a while.

3. Visualize bright new spiritual future for humanity, with men and women in perfect understanding, with our society growing beyond need for wars and conflicts as all dark entities, physical and non-physical, are removed from our planet. Visualize all wounds of humanity being healed, all humanity being inspired and guided with everybody having their own connection with their own Soul and the Source in perfect balance of their inner male and female aspects.

Please do this visualization as instructed and do not change it as otherwise it will not have the desired effect.

The divine masculine presence (the Hero) in each of us needs to be activated also. The Hero is a warrior that moves beyond revenge and powerless anger into full fierce power of methodically removing the darkness in order to protect everything that is sacred and beautiful, to protect all children, women and men that can not defend themselves against the cruelty of darkness so prevalent on the surface of the planet.

Long time ago, the weapons of the Hero were the sword and the pen. Now, the weapons are his one-pointed mind, the scalar protection devices and computer keyboard. And Mjolnir:

The Hero understands that all suffering on this planet is artificially engineered. He understands that he can not force his fellow humans to awaken, as they have retreated into their Islands of Sanity (beer and football) to avoid facing the too cruel reality of Draco occupation of the planet with all horrendous child abuse and untold suffering, as it was precisely described here by Benjamin Fulford's reader AHZ:

It is time now for each of us to unite the Goddess and Hero archetypes inside, become whole and stop fighting with each other, and unify in this last stage of planetary liberation process:

At this point I have not received clearance to release any intel about the planetary situation, and when I will be able to release it, I will.

Until then, I leave you with this video:

Victory of the Light!

Original Post:

Protection Meditation Protocol - The Mirror Shield

Many Lightworkers and Lightwarriors are primary targets of directed energy weapons because they are the primary security threat to the current slavery prison planet matrix and its handlers.

The first guideline for protection for targeted individuals is to try to maintain the state of balance and harmony amidst all daily activities. That means learning to master the skills of time and priorities management and learning when to say yes and when to say no, and to remove all toxic elements, situations and people out of your lives. It is also good to find some quiet time each day to spend in nature and/or in meditation to reconnect with your higher self.


Dragon sources have communicated an effective protection meditation protocol. It is recommended to use this protocol once or a few times daily and maintain this protection shield throughout the Breakthrough phase to maintain the vibrational frequency of Light:
1. Relax your body, emotions and mind by focusing on your breath or in any other way that works for you
2. Visualize a brilliant white vortex of Light emanating from your Soul star chakra downwards throughout your body in a clockwise direction, purifying the energy fields of your physical, plasmatic, etheric, emotional and mental bodies. Maintain this vortex by connecting it to the source of universal Light and program it to maintain all your energy bodies purified
3. Visualize an egg shaped semi-permeable mirror shield around your auric field of your physical, plasmatic, etheric, astral and mental bodies. This mirror shield lets all positive energies into your energy field, but reflects and bounces all negative energies back to their source (return-to-sender). Program this mirror shield to alert you when any type of negative energy is directed your way and let it reflect it back to its origin
4. Visualize Light rearranging all parts of yourself and all parts of your energy fields back into state of balance and harmony. While doing that you can hum mantra OM because OM is the primaeval sound of Light and its resonance will restore harmony most effectively.

Personal Note:
This meditation protocol is very effective, very good and very strong - i use daily. Also you can call your Higher Self and your Soul helper/s too for help, Mjölnir can help too (Here the article) or the angel or anyone who can help. 

Unfortunately still the archons and their minions targeting and attacking Lightworkers/warriors with their energy toys, about this we lost Cobra´s soulmate and lot of good people also fallen since we fight for our freedom. I think then will be end this attack when the Lightforces bring every unwarrantable to the Galactic Sun. I encourage you, don´t give up, continue your mission, take what it takes, this is the final battle and the Light will win.

Some symptoms and signs when they attack you:
- suddenly anger, frustration, fear, sorrow
- burning sensations on your skin, organs
- suddenly pain on your body
- intense itching
- irregular heartbeat - fast heartbeat - these weapons can cause heart attacks and strokes
- people/family around you suddenly make strange behavior toward to you
- diarrhea 
- sudden ongoing fatigue for no apparent reason
- recurrent or frequent nightmares
- sudden illnesses that cannot be explained
- sudden depression, lost self-confident 
- vertigo
- dehydration
- memory loss
- difficult breathing
- nausea
- panic attack
- loss of hair 
- stomach pain 
- etc.

You can read about these energy weapons in the internet - have a lot of website where you can find informations, just wrote in the search field - energy weapons, direct energy weapons or symptoms etc. - I also wrote about this HERE it´s not a complete and detailed list, but you can start from there gathering informations.




Tesla in the Space

Sorry Guys, Sorry Tesla, Sorry Starman, Sorry ET´s, Sorry Space



And my arts....

aand 1 more :D

Cutting the Ties the Bind - The Figure Eight Visualization/Meditation

Everybody wants to be free from somebody or something, can be the parents, ex boy- or girlfriend, siblings or bad habits, attachments for money, power, old programming etc. 

One of the solution for this attachment problems is the Figure Eight meditation - visualization. 
Phyllis Krystal has developed a series of steps that help for everybody cut those ties. With these techniques, you can be free from old and learned patterns of thinking, behaviors and set you free from your ego - lower self and you can make steps forward to reach your High Consciousness and look to the World with a higher perspective.

According to Phyllis Krystal, "The Figure Eight is a symbol which enables a person to protect his own space or territory and at the same time avoid invading anyone else's space. It is advisable to have only one person at a time in the circle opposite your own when using the Figure Eight exercise, to avoid confusing your separate reactions to different people." You can also put your fear, the implants, your blocks etc. to the circle. 

And here the steps:

1. Imagine you are sitting or standing in a circle of golden light on the ground around your feet. The radius of this circle is the length of your own arm with the fingers extended. 

2. Visualize another circle of golden light directly in front of you about the same size as yours and just touching, but not overlapping your circle. 

3. Starting at the point where the two circles touch, visualize a neon blue light flowing around the opposite circle in a clockwise direction until it is complete. 

4. Let it continue to flow around the left side of your circle, around your back, around your right side and back to where the two circles touch, to form a Figure Eight. 

5. Continue visualizing the Figure Eight of neon blue light for two minutes at a time, morning and evening as preparation before cutting the ties, or briefly, as the need arises throughout the day, whenever you become aware that you are trying to control someone, or that you are allowing someone or something to control you. 
All of these images must be visualized on the ground. If any of them appear to float, ask your Higher Self, how to secure them firmly in place on the ground before proceeding with the exercise. 
If you are practicing the Figure Eight in preparation for cutting the ties with someone who was very abusive to you, you might find that they won't stay put in their circle. You'll have to use your imagination to find ways to keep them in their circle.

The visualization need to practice daily for some minutes, the best in the morning and at night before you go sleep or whenever you feel necessary for two weeks, then you are ready to break your bonds according to the book. If you cutting the ties with group, no preparation is needed because of the power of the collective energy of the group.

By cutting the ties, you are not ridding yourself of a relationship. For example, cutting the ties with your mother or father doesn't mean that you stop having a relationship with them. It means that you consciously go through a process in which you realize how you are bound and then you release or cut those bonds so that those relationships can grow in a healthy direction. Cutting the ties allows you become free.

I use Arch Angel Michael’s brilliant blue ray of light cutting the ties and detaching the two circles and i think also helpful ask the Mjolnir hammering those bonds.

If somebody interested about the whole method you read her books, search in the internet - Phyllis Krystal - Cutting the ties that blind, Cutting More Ties that Bind and here her official webpage - https://www.phylliskrystal.com/en/


Protection - Pink egg Meditation

At the solstice - 21 jun of 2014, the Resistance Movement and the female members of the Pleiadian Fleet activated the Planetary Goddess archetype on the planet with the Lightworkers involved in that time. Loving energy was directed to the surface for mankind. 

A short meditation was offered to us this time, with soft, pink energy around us, a kind of "Love Shield". 

The energy field of this Love serves as a defense shield against negative energies.

Here is the meditation suggested by the Light forces:

1. Make yourself comfortable, close your eyes and relax by watching your breath


2. Surround yourself with a pink egg full of energy of Love

3. Surround your loved ones with similar pink eggs full of energy of Love

4. Embrace the whole humanity and all living beings of planet Earth within a pink egg full of energy of Love


  Meditation Video - French with english subtitles


Situation update by Cobra - 3 of february

Isis Astara, my beloved soulmate, has left the physical plane. She was often brutally attacked with directed energy weapons and the attack on January 25th was one attack too many. We could not protect her, her heart could not make it. The Resistance could not intervene directly otherwise toplet bombs would be triggered.

She has successfully transitioned through plasma plane and is now with her spiritual guides, surrounded by Love, joyful that she is finally free. After the Event, she will return in a cloned body that will look exactly the same as her physical body looked in this lifetime. She will be living in an area of Light, anchoring energies of the Goddess and living a joyful life in the Golden age she always wanted to live.

This was a direct attack on loving feminine Goddess presence with serious exopolitical implications.

Until now, the Light Forces were using a slow cautious approach to planetary liberation not to trigger the dark forces killing too many hostages (surface population). In a hostage situation, this phase is called negotiation phase (or standoff phase):

During negotiation phase, there is not much apparent progress and there are many delays, because the longer hostage negotiations last, the more likely it is that hostages will survive unharmed:

With killing of a key person such as Isis Astara, the hostage liberation has shifted in the final, termination phase. During termination phase, there is swift physical action to liberate the hostages.

On January 27th morning, the Galactic High Command has decided to deploy its fleet in Medium Earth Orbit:

This information has come from two sources independently, from the Pleiadians and the Resistance. Dragon sources have confirmed this by stating that “ET invasion has begun”.

Medium Earth Orbit is a curious zone between Low Earth Orbit and High Earth Orbit with very few satellites positioned there. The only exception are a few satellites in Molniya orbit, among them Russian telecommunication satellites and Trumpet class of ELINT reconnaissance satellites:

The reason why Medium Earth Orbit is almost empty is because the region of altitude between 1000 miles (1600 km) and 8000 miles (12750 km) is the region where the innermost ring of Chimera-controlled Draco fleet was guarding quarantine Earth since its arrival in 1996.

This Draco fleet defense ring was penetrated on January 27th late in the evening by Galactic Confederation fleet and most of Draco forces eliminated in the following days. 

Here you can see cloudships that are cloaked Confederation motherships which were participating in “special operations” on January 28th in key exopolitical region in central Europe:

The Galactic Confederation will clear all negative factions with space travel capability, either extraterrestrial or secret space program, that do not accept the Galactic Codex, within the next two weeks.

Then they will methodically and systematically clear everything below the surface of the planet and after that, surface operations will begin.

Due to changed hostage situation dynamic, the original plan for the Event has been expanded and is now more robust. Top brass in Positive Military in USA, China and Russia have been contacted and given instructions.

There was too much classified intel about Event operations flying on the internet until now.

The hostage situation on the surface is simply too delicate and there will be complete intel radio silence (EMCON) about surface operations from now on. There will be a lot of speculation but no real intel about the surface operations will be released by the Light forces.

The only thing I can say is that the Event will still include:

-Removal of the Cabal
-Full disclosure and full exposure
-Financial Reset

Mass arrests of the Cabal may, or may not happen. You will be informed about the Event operations in real time as they happen, through the mass media.

During this critical time of planetary transition, it is of the utmost importance to connect with the feminine Goddess presence and nurture qualities of love, compassion and tenderness to stabilize the transition and counteract the cruelty so prevalent on the surface of the planet.

A special blog post will be dedicated to this.

Goddess wants Love and Love it will be.

Original Post:

Working with Mjolnir - written by Untwine

Cobra has recently described Mjolnir as a new technology of the Light forces used to detect and remove dark beings and energies, to speed up the liberation of this planet :

I have been testing, and I feel that it does work, to call upon Mjolnir to help us with clearing and protection down here on the surface of the planet.

Although the technology is new, it seems based on the name that the principle or the ray of energy it is based on, is ancient or rather eternal.

Mjolnir is the thunder which is used by Thor to assert Divine Will. Esoterically this thunder is not just the thunder in the sky, it is a universal energy, the Cosmic electrical Light which is the embodiement of Divine Will, which can be accessed anywhere. It is basically metaelectricity, the higher spiritual aspect which is the Source of physical electricity. Our inner Will is transmitted in our physical body by electrical impulses in the nerves, and Divine Will is transmitted in the Universe by Cosmic Electrical Light.

In ancient times, priests of Thor or Zeus or other equivalents, were calling to the divine thunder for protection, which was not just a theoretical imaginary thing, but a real factual energy to be used.

In the East, there is a well known name and symbol for this : the Vajra or the Dorje, which has also been used similarly. 
( My note: More information about Vajra - Dorje - here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vajra)

We can use it by calling upon it, and we can also visualize multiple rays of bright, light blue, electric Light, spinning clockwise in the aura, or in whatever area you would like to help clear and protect. Or you can experiment with it in other ways if you feel guided.

Cintamanis which have been sent to nearspace seem to help establish a stronger connection :

The new technology of the Light forces may or may not fully reach us immediately, but as we keep calling upon it, visualizing it, we definitely establish a connection with its underlying principle, which will strengthen the more we practice it, and also by calling it with our free will we help to attract the technology, to help that Mjolnir will hit the ground sooner, and more harmoniously as we become electrical conductors for it to a certain degree.

Victory of the Light

Original Post: