"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

My Cross-stitch Works

 I would like to show my completed works here. Counted Cross-stitching has been my hobby for several years, I really like doing it, it keeps my mind and hands busy and I can see the progress.

this is a gobelin (half stitch), I love this picture


This was my 1st cross-stitch
Riolis - The Great Bear


This was a gift for my brother
 Luca-S - Wolves Couple, B2291


This was a gift for my mom
Merejka - Santorini - View from Terrace


My 4th counted cross-stitch
Dimensions Gold Collection - Wind Moon Fairy


My 5th counted cross-stitch!
Momentos Magicos (M-281) - Nice couple


My 6th counted cross-stitch for my blog anniversary 
Dimensions Gold Collection - Wolf
Price - 80 Euro (frame included) Size - 19x14cm


My 7th x-stitch
From - Letitstitch - Summer Dream L8103
Price - 120 Euro (Framed) - Size 24x24 cm


My 8th X-stitch 
From Luca-S - Eternal Love
Price - 150 Euro (Framed) - Size 25x25 cm

If you interested about the pictures just drop an e-mail to kira432hz@gmail.com for details.


  1. These are awesome! Wind Moon Fairy is my favorite!!!

    1. Thank you so much :) I´m glad that you like it. Yes, that one is amazing

  2. Amazing Cross stitches. You are really gifted. Keep making more and show them here. Your friend, Mike

    1. Hello, Thank you so much your kind comment and you visiting my blog :) I will do :)
