"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Natalia Alba - feeling the tiredness & new integration phase - 06.04.2024

Beloved Ones,

Amid the current planetary events, many of you will start feeling the tiredness, the sleepiness that this light immersion phase we are undergoing involves. We are experiencing a massive embodiment during these past two months and together with our planetary mission, exhaustion is going to be a constant for the ascending souls who have already stepped into their universal mission, upgrading as well their light bodies.

As we choose to consciously align and integrate the Light that is now being descended upon our planet, we too consent to this Light emanation to trigger the necessary processes within our bodies, for us to start shifting, transmuting, removing, healing, or clearing what is required, feeling the intensity of what this process signifies.

The eclipses and many other planetary events are deeply impacting the Earth's magnetic fields, causing many changes in both our planet and light bodies. The Earth's magnetic fields are geomagnetic fields that directly impact our cellular structure, which includes our DNA-RNA direct communication as well as many other genetic functions.

When we are aligned and co-creating consciously with these Forces, our mitochondria is transformed by the impact of the earth's magnetic fields, which as you know contain a small percentage of DNA, and is inherited from the mother. The mitochondria are responsible for producing the energy we need to fulfill our daily activities. When they are negatively impacted by non-benevolent forces manipulation, self-created habits and beliefs, inherited conditions, poor nutrition, addictions, etc. we cease producing energy for ourselves, obtaining it from outer sources.

This is an issue that many are experiencing and are unaware of, and it is vital to scan our bodies, and our habits, to see if we are feeling tired due to the energies and our internal ascension processes, or because we are not allowing the energies due to negative self-programming, or other conditions we may address first.

Independently of our unique personal experience, the intensity of the new Earth's energies can be overwhelming if we do not take periods to rest, allow, and stabilize, for when our bodies start experiencing many sensations it is often due to the lack of allowance. As humans, we desire to be constantly acting, assisting, and manifesting. However, many times it is in BEing, as Guides often share, that we achieve the most.

These days, with the harmonic energies from the 4/4 portal and the many other stabilizing energies that surround us, is a time before the eclipse, which is already strongly felt, for us to rejuvenate, for many of you are about to experience a massive galactic awakening as never before in our human history, as many monadic extensions are awakening at this time to provide the assistance in restoring the divine masculine.

Being grounded is key if you are feeling disconnected from the earth, from your body, as when we are under a phase of constant integration, we may fall out of balance, feeling the lightness as we continue releasing more density of our carbon-base bodies, as the more we embrace our fifth-dimensional self, the more crystalline frequencies we are allowing into our bodies, initiating the crystallization process that triggers ascension.

It is in this process that will take many centuries to be accomplished and that will conclude by the total integration of our souls in the illumined planes, that we most need to be conscious of what we put into our bodies, from our thoughts, feelings to what we eat and drink, as everything we hold into our mental, emotional and physical bodies contribute to creating more density or lightness.

For the ones who are awakening, you may feel confused, as if everyone has changed, and you no longer recognize your loved ones, your environment, and even yourself and your body. Embrace the change and cry your healing tears, for this process must be passed, and pain should be integrated, teaching us the great lesson of letting go, adapting to change, and embracing it with joy, knowing we are evolving, and remembering our true nature is one of constant change.

As you continue knowing yourself, from a galactic perspective, embodying more love and consciousness, you too will start recoding your DNA, remembering and holding a higher understanding of who you are and why you chose to come to this plane.

The more you love yourself, the more you will understand your purpose, and the Truth that we are all One, allowing your mission to descend to you, for you are now ready to respect All living beings and forms of consciousness within Creation.
All comes when we are ready, for when there is a will, there is always a way.
May you have the Will to become who you are and embrace your Divine potential, Beloveds.


Beloved Ones,

After a period of profound recalibration and stabilization, we move now into a new integration phase, for as ascending souls we are in a constant dance of embracing and letting go. Many of you will be immersed in a period of rejuvenation, resting the body, and recovering to continue with your process of conscious reconnection to your God Self and Monad. Others will be immersed in a transformational phase, experiencing what we often call the dark night of the soul, which is only the death of the ego, as we integrate our soul, and restore our authentic essence.

There is a massive awakening taking place at this time on our planet causing the inner shift taking place at this time, in many of you. The Solar Eclipse at 19 degrees Aries, is the catalyst for the soul awakening occurring in the collective, for many Monadic groups are awakening, and stepping into this ascension journey, as each soul monadic-extensions has a time to become conscious of their mission.

Many soul groups are becoming conscious of their lineage, especially Seraphim-Avian races, and the Ruby ones, and the coming of the Aries eclipse is another activator for these souls to start fulfilling their unique mission. The originals, as I call the Gold and Ruby lineages, have as their main mission to help restore the Divine Masculine, trying to be now rehabilitated on our planet. The Blue Rays are also now working on unifying both polarities, for we All work together to retrieve our planet's purity and original blueprint.

Many of you as part of this awakening, and representatives of your monad, are now immersed in a process of clearing cellular memories, and ancestral timeliness, which is why we are invited to work with our first chakra and etheric body, this time, to remove all ancestral charge, as well as other non-benevolent implants that are generationally inherited, and are hence epigenetic, and shall be erased for future generations.

As our soul and birth records are healed and upgraded, so does our monad, being able to realign to a new timeline. This is why the inner work we achieve now is so relevant for the rest of our soul extensions, for what we heal now, affects All.

This is an eclipse that is key to awakening consciousness, especially for the ones who are ready to reconnect to their soul, and monad, for as they reconnect to their original Divine Blueprint, they too help their monadic extensions or monadic groups to heal, in their parallel timelines or even their present one.

From an astrological perspective, this is a New Moon Solar Eclipse that is the fourth in the Aries-Libra Axis, and that invites us to move forward, after having healed our past, with the Libra eclipse, by being more empowered, renewed, and whole. Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, invites us to focus on self-mastery, self-love, empowerment, determination, healing unworthiness issues, and many other lower emotions that diminish ourselves and our divine origin.

It is with Aries that we learn the importance of becoming sovereign beings, while Libra sets the balance and reminds us that there is no I without We, for we are here on a universal mission of assistance. We now are invited to continue purifying ourselves with the element Fire, as with Aries we emerge from the ashes of the old, rebirthing into illumined beings.

The eclipse in Aries will align to Mercury, retrograde, for those resonating with these phases. We too have Mars, its ruler, in alignment with Saturn, and the sun, moon, and Chiron lining up in Aries. All these planetary encounters, especially Saturn and Chiron involved in the eclipse, will be a source of healing, and revelations to help us overcome obstacles and be the leaders that we came here to be, of our personal life experience.

Mars invigorates the eclipse, giving us strength, courage, and energy to continue with our healing journey. While Saturn invites us to take full responsibility for who we were and move forward by healing, as Chiron proposes, transmuting and clearing all the old, creating our future, as the eclipse suggests, as it occurs close to the north node of the moon, opposite to the previous Libra eclipse, which happened nearer the south node.

After healing past timeliness, we are now moving into a new one, being empowered and with a clearer sense of direction, acting as the only authority in our lives, removing false beliefs, patterns, and anything that disturbs our energetic field and personal existence, so we can create a more aligned reality to our new ways of being and living.

Alignment is key to consciously manifesting our soul's desires. Aries with its geometrical pattern the tetrahedron, represents the connection between our human self and our divine one. It invites us to descend more light, and the necessary activations to continue upgrading our light body, which together with the plasma infusions we are receiving, is what generates the opportunity for us to shift our dense bodies.

At this time, many will start awakening, having their kundalini activation, for Aries rules the first chakra and hence, the blood and the physical body in its most dense state. Many will begin to receive the initiations required at that time to activate their first chakra, healing eons of familiar, epigenetic traumas, as well as inherited ones, and fears of survival, clearing their connection to the earth and embracing it, so they can too embody more life force.

This clearing is what awakens our kundalini energy, activating our spine and nervous system and the rest of the chakras to prepare for ascension. This is an alchemical process that the element Fire of Aries facilitates, as it transmutes, and purifies our bodies and auric field of lower thoughts, energies, forms of consciousness, and debris, facilitating the pass of energy throughout our bodies.

At this time between eclipses, many situations, people and all that is not for your highest good, may be removed from your life. See everything that happens as a universal gift for you and your unique path, for you are being protected and moved into the perfect space for you to be next.

Embrace change as an organic distillation of what did not serve your path. Do not resist your Soul path, honor and follow it, and the path will lead you towards all you desire to experience, and those who are meant to be co-creating with you, at this phase of your evolutionary path.

Stand for yourself, as the sovereign being that you are, and you will stand for All. Walk within Divine integrity, love, and compassion, for you and All involved, for as you heal, and grow, you allow the whole to do the same, extending your Love-Power to all that needs restoration.

Have a wonderful eclipse, Beloveds!

Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba
source - facebook

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