"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Ascension Lightworkers - Total Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 8th, 2024

To The Ascension LightWorker Collective

The Total Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 8th, 2024, will mark a significant cosmic event that will go beyond the individual self and connects ascending individuals to a sense of unity and the planets future potential. This eclipse represents a powerful illumination of the soul's path, guiding many on a transformational journey towards higher consciousness and alignment with higher timelines.

As we navigate through this Total Eclipse of the Sun, only truth and pure authenticity can now guide us forward, while anything less will not withstand the energetic shifts that accompany this celestial event. It is a time to prepare for profound energetic transformations, purification of the soul, and destined changes that are part of a total energetic reset.

Stepping into the activation of a new cycle, emerging from the Total Eclipse of the Soul, we are called to embrace the total transformation that lays ahead in ascending life . This planetary event invites us all to let go of old patterns, beliefs, and doubts, in order to fully integrate the energies of change and growth that this eclipse brings.

Ascending individuals are preparing for this cosmic alignment as a higher opportunity for spiritual evolution, introspection, and renewal. Opening self to the energies of change and transformation, trusting that this Total Solar Eclipse in Aries will guide ascending souls towards their true purpose and highest potential

This topic needs to be addressed and clarified : Loneliness is not experienced in 5D beyond structures , once you reach this higher dimensional stage you have merged with higher self and source light energy , there can be a misunderstanding in this as you ascend , there is no counting system beyond 5D as it is literally impossible to count into infinite realms of existence there is no 6D , 7D , 8D etc etc , this is coming from the linear mind set only , anything past 5D is recognised as 5D beyond , once in these higher conscious realms there is no separation as this in itself is an illusion .

5D beyond realms is a unity conscious space and it is impossible to feel alone in this higher state of conscious awareness . Ascension moving into 5D beyond realms can make one feel alone physically until the full higher self merger has taken place , lonileness and seperation feelings are in the physical 3D -4D only realms of conscious existence .

On this planet of duality, both darkness and light coexist, with the shadows being revealed alongside the illumination. As we navigate this journey on ascending Earth Gaia, we hold the power to choose the reality we wish to manifest for ourselves amidst these dualistic forces.

The intensified energy is shedding light on our shadow aspects for deep integration. The Collective Shadow is emerging rapidly from the subconscious, cellular level, alike to a volcano erupting globally. This collective process mirrors personal shadow work in its discomfort and potential for growth.

Healing and integrating our shadows collectively requires a conscious , diligent and concerted effort. By embodying our authentic selves and living from the higher heart space we contribute to the healing of the global collective shadow. This Accelerated Shadow Timeline presents opportunities for embracing 5D consciousness timelines that reshape the planet's energetic and magnetic fields.

In this planetary phase of vibrational conscious shifts and upgrades, the collective energy remains intense as many are swiftly transitioning between timelines. The soul's calling grows much stronger, leading to alignment with the Higher Self and embodying divine expressions in physical form. Expect further releases, intense shifts, and overwhelming physical changes and energies.

Amidst these major changes, prioritising quiet reflection and higher connection to what resonates within. Allowing the time needed for clarity to emerge before fully stepping into vibrational alignment with your higher purpose.

As new pathways open for success, obstacles blocking your progress will come to light. The extreme thinning of the veil reveals who or what impedes your blessings and manifestations, prompting a rapid process of rebirth in ascending earth . This swift transformation will bring in higher opportunities, freedom, and creative energy.

Following the solar eclipse on April 8th, you will experience greater balance and alignment in ascending life. You will have integrated the Divine masculine and feminine energies, harmonising the heart and mind, and will be operating from a place of giving and receiving with your higher heart at the centre. mastering your emotions and trusting your intuition, this harmony will extend this to your connections and relationships with others.

Higher Guidance encourages channeling this energy towards self-improvement rather than giving it away to others as before. It is another opportunity to prioritise self-accelerated ascension to vibrationally align with long-term aspirations, dreams and goals. Remaining focused on harnessing this energy for your higher benefit, believing that you absolutely deserve the best and seizing the opportunities now available to make it happen.

Your intuitive gifts are exceptionally strong now, with powerful psychic energy at your disposal. This heightened sensitivity will lead to opportunities to guide others using your extraordinary gifts and talents. Embracing and trusting in your higher abilities, to consider how you can best use them to serve others based on your highest intentions and ascension example.

You are now radiating with a strong, heart-centered energy, free from past attachments and limitations that once hindered your ascension progress. Embracing this accelerated transformation as you stand in your expanding light to move much closer to realising your true purpose here .

In loving and devoted Ascension service
Source Inspiration: by Ascension LightWorkers.
source - facebook

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