"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Judith Kusel - Divine Imprint - 25.10.2023

"With the Divine Imprint the Divine Feminine is rebirthing all of us. At times it may feel like we are being held in a type of cocoon, like the womb, where we simply do not seem to be able to move forward or backwards. These are the times where we are held in the womb of the Mother and the time when we are gestating into a much higher version of ourselves. This is especially so true, as we let go of the old patterning of pain and suffering, and finally return home to our deepest soul self. It is then that the Divine Mother will simply hold us in her womb, right there under her bosom, so that we can hear her heartbeat and are reassured. She is nurturing us, holding us within her, so that even as we are being reshaped, reinvented, love is omnipresent as we are created anew.

As the Divine Imprint is encoded with sacred geometries, with our own soul tonal chords and songs, with our new Divine Blueprints, the new seeds of Life will sprout into form and being in the New Golden Age.

At times it will feel as if we are going through the birth canal. It is not comfortable, for even within this process, so many parts of us are dying in order to be reborn. The dying is that of the Old Eve, Adam and Lilith. More than this, it is the rising of the new elevated states of consciousness, where birth itself is not painful at all, and we are being welcomed with joy into a totally new life of fresh beginnings. We are so loved and held with great and tender care. The nurturing comes from deep within our higher heart and infinite Soul and Soul Group, as we merge with our Monad, the Mighty I AM Presence and henceforth can tap into the full collective powers of our Soul Group/Monad.

When we are born anew, we suddenly find that we live life differently in so many subtle ways, that we only become aware of, in moments when we are still. Therein lies the Divine Gift of the Marys: They now only act as emissaries of the Divine Feminine, but what makes them so unique, is that they too have had lifetimes on earth and thus know what it feels like to be here on this planet.

With the Divine Feminine Imprint, the Marys step to the fore in far greater and more powerful ways. They too were being prepared for this momentous occasion during their incarnations on earth, and now they are here to assist us through the transfiguration processes with great love , with bravery, and fully open higher hearts. Underlying all this is the return of the Unity consciousness and all-embracing love. "

Copyright Applies: excerpt from my Divine Impring Course.

Judith Kusel
source - facebook

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