"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Cosmic Gateway - The Reset has begun - 13.10.2023

Hey Soul Tribe,

Happy Friday 13th! This has always been quite a magical & auspicious time for me! As its away facilitated a big leap in conciousness.

Just like most things Friday 13th was inverted to be a "unlucky day" which I believe its quite the opposite, it's a day which has incredibly potent power behind to work with manifestation & our paths highest soul calling!

As I woke up this morning, I heard the words, the "Reset has begun" and a sequence of 1's all lined up together like binary code.

This reset has been a theme for a while now, I believe it's about anchoring the original organic template & with the highest timeline for humanity is set in place.

For the past week, it has felt like there has been a timeline war in many of the higher realms.
Many of us work multidimensionally on these timelines for ourselves individually & collectively.
This felt like a big push to get those who have come here for a very important purpose & forgotten their mission to remember & act on their intuitive soul guidance.

When we work multidimensional what can be experienced:

feeling a sense of disorientation, foggy, unclear thoughts
feeling as though you're distant, "not really here"
you can have visions of other places & experiences as you close your eyes
you might experience energetic bleedthrough the feeling, sensation, emotions, energy & thoughts from wherever you conciousness is operating from
this can be a dense energy experience if your clearing negitive timelines or a blissful experience if you're accessing new earth

There is a huge stirring of mass awakening in the collective at present, which can create a energy of disillusionment, depression, apathy, lack of drive or motivation. The feeling of complete overwhelm. If you're sensitive to energy you might be picking it up!

Those on a Divine Soul connection pathway might be feeling lots of energy lay over from their significant soul counterpart.
Picking up, feeling emotions, thought processes, physical symptoms etc.
There seems to be a big purification & detoxification processes happening with the Masculine energy at present, this got activated 2 weeks ago.
This is what's creating the stomach & digestive issues as we are clearing distorted Masculine codes.

The Eclipse kicks off tomorrow which has been highly anticipated! I think this Eclipse season through to 11.11 is going to bring monumental changes. Hold your intentions high for your highest soul calling especially today!

Remember when things feel like they are falling apart, it might be a divine intervention of everything coming into it perfect Alignment

This energy rest that's has been accessed is the miracles, magic & blessings we've all be working so hard towards.

Much love
Alisha Braché
source - facebook

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