"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Cosmic Gateway - The importance of Energy clearing - 20.10.2023

The importance of Energy clearing & the prominent impact in your daily life as a sensitive Soul
Energy Hygiene is so incredibly important especially going through these times right now.
This deception & infiltration energy has been present off & on for a few years now. It comes & goes in waves.

Especially when we are on the precipice of big conciousness shifts.
I notice it particularly impacts the mind, you can feel the pressure building around the eyes as it distorts clarity & your perception which is connected to the higher higher chakras. The heart which disconnect you from your soul truth

Of course all of this is tied into our collective process & goes back through the Soul Linage experience from the beginning until now.
When darkness descended within our solar system now as a part of the clean up phase we revisit some of these experiences as our Soul core wounding.

What I've been shown is that we are more impacted before going to sleep or upon waking this is connected to our Energy Bodies & energy cords this can weaken our energy field. As we go to sleep & go to work in different realms & dimensions.
We move through some of the denser realms which can be considered a place where there is lots of trickery & deception.

This is a them which is very much being highlighted & active within the collective field.
Things are quite illusory and all is not as it seems. There can be screen memory & energetic overlays which can have beings without good intentions show up as loved ones, friends, family etc.

Which can impact our energy field as we travel back into this reality causing disruption.
As this more distorted energy had connected to our field whilst out travelling. It can distort our conciousness & project a false timelines in place so that our perception on reality can become very warped.

You may notice this when upon awaking in the morning, there is lots of heavier energy, looping negitive thought patterns, anger, rage, sadness & frustration etc
If you don't clear your energy that will carry with you for the rest of the day & this energy will create more friction within your daily life.

This is happening especially to people who are more energetically sensitive. As we hold higher frequency therefore have a big impact on anchoring higher frequencies.
This is such a vital time right now for a huge jump leap forward. Staying heart centred & in your clearest energy is really important.

So if you feel that you're being impacted by this type of energy turbulence. Remember to keep your energy clear especially at night & in the morning.

Using light, colour, sound frequencies can help bring your energy back into Alignment.
Please note, I'm not offering personal sessions at this time. If you are looking for individual support you can email me a request & when I reopen for sessions I'll let you know via email.

In the meantime, I have a few free audio resources available for download on my website: https://www.cosmicg8way.com/guided-meditations

Much love
Alisha Braché
source - facebook

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