"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Allison Coe - Egypt, Essenes and Ascension - BQH session

I just started to listen this and amazing...a history lesson about the ancient Egyptian lion empire, about the dark ones, the enslavement, Essenes... and a lot of gentle reminder that all is a Game and we create. 

 I have already written about this in several of my own articles, that we are just as game geeks as our earthly selves. For our souls, I think it is the same to have fun and gain experience on such a "mission/adventure" as when we sit down in front of our computers and immerse ourselves in a fantasy world.

"I volunteered,
It looked like fun, I thought I could help, we all thought we could help.
I didn't expect this to happen though, if I knew this would happen, I wouldn't have come, I would of stayed home." - it touched my heart...I feel the same but in the same time it´s interesting experience. I call it - the great earthly adventure. I would have missed a lot if I didn't come - the music, the stories, the food, the animals and the amazing landscapes. 

"Why we want to experience such a hard energy? That we know what Love is.
We didn´t understand Love. We come from Love, we came from Light but we didn´t know the concept of it because we didn´t know the opposite. 
We didn´t know what Power was because we didn´t know the opposite, so we created these machines (AI) to help us to experience the opposite of everything."

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