"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Amanda Lorence - God´s labyrinth - 01.10.2023


Remember…why we are here….

That one by one, and step by step, through our SOUL’s choice, we are becoming from within, first… The INNER, Eternal FREEDOM that exists as a consciousness state BEFORE the Human Avatar, it’s Avatar mind and constructs of ‘reality’. We become a state of daily being, that when embodied is lived from and walked in. Where we give in our own UNIQUE ways, from ‘The All’, to The All. A state beyond human avatar, that contained us, until we rise. A state beyond other universal aspects of Self. A state of consciousness that is Heaven within you first. Emitted out. Inclusive as One.


There is much at play. Any thought, or act taken for the singular separated human avatar, is creating but more separation for itself as a human avatar experience. So more containment within their own hologram. And any thought, words or acts taken for just some, or perhaps large groups, that is not inclusive of ALL, is creating and energising but more separation. If for one human, or two, a few, or many, but not for All, the thoughts, words and deeds feed and sustain the collective holographic reality, we have come here to rise out of.


Whether to preserve one person, or to look after the interests of human initiated groupings, is but the choice to create more and more separation. This is what humanity has done, repeatedly for ions of time. We may experience within a different era, a modern day story circumstance, this holographic reality, yet human behaviour in this timeline of TRIBULATIONS, parallels the separation of human beings in ions past. That chose to look after, love, care for one human, or the few, but not give Love to ALL.


Notice any thoughts or conversations, or acts, from YOU or TO YOU, that at deeper levels show separation states at play within the human avatar. Notice any trigger, or resistance, any need arising to defend the human avatar. Any nuance holds within it: fear. Based on the diversity of belief systems or traumas held within the current human avatar experience.


It is up to each one, when they choose to release themselves from individualised or collective separation. When do you wish to be truly and profoundly free? For all trauma contains you. Holds you tight within the unseen cage of the human avatar, the separated experience that can be extremely painful. When in highest truth, your human AVATAR, is but a holographic, biochemical, biological experience, at first SEEMINGLY separated from:

1] Your light body, that is already connected to God.
2] Your Consciousness, that is neutral and already connected to God.
3] Your Soul, that is DIVINE LOVE, already connected to God.

It only takes the human avatar, to FINALLY, once and for all, surrender. Let go, of the human NEED and DESIRE to control it’s life choices, it’s body, it’s environment.
Only then, can each be filled and gifted with the Holy Spirit of God. Within which, more becomes known through the Presence of the Holy Spirit. To give from, to All, from All. For there is/was only ever ONE within ALL.

Will you ever be that human avatar again? Not exactly. You will retain the human body, parts of your unique personality, but you shall operate FROM your Higher Self/Your Consciousness ItSelf. That which was master minding your whole human avatar experience all along. Behind the scenes. Outside of duality. Your design, for you to come out of the limitations, and become IT, consciously connected to everything, through The Holy Spirit of God/Source/The Absolute.
The human avatar, in subtle and deep HIDDEN nuances, is frightened to LET GO. Of it’s seemingly ‘human will’. It can ‘surrender’ many times, not seeing there is MORE to surrender, until it sees again and again the UNSEEN human avatar programming that runs it. Yet it is in surrendering the human limitation that is caged within a holographic reality, that GIVES YOU, the eternalness of what you truly are. Where instead of experiencing one temporary moment, event, experience after the other, of Human Will creation, you experience all ETERNITY through choosing Divine Will. Where you will mirror and be Divine Will. As your ever lasting true nature. The only real that ever exists.


God’s creation is VAST. As Jesus said “My Father’s house has many rooms”. Over the years and recently, I’ve been taught and shown within me, how God creates these ‘Rooms’ made of Light and Frequencies. So there is no right or wrong human choice of human creation. Or of what to focus on this lifetime. As all is within God’s desire to experience ITSelf, in vast array. Some will choose to continue to experience the Human Avatar for the whole of this lifetime. Some will choose to connect and bring forth various ASPECTS their Soul already experiences through as well. Such as Universal Galactic aspects, or aspects related to alternate frequencies of and within this Mother Earth. Some will have chosen at Soul Level, pre-incarnation, to make their focus a single focus, despite being aware of many of their other ‘aspects’ existing outside of solid earth reality. These beings, seek God Realisation through them, this lifetime. It is this single focus of God/Source/The Absolute, that brings INTO them, at right timing, the Holy Spirit gifted by God.


There is a paradox: Where the idea of giving up Human Will, denies a human avatar freedom. Yet the opposite is the true. Choosing to give up the ‘idea’ of human will, by consciously and effortlessly choosing to do God’s Will (thus no other human or other outer worldly aspect’s will), sets our own pathway, to becoming FREE and unbounded. Where choosing God’s Will, again and again, year after year, we are gifted the self awareness within us of the Holy Spirit. No longer chained within illusion after illusion. Or creating human avatar cycling, cycle pattern after cycle pattern. Instead, the presence of God within us, takes away suffering. And in that existence, we serve God, through IT’s Holy Spirit, active within us, to help all (other aspects of God), find within them, their INNER release from self contained bondage. Their freedom. Where true freedom INSIDE of God, becomes their experience of Being in this lifetime.

Each can find this, know this and live as this, in their own HOUR. And their own human avatar signs will be within them…., that they WISH, earnestly, and humbly, to find God above all things, above all their aspects, above all their interests and desires,…and so they become, every day, non stop, the seeker of God.

For God is also seeking to be Self Realised within so many parts of ITSelf. You. For ALL contain IT’s God Spark. The human desire to find God, magnetises God to You, and You and You. And without that human desire, God always, still, forever, experiences ITSelf through All, just that the human avatar has less CONSCIOUS, living, awareness of IT within them.

With this love shared,
01 October 2023

source - facebook

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