"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Natalia Alba - traversing the period between eclipses - Scorpio and Taurus energy - 19.10.2023

Beloved Ones,

We are traversing the period between eclipses. A portal in which many need to focus on soul retrieval and clearing to continue embodying the new earth's energies. This is a month when two eclipses occur at the same time, something that will not happen in the next year 2024, and that denotes the importance of what we are now experiencing in our ascension journey - an acceleration in the process of soul integration and global metamorphosis like never before.

During this time Guides emphasize the importance of healing soul fragmentation, due to addictions, pain, trauma, or any other wound that we still carry within, as it is the most important inner work to do before we can continue embodying the Monadic aspects of us.
The more wounded we are, the more fragmented the soul, and the less we can retrieve our personal power, joy, wisdom, and energetic balance.

During this time we are also immersed in Scorpion energies, for we have already Mars in this sign, and in two days Mercury and later on the Sun will join. Scorpio will support those who are working on soul retrieval, as it is an essence that helps us heal separation.

Scorpio is precisely about healing as well as the distortion in our 8th chakra, where the monad resides, and where we access our soul records. Pluto, which is quite active at this time, will also be important in our healing process, as it helps us in continuing with the regeneration process, especially those who are working with their DNA, that we are undergoing, during this month.

The second eclipse in Taurus, which marks the end of the Taurus-Scorpio cycle, will help us ground all the healing achieved, during this time, creating the strong foundations required for us to continue descending more illumined aspects of our soul.

An eclipse that focuses on self-love, valuing who we are, our earth plane, and remembering the importance of the tangible, for it is what gives us the opportunity to experience a physical plane, growing, creating, and ascending.

We are ending and beginning a new cycle, in both the micro and the macro, and it is now when we need to clear all personal, collective, and galactic distortions, so we can embrace more illumined aspects of ourselves, for 2024 is the year in which many are stepping into monadic communion and soul bridging, beginning to function in a more harmonic frequency.
I wish you a healing and loving passage, Beloved.

Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba

Lunar eclipse in Taurus personal transmission: https://www.nataliaalba.com/.../lunar-eclipse-in-taurus...

source - facebook

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