"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Judith Kusel - soul memory banks are being activated now - 07.12.2023

Note that more and more soul memory banks are being activated now, as all the veils of amnesia have been lifted and your soul, in full merging with your monad (soul group and Mighty I AM Presence) will now start remembering it true galactic homes and meet with it true soul family on Universal Levels.

I am experiencing this more and more now, although I did remember with my intense awakening, this now is reaching a completely new level.

As we access multidimensionality they can now communicate with us, whereas before even if they did communicate we could not have heard them, nor seen them with our inner eyes, as the veils were there to prevent this. They often had to appear in your dreams or visions to reassure us, although we always meet with them when we are asleep.

With this will come the experience of love and being loved on all levels, such as we simply could not experience the old duality and the old density. For this is higher dimensional love, where love is ever present and where every soul is given the freedom to express itself honestly, truthfully and openly, and know it is always safe to do so. For now love is unconditional. Heart reads heart, soul reads soul, and there is no need for words, for one communicates telepathically, and thus lies do not exist.

To me, the experience of such love, is something I have always longed for since birth and never found on the earthly planes and now finally experiencing it – but I needed to shift first and learn to love myself unconditionally and then everyone else, before the shift happened and all of this could manifest into form and being.

For in truth, all paths lead to yourself. The inner soul you, and if you choose to remain in duality or choose to transcend it now finally, and be the unconditional loving soul you in truth are. Where there is no judgment of self and others anymore. Only love. And when one sees others to not judge them, or criticize but to simply send love and blessings to them.

I have often found myself, instead of getting into arguments, which become only slanging matches in the end, simply staying centered and the openly blessing them with love and in love. Miracles happen when we stop wanting to be right – and being loving instead, flowing and true.

The more you bless others, especially those who challenge you the most, the love you send them, the more returns to you. In such cases then one blesses others and sends love, not to demand anything in return nor to expect it. Rather to let it go and then so simply carry being a Source of Love and Blessings to the world!

For we are not here to judge – but rather to wield the sword of truth and stand in it, while our hearts remain open and filled with unconditional love. We do not know why our brother or sister has chosen a certain path. It is in truth none of our business. Our business keeps being focused on our calling and purpose, while be allow others to do and be the same, with unconditional love. That does not mean that you cannot live your truth nor stand up for yourself. No, it simply means that even in standing up, and living one’s truth, being discerning, one still can refrain from judgement.

In the New Earth judgment and law enforcement will not be necessary any longer.
Such is the immense shift and blessing of this time.
It is the return of the Age of Love.

Judith Kusel
Photo: Karina Sipha Artwork Compilation as mentioned below.
source - facebook

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