"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Cosmic Gateway - Blue frequency - 26.07.2023

Hey Soul Tribe

Extending heartfelt love during this time ~ Day out of time (777) & Galactic New Year!
How are you?

It's been so very profound energy being worked through right now!
I was woke up from a dream this morning being shown so many of us working together to dissolve very heavy dense collective energy. So that we could "get prepared" for what's to come...
I'm curious how many of you have felt/heard similar things recently
It's been a very similar pattern in the lead up to a big collective timeline shift similar to what was experienced the end of last year!

Signs & Symptoms:
Fatigue & Exhumation ~ sleeping all night & multiple naps during the day
Sleeping is actually being pulled into multidimensional experiences which is helping support the preparation for the shift
Headaches pressure in the head as more energy expands into our consciousness
As a side effects of more incoming energies this will highlight distorted mental, emotional & physical activity
Very vivid dream space that feels more real than this reality in contrast
Disorientation upon waking & sometimes during the day feeling confused & noticeable matrix glitches or Mandela Effect
Moving through old experiences patterns & breakthrough them very quickly & noticing how easy it is to break patterns
Changes in food consumption ~ no appetite to very hungry
Feeling the need to be in solitude

Of course following you're own internal guidance is best to manoeuvre through this passageway ~ we are Ascension experts at this point & know what works best for our process

Keeping it simple, rest, hydrate, meditation, energy clearing & get immerse in nature.
For the past week I've noticed a change in the energy colour that's coming through & online for people.
Where at the beginning of the year it was all about the gold
Now we've moved into a blue frequency that has very specific vibration of physical bodies transform/healing & the frequency of miracles!
This set the tone for the subtle Rainbow energy ~ I heard a few days ago that we must start preparing for the "Rainbow wave"
This will be a frequency that will change our energy bodies & conciousness dramatically!
I feel that many of us have been already accessing this & will have the opportunity to expand within this energy before this energy wave comes in for the collective.
In actual fact the more that are working with this frequency will bring it forward!
Referring to my last post & the Rainbow line that's what's pushing through as we are collectively moving out a huge amount of dense energies, opening space for the new noticable reality to open up & the Rainbow energies to move through
Excitement is in the air!
Have you been feeling this?

Alisha Braché
Source - FaceBook

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