"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Carta Astral 222 - Full Halo Mass Ejection - 24.07.2023

Dear family, what you see in the picture is a Full Halo Mass Ejection and it happens when the entire Solar Crown expands due to a strong solar flare that causes the Sun to launch protons at high speed in all directions. When this happens, what comes to us is a Radiation Storm (solar protons), even if the event has occurred in an area of the Sun that is not in front of us (the probes that record the Solar calls only reach to record what is happening in front of us).

Symptoms in the physical body:
- high tide, vertigo, mental confusion
- Strange sensations in the palate and tongue (piquettes, tingling, burning, bleeding gum)
- Inflammation of nasal mucus
- Burning on lips and skin as if exposed to the sun
- Restlessness, irritability and urgency to do things without any logical reason
- Burning and/or inflammation in the upper abdomen
- Cough or heat in throat
- Trembling in the hands and weakness in the legs
- Heart rate racing
- Fall asleep in some parts of the face (lasts only a few minutes and passes)
- Pressure, pain, tingling or headache
Radiation storms can affect our Immune System (they don't harm it, they only activate it) and that's why some people with autoimmune diseases can present outbreaks, and also those who have some kind of herpes (lip fire, Zoster herpes). They are likely to notice a metallic or bitter taste, are more sensitive to the odors (or smell incense or burnt wood), and have more gases than usual.

Drink plenty of water and be patient; all this is temporary, our body is adapting.


Source - FaceBook

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