"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Carta Astral 222 - quantum entanglement - 15.07.2023

Dear family, this is the most recent picture of the Sun. It has few active regions, but its General Radiation Index is over 200, plus it hasn't had Coronal Holes for some time where internal pressure is released. The structure of the Sun is like that of an onion, in layers and on each layer different magnetic exchanges occur as a result of the nuclear fusion of hydrogen atoms. If I explain all this to you, it's because something is happening inside the Sun that is not visible to instruments, but we can be feeling inside us also by quantum (sub-atomic) intertwine. For those who are unfamiliar with the theory of quantum entanglement, it is summed up to this: two particles (originally referring to particles of energy, not matter but already checked also with matter) that were once united in the same coherent source of energy remain united without matter the space distance between them. And more so, space exists (the illusion of being separated by seemingly empty space) as a result of that quantum entanglement. The distance between the Sun and Syria and between all the stars that exist is just an illusion because they are quantum intertwined between them, what happens to one affects another, and this is not a belief of mine, it is an observable fact from the scientific perspective that it always ends up checking (even if it takes a few years) what our Consciousness already knows.

The theory of quantum entanglement is just one example of something Science proves a long time later. Einstein intuitively (because his Consciousness already knew) the principle of quantum entanglement and applied his intelligence and intuition to test it with visible and measurable facts. Now Science is on its way to proving with visible and measurable facts the effect of solar activity on our physical body (and on our Consciousness), so far that new field of scientific study is called Heliobiology. As a result of quantum entanglement our Consciousness receives information (in the form of vibrational frequency), intuition creates a hypothesis (one or hundreds of possibilities) that then applying intelligence is checked into "reality". Imagine Einstein waking up from a vivid dream where he saw something that had no logical explanation but knew it was true until he found a way to prove it? Well so we are now with the effects on our physical body of solar activity and the expansion of our Consciousness because Neurobiology is also doing its part. The basis of scientific knowledge is actually of esoteric origin although at first glance it is not so obvious.

In relation to the physical body you may be feeling inexplicably strange since yesterday, as if something was stirring inside you on a physical level, non-subjective, although you may have the feeling that "something is about to happen" and a gap in the stomach because when something is happening inside the Sun is first noticed in the Solar Plexus. We are also under active geomagnetic conditions Kp4 (which could increase to Kp5) and the effect of a so called M Class. The sum of all this could manifest in the physical body with these symptoms:

- Excessive tiredness / wandering
- Empty stomach, indigestion, bitter taste
- Tension in the upper body (toothache)
- Palpitations, acceleration of the pulse, slight increase in blood pressure, discomfort or tension in the chest
- Arms and legs numb (blood thickens)
- Colder feet and hands
- Sore or pressure in the breasts and ears
- Difficulty to focus the sight, but feel like we're trying to focus something that's beyond our first field of sight
- Feeling that our body has lost gravity or that it is lighter (regardless of body mass weight)
- Cold or internal heat in different parts of the body
- Tide, vertigo or feeling displaced (as if they weren't present in reality)
- Vivid or lucid dreams, epiphanies and information downloads
- Waves of unconditional love, hypersensitivity and a sense of serenity or inner peace despite everything
- Little tolerance for long or superficial conversations (it may be that your voice or that of others annoy them), indifference and lack of response to everything that happens on the outside
- Sharpening the senses to perceive subtle frequencies
- Pressure (pain) and multiple sensations in the head
- Occasionally bleeding in the gums, nose and eye spills (small and short-lived)

If the intensity of the Geomagnetic Storm increases in the next few hours, you could feel discomfort in the joints and bones, but it will be only passenger and of low intensity. If you feel very uncomfortable stay in touch with water, eat light (unless your body tells you otherwise), find a way to relax, move your body and do breathing exercises. Be patient and focus on the inner and expansion process, symptoms will pass if you don't let your mind take control.


Source - FaceBook

My Note: Something is definitely is going on with the Sun. I see since yesterday like our Sun shining more bright like one get higher in the light spectrum and more stronger emitting this light like before. Just think about the colour of the sun when you were a child, as sunlight falls on the earth. I clearly remember that in the 90s our sun had a darker yellowish light and now it is pure "white". I am very curious how much more the Sun will "brighten" on the colour scale, because I think this is related to the Solar Flash and the transformation of our Sun.

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