"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Cosmic Gateway - Ascension pathway - 23.07.2023

Hi Soul Tribe!

How has the past week been experienced by you?
This is a #throwback post from 5 years ago & always quite similar energy just before we move through Day out of time, Galactic new year, Lion’s Gate & beyond!
This time we move out of this loop!

It's been a time of heightened emotions, exposure of shadows, shedding layers rapidly to get to some core wounds in essence to become more of our true soul essence.

Even while we might be very conscious of what is taking place and knowing that this would be quite an 'intense passage' going though it and feeling it is a a whole different thing. As the energy is really pressing down on us to release, let go, and heal lots of 'stuff' at a very rapid rate.

I have been getting glimpses of what this means for us individually and also collectively.
The bottom of the diagram represent the murky waters we have been gently and slowly sifting through as we have embarked on the Ascension pathway - pealing back the layers, each time we have gone through a massive learning curve, emotional release, healed an aspect of ourselves, we have closed the door to an old timeline and we have gone through a small or large frequency jump within our own personal vibration, which of course is reflected on the collective field and the whole frequency bandwidth for humanity.

These are the smaller timeline jumps, which have been becoming much more noticeable as since March of this year the Ascension Energies have been amplifying, which is distorting our perception of our 3D reality, linear time is almost impossible to track, and the nature of the reality that we are interacting with daily is very fluid and in constant change as we move further and further toward this massive tipping point!

Above is the Ascension Energies which are coming through like waves of high velocity energy, this energy in nature is multidimensional. It's has similar effects to what we would experience with solar flares & sun spots, although with a higher intensity and is completely transforming our consciousness and our DNA cellular structure.

As we are becoming more connected with our Higher Aspect of Self Firing up all the codons within our DNA that we are Reawakening to who we really are at a soul level, awakening to our unique gifts, talents and our Superhero qualities.

Then we have the Black line ~ Which indicates 'where many of us are' this is the very big, fast, quite painful, energy release which many are experiencing.

This part to me feels as though our deepest core wounds are being exposed and highlighted so they can surface and heal once and for all. In most cases these are things which we are aware of and have been working on during these smaller frequency shifts, over the duration of your awakening, journey or since the dawn of time?

Core wounds that we have chosen to bring forth into this lifetime, as part of our Soul Agreement to be able to transcend that 'core wound' and in the process of healing and shifting that energy help shift that Energy for the Collective too. That's how we all contribute to this Planetary Ascension process.

So it's very much 'crunch time' for many to dig deep and surrender, let go, find that beautiful perfection within you that was already there all along, it was just the 3D conditioning, experiences and environment which created the separation and illusion of imperfection. It's just part of the "Earth Experience" and now we are very quickly moving out of that space into a New Very Noticeable Reality here on this beautiful planet. This is the segue into anchoring our own 5D embodiment within our own Energy Field and for the planet as a whole.

So no matter what you are currently experiencing right now, just know that this was part of your soul's experience to go through such tremendous transformation in a relatively short space of 'time'.

You are light, you are deeply loved, we are at a very important passage that might feel rough, your certainly not alone, you have all the support of the entire universe, you are magic and made of stardust, and you are an incredibly brave soul to be here and now, for only invited and chose the best of the best to be a part of this transition team!

Sending so much cosmic waves of love and support to each and everyone of you

Alisha Braché

Source - FaceBook

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