"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

A girl in the Universe - Flux energies rising - 29.07.2023

Late last night, we had the strangest energies flowing in.
Our Magnetosphere was bombarded with a large amount of energy in through the dark side of the planet.
These energies usually burst in and push on our field, then push back out.
These were completely different. They were filling up our atmosphere like a balloon until it couldn't expand anymore.
Then they just stayed there for hours!
This morning, it's a whole different state though.
Our energetic field still has light energies coming in from the backside of the planet, but it's acting as it normally does, pushing in and pulling back.
The energies of this time are special, just like you.
Everything is cycling and changing. Preparing you for that time where that big energy comes in and changes everything.
We have big Flux Energies pushing today.With high levels alerting overnight.
We are currently in an R1 Radiation Storm because of the excelerated Flux particles.
The Bliss energies are here for you as well.
We also have collective wide clearing and purging happening, and that's okay, too.
You are exactly where you need to be in this now moment.
Hydrate, Rest, Meditate, Ground, and BE.
Now is the time to hold your light high and share it as far and as wide as you can.
You control your day, your vibration, all of it.
Be mindful of how you're feeling and keep your vibration as high and steady as possible.
This is the time you've been preparing for all your life!

Much love and light,
-SA Smith

Source - FaceBook

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