"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Cosmicgateway - Soul Walks-In Upgrades - 26.01.2023

Seems as though we are going through another round of Soul Walks-In Upgrades once more... This time its a very physical intergration process....
I wrote about this in late November when this process began & now it feels as though there is a new wave of this energy expression moving through...
A Soul Walk-In Upgrade (To be clear this is not a soul exchange of two souls as traditionally know in the term Walk-in)

This is a larger portion of your own Soul trying to come into your physical body.
What happens when this occurs is the memory that you've had previously is being shed, so you logical/linear/3D part of the mind will be clearing out what it doesn't need. To make way for new levels or Soul Conciousness to expand within us more fully.
This can create lots of confusion, frustration & irritation if you're still trying to hold energy & memory which is in the process of transforming.

What can help ease this process is connecting more with the creation side brain this will assist the process of the expanded conciousness which is trying to come through.
When we engage in creative endeavours such as writing, drawing, painting, singing, dance etc that is a pathway for soul expression & energy to travel through us!

As a part of this Soul Walks-In phase ~ Whatever we still hold in our energy bodies that's not in alignment with this upgrade well be quite abruptly released.
Outdated thoughts & belief's, emotions, memories, density which has been accumulated with our cellular memory, DNA & Soul Linage.

For some it will also be fractal version of us which have been existing within other timelines, parallel realities which we could consider "past lives" energy can be very active in those timelines, which will create energetic bleedthrough as well.
So in this case heightened dreams & emotional clearing which can seem disproportionate to what's occurring in the here & now.
This is a big opportunity to clear out fragments, close off timelines & clean up you're own soul signature.

Physical symptoms can flare up as our higher intelligence to show us the specific points in the body that need addressing or additional support, ultimately its helping us to hold more light within us & thus changing our reality through this process so that we can be aligned with our next level of highest expression

This occurs internally first our own inner energy is being rewritten & upgrading our own personal software system. This then flows out through the rest of the energy field to balance the physical, emotional, mental & energetics.
Once they all come into a new alignment. The physical world outside reflects the same vibration. This is how important our inner resonance is to impact our reality & then moves through our collective field

This is a big job so make sure that you're honouring yourself first & foremost.
No matter what you're experiencing or where you're at it's perfect for you

Sending Cosmic love
Alisha Braché

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