"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Celia Fenn - The 2/2 Portal and the Aquarius Water Bearer & Comet Macholz - 30.01.2023

Although Aquarius is an Air sign, it seems to have more to do with Water.
Cosmic Water or Water Plasma.
The traditional image for Aquarius is the "Water Bearer" who pours water from heaven onto the Earth. This imager encodes important information for the 2/2 Portal and Aquarius season in general.
It is the time when the Earth is positioned to receive blessings from the Water Plasma "River of Life" that flows from the "Throne of God" or Source.
And, as we move to higher levels of consciousness, we are ready to activate the Aqua Heart to enable us to make a direct connections with this flow of pure and crystalline water.
Those who are most drawn to the Aqua Heart energies are those who are "Water Keepers" and have a sense that their Mission on the New Earth includes healing and guarding the waters so that pure crystalline energy may return to the Oceans and other bodies of water, but also to our physical bodies.
This is an exciting time as the 2/2 portal initiates us into the Aqua Heart aspect and the flow of Divine Blessings as we create and manifest the New Earth.


It seems to be Comet season as we move towards the 2/2 Portal. A new Comet called Comet Macholz is sun diving around our Sun and doing some pretty funky things, and affecting the mix of energies right now as Comet ZTF is still gearing up for its close fly by of the Earth on Wednesday!

"Comet 96P/Machholz is streaking toward the sun for a close encounter inside the orbit of Mercury. Coronagraphs onboard the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) are monitoring its approach:............. This is no ordinary comet flyby. Most comets that fall toward the sun are small (~10 meters) and rapidly evaporate; SOHO has seen thousands of these doomed sungrazers. Comet 96P is different. Measuring 6 kilometers across, it is big enough to survive close proximity to the sun. Perihelion (closest approach to the sun) on Feb. 7th is only 0.12 AU away.
Some researchers think 96P might be an Alien. Chemically, it is unlike other comets in the Solar System, lacking normal amounts of carbon and cyanogen. It also has a strangely-tilted orbit that takes it very close to the sun. Two orbits ago, unexpected fragments appeared ahead of the comet; researchers aren't sure how they were produced.
"96P is a very atypical comet, both in composition and in behavior, so we never know exactly what we might see," says Karl Battams of the Naval Research Lab in Washington DC. "Accordingly, we’re running a special observing program with SOHO to maximize the science return, so the normal flow of public coronagraph data will be slowed for a few days (to six images/hour). Hopefully we can get some beautiful science out of this and share with everyone as soon as we can."

Please note the image of Comet Leonid is just for illustration since we don't have an image of Comet Macholz as yet.

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